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4 hours ago, X-Man said:

After tasting this one, my desire to get a full box just went up another notch. Well done PCC 👏🏼👍🏼

Those look amazing!!

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An RE Friday with @Nate Chu C&C for a Saturday morning with this Sir Winston from 03. Today is going to be great if this cigar is anything to judge it by. What a super smooth star

First cigar of the year.

C&C ‘14 especiales. Fantastic start to the day C&C with a Monte 4 C&C time today with a Perla picked up from 24:24

10 hours ago, Greenhorn2 said:

Celebrating 57 years on the planet with a trip to the coast for a few days. I've decided it's time to crack open a few boxes that I was pondering on whether to keep or trade off for something else. I decided just smoke the damn things. I started the day with this TUA MAR 2021 while driving 2 hours to get materials to actually start working. Worked 5 hours, then drove 5 hours to burn this MAR OCT 2020 CORO. After a shower and some grub, I'm finishing off my cake day with a JL 2 that was gifted from a BOTL. I think the JL 2 was the winner today. That thing burned with a nice fruit in the background for almost 2 hours. It reminded me of those dark plums I  used to get off my grandma's tree when I was just a kid. The BRC was a solid stick as was the CORO. But at today's price point, Habanos may be in trouble with the CORO. I see them collecting dust.

Nice line ups... Happy Birthday! 

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10 hours ago, Greenhorn2 said:

Celebrating 57 years on the planet with a trip to the coast for a few days. I've decided it's time to crack open a few boxes that I was pondering on whether to keep or trade off for something else. I decided just smoke the damn things. I started the day with this TUA MAR 2021 while driving 2 hours to get materials to actually start working. Worked 5 hours, then drove 5 hours to burn this MAR OCT 2020 CORO. After a shower and some grub, I'm finishing off my cake day with a JL 2 that was gifted from a BOTL. I think the JL 2 was the winner today. That thing burned with a nice fruit in the background for almost 2 hours. It reminded me of those dark plums I  used to get off my grandma's tree when I was just a kid. The BRC was a solid stick as was the CORO. But at today's price point, Habanos may be in trouble with the CORO. I see them collecting dust.

Happy birthday mate

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8 hours ago, Jerryvonkramer said:

Been a terrible time to be a UK Cigar smoker and I'm not just talking about the government. It literally NEVER STOP RAINING.

Isn't that the truth! I'm about to head into the garage for a cigar.

3 hours ago, Greenhorn2 said:

Celebrating 57 years on the planet with a trip to the coast for a few days.

Happy Birthday youngster!

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10 hours ago, Greenhorn2 said:

Oslavte 57 let na planetě několikadenním výletem na pobřeží. Rozhodl jsem se, že je čas otevřít pár krabic, o kterých jsem přemýšlel, jestli si je nechat, nebo je vyměnit za něco jiného. Rozhodl jsem se jen kouřit ty zatracené věci. Začal jsem den s tímto TUA MAR 2021, když jsem 2 hodiny řídil, abych získal materiály, aby skutečně začal fungovat. Pracovalo se 5 hodin, pak 5 hodin jelo na spálení tohoto MAR OCT 2020 CORO. Po sprše a nějakém žvanení zakončím svůj dortový den s JL 2, který byl darován z BOTLu. Myslím, že JL 2 byl dnes vítězem. Ta věc hořela s pěkným ovocem v pozadí skoro 2 hodiny. Připomnělo mi to ty tmavé švestky, které jsem jako dítě slézal z babiččina stromu. BRC byla pevná hůl stejně jako CORO. Ale v dnešní cenové hladině mohou mít Habanos problémy s CORO. Vidím, jak sbírají prach.

Good health and happiness on your birthday ...

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