a new daily section?

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This is something I put to Rob a little while ago and he approved (about the same time as I said I'd do the rating thing – don't hold your breath on that just yet). Looking for thoughts from other members. If you think it won't work and will waste time, say so now.

I, and I think many other members, both enjoy and find worthwhile, the many reviews of cigars we do and see on the forum. But very often, we might have a cigar without doing the review. Sometimes little to say, other times not the time to do it. Rob has started his 'what I smoked in the last seven days' thing lately and this is a bit like that. My proposal was that we have yet another section on the forum, which is basically a 'what I smoked yesterday but for whatever reason have chosen not to do a full review but thought I'd mention it anyway' section.

It would just go by date – that, given we have the absurd situation that a Brisbane website doesn't seem to work on Brizzy time – might have to be juggled but what I am thinking of is like the following examples, set out below. Then others would add their's or make whatever comments re the posts they wish. They can be any length but if much more than 5 or 6 lines then probably just do as a review. Can simply be what you smoked without any comment.

Rob or someone would have to lodge a new daily thread each day that we would use – perhaps in this world of ever-expanding technology, it could happen automatically? – and then we could do a few lines on whatever we smoked on the day. This is not to replace the usual proper reviews which I hope will continue as before.

It will be something that fits between a full review and the shout box.

Let us know what you think and then over to Rob if any support.

19 May –

Sancho Panza Corona Gigantes. Not sure of age but picked it up in the mixed older bunches Rob did a year or so ago (it was labeled by minismithy as merely corona and not gigantes but clearly the big fella. Didn't expect much as never hear about it was mellow, with roasted nuts and honey. Soft and creamy. Very well constructed and took well over two hours. A long slow lovely smoke. Keen to find out more re these. 90.

20 May –

Bolivar Gigantes from 2004. Quite earthy and spicy. Richly flavoured. Enjoyed it but not stellar. Others from this box have impressed more. 89.

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More or less, a "Daily Smoke" sort of shout out?

pretty much. not sure whether members will find it worthwhile or not. a sort of quick catch up.

i was going to add stuff re the drinks to the shorties but forgot. along the lines of -

with the sancho - smoked it with a mal from islay, the bruichladdich 12 year old. it was like a weak and dismissive version of arberg or laihproag and not a patch on either. didn't work with the cigar.

with the boli - with mt *** extra old. lovely rum and went nicely.

but oviously that sort of thing optional.

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The concept of the "my daily smoke thread" works quite well on a number of other forums.

I'd be keen to support it, albeit in limited capacity - I only smoke about 3 or 4 cigars every week. And in winter as few as 1 a week.

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It could be useful. I guess the only negative I can think of is that you would be creating yet another room. :D As well as seperating full reviews from short reviews.

The idea of getting more reviews = more information is always good and that is the point I guess.

Give it a trial.

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I think its a great idea. I seldom have time to REALLY do a FULL cigar review and most of the time would rather just sit back and enjoy rather than taking extensive notes, etc. I only smoke 3-4 cigars a week and would use this on those days but enjoy reading it everyday. I don't see why it couldn't just be a thread everyday in "the water hole".

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I think it will be great to see what most of us are smoking and we can get some great opinions.

What are the rules? must we include picutres of each cigar we smoke?

Doesn't have to be for every 3rd of the cigar but a prelight shot of it for most members viewing.

My cigars arrived yesterday from Czar and I will be smoking a Partagas 8-9-8 tonight I will keep you posted on how a none rested cigar smokes.

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I think it will be great to see what most of us are smoking and we can get some great opinions.

What are the rules? must we include picutres of each cigar we smoke?

Doesn't have to be for every 3rd of the cigar but a prelight shot of it for most members viewing.

My cigars arrived yesterday from Czar and I will be smoking a Partagas 8-9-8 tonight I will keep you posted on how a none rested cigar smokes.

no rules. just s much or as little as anyone wants to do. leave it to rob whether a new section or part of water hole.

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I enjoy reading FOH, it's a great place for news, comedy, and cigars, but I would not appreciate another room to visit to view new replies and threads. However I wouldn't mind at all if there was an All Documents "Room/View". I'm able to get all new threads from the RSS Feed, but it does not carry replies. It get's a little tedious when, the only way to view all new replies throughout the entire site is to go to each Room.

So my vote is NO to any new rooms until we have a way to centrally view all new replies.

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So my vote is NO to any new rooms until we have a way to centrally view all new replies.

You actually can. When you first come to the forums index, where you see all the separate forums, scroll down to board statistics and click

on Today's Active Topics. This shows all the latest responses grouped together regardless of which forum they come from.

As for the idea, I'm not for it, not against it. I like the idea of members posting their quck thoughts on a cigar, but I'm not sure there is a need

for a "special" daily thread.

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Are you trying to create a database of sorts? Maybe it is a bit much for a forum like this but if it had it's own section, including reviews why not add pick fields for the Marca, Format, Box Code (UNK could be in there as an option), and a smoke ring scale; The text box would be for quick observations. It could be set up for a quick query so that overtime you could get a really quick snapshot of what members liked or dislked about a particular cigar. Just food for thought.


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Guest blrrobinson21

sounds good to me. As a newer smoker Im always looking at what others are smoking and the flavors they got out of them. It kind of helps me pick smokes I have yet to try.

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There are two types of reviewer; the detailed one and the less than detailed one. Some posters realizing that they don't or won't put as much into a detailed review as others and therefore simply won't post them. I believe that the demand for a detailed review is intimidating to some. I say drop the ostensible demand for a detailed review. I for one, don't do them much any more. I don't bother to number rate most of the time because the numbers are not consistently viewed by all the parties.

I have a simple review policy. I write what I want in as many or as little words; I write what suits me. I don't bother with a number scale. I talk of some tastes, some experiences and I indicate whether the cigar was good, bad or otherwise. If you follow my tastes and I say the cigar is good, that means you too will enjoy it, and so on.

A daily smoke thread is okay but it will likely draw reviews from other areas and simply confuse people. As a group of smokers, not necessarily fishermen, I think that membership should lower the expectation of reviews, they don't need to be video taped for example. The board bellwether(s) should post reviews more often and encourage all the members to post reviews.

FoH has a lot of members, presumably all interested in the main subject matter. I don't presume to be a bellwether but if I called for all members to put up at least one legible but simple review, once a month, the board could be full of reviews if members jump in the cue. I think that is a reasonable request.

For example:

The other day I smoked a SLR Serie A. I was playing humidor Tetras and the box ended up outside! The cigar was actually too big for my time frame but since I was avoiding doing some work with the horses, I choose the SLR A anyway. The cigar was beyond tight and I thought that I might have to dispose of it anyway. My cigar was husky for her size and had a deep box press. The prelight draw was most difficult and as a result the cigar was hard lighting. I was however rewarded with a slow smoking, mocha and pumpkin spiced delightful hour of smoking. I enjoyed the cigar with some iced coffee of my own roasting which pared nicely. The box code of the cigars was PAS FEB 01. If you are willing to take the risk on some tight cigars and don't mind fighting for a good smoke, you can still find this cigar hiding in nooks and crannies. The cigars from this box have been excellent and certainly worth more than what I paid for them. -Piggy

I would typically post some pictures because that broadens the review for everyone, but it is not necessary. I say put some pressure on the populace to post a breif formal review more often and encourage the review itself over the wordy detail and see what happens. Happy smokin', -Piggy

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I think that membership should lower the expectation of reviews, they don't need to be video taped for example.

Piggy, I pretty much agree. Not to speak for anyone, I think the original point of the review forum was to create a broad base of reviews for

members to reference and help with decisions. And no member should be "afraid" to post a review - they are not being judged - I feel we perform

a service by posting reviews. Use a style / format you are comfortable with, as brief or detailed as you care to make it, posting box codes as

much as possible.

Unfortunately, in the move to the new forum, a large number of reviews got mixed in with the general forum....... :D

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I like the idea and wouldn't mind having them published in the water hole section. I dont think I'd need these 'reviews' segregated as I don't believe I'd be looking to go back and reread a quick after-thought where I use the full reviews as a type of buyers guide when I'm ready to do some shopping.

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Not that you need to hear an opinion from a new guy...but the 'smoke of the day' threads are some of my favorite. I think it encourages cigar talk because often times I think some of us want to give a review that might be worth of a post but not of an entirely new thread.

I think it would be a great thread to have with a bunch of quick reads about cigars other members have smoked and it takes the pressure of the poster. It might even be kind of fun to limit all reviews in that particular thread to 4 or so sentences, that way full out reviews that deserve their own thread won't get buried in there on page 10 of 22.


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