Michelle Obama gives Queen reach around

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Yeah, I heard from the UK that when Brown showed up here a few months ago, he gave Obama a pen holder carved out of the timbers of the Resolute's sister ship (same wood as the desk in the oval office).

Obama apparently brought him a box of American DVD's.

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Our media here in Canada said it was the Queen who iniatated the touching and tha alot of the old protocol such as touching the Queen is being phased out

the economy is going to hell, world politics are in the toilet and the imbecilic braindead media focus on something like this. sums up humanity and why we are destined for extinction.

good mate of mine is close friends with pat oliphant (only a few years ago that i found out he was an aussie).


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This is why a great deal of people hate the Royals.

Being a human being and touching someone in a kind gesture is not a crime yet the royals & media make a big deal of this!? :cigar:

I know this is a touchy subject with many but I can't wait until we are a republic, WTF do the royals do for us?

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Yeah, I heard from the UK that when Brown showed up here a few months ago, he gave Obama a pen holder carved out of the timbers of the Resolute's sister ship (same wood as the desk in the oval office).

Obama apparently brought him a box of American DVD's.

I heard that they were region one encoded so they wouldn't even work over in the UK. At least Brown gave a thoughful gift.

And giving the Queen an iPod? I know there's an economic crisis, but dang! How cheap can you get?

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This is why a great deal of people hate the Royals.

Being a human being and touching someone in a kind gesture is not a crime yet the royals & media make a big deal of this!? :D

I know this is a touchy subject with many but I can't wait until we are a republic, WTF do the royals do for us?

to be fair to the royals, and that is not something i ever intend to make a habit of as the sooner they are gone the better, i strongly suspect they could not care less. it is media who beat it up. queen probably didn't even notice.

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