Tom I see you are around I want photo's

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Not sure if you know that one of our members Tom (BigSlick) just got married and is back on the boards .... I think he needs to posts some photo's of them at the happy event. I am sure there are photo's with Keith (Keeplighting - his best man and a member) enjoying a cigar on the beach after the ceremony

Come on share ;)


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Great beach wedding. I just got married myself last year in the winter, and we took photos in the ice cold. Some people weren't able to make it due to a blizzard occuring. Ah memories.

Also, The guy on the right (scott is it?) has a great burn on that cigar he is smoking. It's perfectly round. Wow.


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Thanks guys! I handed out PLPC's from FEB 06 at the reception. They were deeelish! All went well despite the bullshit swine flu scare.

Tony and Sam, hope to see you guys soon. It's been too long.

Rob, let's make it up in Cuba for my 40th birthday in five years.

Lisa, you know you're my number one go to gal if this deal falls apart. :clap:



Will post more pics once we get them back from the photographer in a few weeks. Thanks again all for the warm wishes. TD

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