What is currently the best out of the box smoke & why

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» » I have three boxes of the RASCC's TEB JUL07 that I put down to age

» several

» » months ago they smell great and smoke just as good as they smell

» BUT....my

» » question is this, what can I expect with 5-7 or even 10 yrs of age on

» them,

» » do I have the right idea in allowing them to sleep given the fact that

» I

» » have plenty of aged sticks to smoke now....will I be rewarded?


» Hell yeah I think you'll be rewarded!! Will it be a different cigar? Yes,

» probably so. But I think these will age very well and given the strength

» and body they exhibit while young, I can't help but think they will

» progress and age into a very flavorful cigar....BUT, I do see where you

» are coming from. They are so good now - could that mean they are to be

» enjoyed young? Would aging them take away the main reason why we love

» them? Could be, but it sounds like a fun experiment.

Ahh but the little bastards (RASCC) are like crack. Asking an addict to not touch the stash is asking an awful lot. Shrink & Professor, you have any professional advice on how to abstain from a habit? :-D

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Shrink & Professor, you have any professional advice on how to abstain from a habit? :-D

I can help you to recover from alcoholism, or drug addiction, but I don't have a clue about how to stop smoking RASCC. ;-)

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I have to go with the Trinidad Reyes. Just smoked one fresh from the box and it was fantastic.

There have been a few that were very good young but this reyes was strong, bold with a perfect burn and combustion. The finish was long with a lingering flavor of a dr pepper soda.

These can only get better and what a smoke they will be.

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  • 4 months later...

» This thread was a great read as I was wondering the same.

» btw: any further recomendations since this thread was started?

I would omly now add HDM Epi 2 to the list. They have been remarkably consistent since late 06. I haven't noticed a change since that time.

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  • 2 months later...

Allones is really kicking ass in 2006-2997.


» Oh, Senor el Prez... I know that you reviewed an early '07 RAG that left

» mucho to be desired. Try an AGO07, and let us know what you think.

Shall do Shrink. I just haven't seen any as of yet. Reviewed another POS FEB 07 yesterday and was underwhelmed although it was a better cigar than my full review. Still too many herbal green edges for my liking. Medium bodied with some residual stewed fruit notes but still closed.








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