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Again, I just want to say what a great forum this is. I have been reading all of the old posts, and I feel like I am learning so much in such a short time. Thank you guys for ceating such a great place.

I recently received my order of a 50 cab Partagas Shorts and my Bolivar Petit Coronas. They were both 07 box codes. The Shorts were outstanding out of the box. I usually smoke one out of the box and then lay them down. I smoked a second one yesterday as my Giants were winning and this one was even better. I do not want to push my luck and I will probably leave the rest in my humidor for awhile. I have not tried the Bolivar's yet.

I have a LGC limited humidor that was released a few years ago, these were made by T Cristiano. It has three slide out trays and hold about 75 cigars. I was using 65% Boveda packs, and I was having some draw issues. I switched back to 70% and it seems to have helped. I put one Boveda pack in each tray, but my concern is when the Humidor is full, the slots on the tray are covered. Should I be concerned? I also have a R&J wine rack humidor that I am not currently using, do you guys think I should switch. After reading the forum I do not think I am getting enough air in the LGC. Because the trays are basically sealed off when the humidor is full.

I look forward to hearing what you guys think.

Thank you


Others more learned than I may opine differently, but I think that your Shorts and PCs would be better off stored in their original boxes in a larger humidor.

If you don't want to spend a lot of money on a cabinet, you might do an internet search for "coolidor." A perfectly serviceable storage container can be made from a plastic cooler and a few pieces of Spanish Cedar (it's important not to use aromatic cedar).

As far as your LGC humidor goes, I'm curious if you ever checked the humidity in it when you were using the 65% Boveda packs. In theory, they should be less prone to draw issues than the 70% ones.

In any event, I would keep the LGC box for miscellaneous singles, and store your boxes intact.

Hope you work it out. :-)


One question. Do you use a digital or analog hygrometer and has it been recently tested to check that it is calbrated ?

Oh damn thats two.

Most use a salt test to check for proper calibration.



Thanks John and Tigger. Thank you for taking the time to answer my question. It is greatly appreciated.

John, I do not have a hygrometer in there. With the humidor almost full there is no room. I am actually thinking about contacting Avallo and buying an Avallo 1000. I know it is small, but I can not afford anything bigger at the moment. Plus, he a local guy and a really great person to deal with. Once I get closer to purchasing one I am going to post and see the forums thoughts.

Thank you


» I am actually thinking about contacting Avallo and buying an Avallo 1000.

» I know it is small, but I can not afford anything bigger at the moment.

Have you considered a fifty or one hundred quart cooler as an interim solution? They are not very elegant,

but are quite functional. I've found they are very good at maintaining climate with very little fuss.

As you may have seen in some of the threads here, there are members here who've purchased larger

cabinets than you are thinking about, and are already looking at larger.


» Thanks John and Tigger. Thank you for taking the time to answer my

» question. It is greatly appreciated.



» John, I do not have a hygrometer in there. With the humidor almost full

» there is no room. I am actually thinking about contacting Avallo and

» buying an Avallo 1000. I know it is small, but I can not afford anything

» bigger at the moment. Plus, he a local guy and a really great person to

» deal with. Once I get closer to purchasing one I am going to post and see

» the forums thoughts.


» Thank you

I've had my Avallo AH 1200 for many years now and while its not the most elegant or expensive humidor it has served me extremely well.

Check this place out they have wireless temperature and humidity devices.


John,Thank you for the link. I am going to check these out and purchase one. I love the Avallo 1200, but I can not afford one right now (I really can not afford the 1000) but I am tired of having multiple small humidors,and none of them work great. Matt is such a great guy. I called him yesterday and he had two that will be done in a week. He even offered to deliver it to me,as I am only 10 minutes from him. He did a cabinet for the store and it has worked better than we could have ever expected.

Again, Thank you for replying.


Thank you for the reply Colt 45

» Have you considered a fifty or one hundred quart cooler as an interim

» solution? They are not very elegant,

» but are quite functional. I've found they are very good at maintaining

» climate with very little fuss.

I am going to look into those. Even if I use it for long term storage.

» As you may have seen in some of the threads here, there are members here

» who've purchased larger

» cabinets than you are thinking about, and are already looking at larger.

That is my only worry. It will take me awhile to fill the cabinet, but I know eventually I will. All of my cigars are singles. My latest Bolivars and Partagas were taken out of the box. But my goal is to start buying boxes for long term aging. My goal this year is to stock up on my cigars. Maybe purchase 6-10 boxes for long term. Do you think I should wait?

Again, thank you for the reply.


» My goal this year is to stock up on my cigars.

» Maybe purchase 6-10 boxes for long term. Do you think I should wait?

My suggestion would be to purchase as you are able to afford to do so. Costs are not going down,

and you will build up a nice supply. (I wish I could take my own advice :-) )

If long term storage is an immediate goal, perhaps take advantage of the FOH member benefit

of the Online Storage Locker. As to the coolers, they are simple and quick to set up, and if placed

in a good spot, are very stable year 'round.

Setting up a cooler might allow you to take a bit more time while looking into a nice cabinet.


» John,Thank you for the link. I am going to check these out and purchase

» one. I love the Avallo 1200, but I can not afford one right now (I really

» can not afford the 1000) but I am tired of having multiple small

» humidors,and none of them work great. Matt is such a great guy. I called

» him yesterday and he had two that will be done in a week. He even offered

» to deliver it to me,as I am only 10 minutes from him. He did a cabinet for

» the store and it has worked better than we could have ever expected.


» Again, Thank you for replying.

I think CIGARHEAD has a 1200 for sale. I don't know what he is asking though.

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