European Union wants Cuba to improve human rights record

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PRAGUE -- Cuba can't expect the European Union to lift diplomatic sanctions against the Caribbean island until it improves its human right record, a senior EU official said Thursday.

The EU imposed diplomatic sanctions, including a ban on political and other consultations, against Cuba in 2003 after the arrests of dozens of dissidents. The sanctions were suspended in 2005, but have not been lifted. Relations have remained touchy.

''When we review our common position, Cuba's attitude to human rights will play an important role,'' said Czech Foreign Minister Jan Kohout, whose country holds the rotating EU presidency.

''This is a very important part of the entire review,'' he said.

The EU has been reviewing the relationship and set tough conditions for Havana to have better relations. These include the release of all political prisoners, unhindered access for Cubans to the Internet, and the right of EU delegations arriving in Cuba to be able to meet with opposition figures.

The EU review coincides with signals that Washington may be ready for a new start with Cuba.

The EU foreign ministers will decide in June whether Cuba merits better relations with Europe or a re-imposition of the sanctions.

''We're seeking a common European position of all 27 countries,'' Kohout said.

The foreign minister spoke with Cuban counterpart Bruno Rodriguez on Wednesday in Prague where EU foreign ministers and other officials met with their Latin American counterparts.

Within the EU, Spain always has wanted to improve relations with Havana, while countries such as Britain, the Czech Republic, Poland and Sweden have always been more guarded, insisting the EU only fully normalize its ties with Cuba after civil and political freedoms are granted to all citizens.

''There's an interest to develop a political dialogue'' with Cuba, Kohout said. He said it was still not clear if EU nations could agree on a common position before the June meeting.

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