Does your wife or girlfriend smoke cigars with you?  

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My wife likes to cut and lite my cigars and once she has finished a few puffs

she hands it to me, ouffff, thank God :lol:


Yes the girlfriend does mooch from me and I always get a laugh at her when she does...she always ask in this fashion..."hey can I get a hit off that"...


Mine has a toke every now and then. But in general prefers not to.


Mine has had cigars in the past and given the right mood might partake in one.. but generally she would rather complain about it. I think she's happiest then.. :lol3:


I don't know what I would do if I did not have someone nagging and bitching about my cigar habit. It just wouldn't feel right, like the stars are out of alignment or something.

So, you can guess that the answer to the original question :lol3:


Generally not but there was one funny thing that happened.

One night we had a fight about something stupid as usual and I decided to sleep in the spare room for the night. When I got up in the morning I started finding smoked cigar buts around the garden.

What she had done is get into my humidor and take about 4 cigars , I guess she thought she would show me.

The funny thing is she also puked her guts up as well so who showed who. :lol3:

She hasn't touched them since.

Generally not but there was one funny thing that happened.

One night we had a fight about something stupid as usual and I decided to sleep in the spare room for the night. When I got up in the morning I started finding smoked cigar buts around the garden.

What she had done is get into my humidor and take about 4 cigars , I guess she thought she would show me.

The funny thing is she also puked her guts up as well so who showed who. :lol3:

She hasn't touched them since.

ROFL, thanks for sharing. :-)

No GF I had liked my cigars or the aroma of the smoking environment, I tried once to ask my last gf to smoke cigar it was mistake as she had the same experience ^^.


My wife drank litres of wine a day and smoked cigarettes and the occasional cigar for many years.

Tragically, aliens took over her body circa 1996 (coincidentally upon the arrival of my first child).

The current imposter (from a far flung planet called "wowser") is not amused with my business direction and personal antics.

I plan to keep the alien on its toes until I can find out what they have done to my real wife ^_^


When we first started dating, my girlfriend tried a cigar once, and that was the last time. fast forward 4 years and shes still not interested, but puts up with my cigar obsession. I dont need her to enjoy them, as long as she doesnt try to stop me from enjoying a cigar when i want one!


My wife likes and smokes cigars with me pretty often. There are those days when she says no and then steals mine. Her top smokes are Boli PCs and Monte 4s.


If I hadn't met my g/f I wouldn't be smoking cigars. She gave me my first Cuban to try, and has been a smoker for about 7 years. I owe her for getting me into cigars, which has become a hobby/obsession of the last few years.

Her favourites are Juan Lopez no. 1, Monte 2, Cuaba Distinguidos and some non-cubans such as Gurkha and Perdomo.

God bless Russian girls.


Mrs. Twain and I had been married for 30 years before I took up cigar smoking. We had both been fervently anti smoking and could never stand to be near smoke. She is a singer and does everything possible to keep her voice in tip top shape. So she is definitely not smoking, not wanting to be around smoke, not wanting to smell it on me... but the dear woman and I have come to an accomodation about this. That's what true love is about.

She will give my cigars the sniff test before I light them and she is very good at picking up the signature aromas of different marcas.


Mine says she may well smoke a cigar if we ever get to Cuba. In the meantime she likes the smell of them, some more than others and even encourages me to smoke inside if its a bit inclement out. Bless her... :lol:


I am one of the lucky ones....Not only does she almost always smoke cigars with me, but she has her own humidors!

If I hadn't met my g/f I wouldn't be smoking cigars. She gave me my first Cuban to try, and has been a smoker for about 7 years. I owe her for getting me into cigars, which has become a hobby/obsession of the last few years.

Her favourites are Juan Lopez no. 1, Monte 2, Cuaba Distinguidos and some non-cubans such as Gurkha and Perdomo.

God bless Russian girls.

I envy you, you are one lucky man


My wife and I, believe it or not are generally non smokers (In a sense we don't smoke cigarettes).

Having said the above, my wife has a few stogies I often smoke that she too enjoys and will often have a puff here and there. She particularly loves VR Unicos, Cohiba Siglo VI and Cohiba Secretos. :rolleyes:

  • 2 weeks later...

The girlfriend I started seeing in 2004 didn't appreciate my cigar smoking and would cough, wrinkle her nose (cute in the beginning) and complain..... She is now (since February) my ex-girlfriend!

The new girlfriend and I enjoyed a Trini RE on Friday night and shared a Boli BF and San Crist Principe this evening. She also took a RASS back to her house a few weeks ago to smoke on her own. We also shared a Partagas D#5 Ed. Ltd 2008 about 2 weeks into the relationship.

Ex-girlfriend didn't like cigars. New girlfriend does like cigars.

Ex didn't. New does.

I think I see a pattern.

As the saying goes: If your wife doesn't like your cigar.....

Almost makes the fact that the ex is still living in a $500K house that is half mine seem like a good deal.... Almost!

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