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Thanks for the demi-herf story and pic. Mel, I think you and your compadres should be charged

with doing what you can to thwart the worldwide socialist movement, in your neck of the woods.


» Thanks for the demi-herf story and pic. Mel, I think you and your compadres

» should be charged

» with doing what you can to thwart the worldwide socialist movement, in

» your neck of the woods.

[Thinks}Should I bite and give Colt a chance to air his forthright opinions on the current state of the world] [/Thinks]

Well I wouldn't start from here. Our current so called Socialist Government act more like a Nazi Dictatorship. Political Correctness has gone completely out of control. Multiculturism is a complete failure but nobody will acknowledge it and where comment is dared to be aired on the matter, there are screams of "Racist!"

True Socialists would redistribute wealth whereas the MPs themselves give themselves outlandish wage increases and there is now a furore on the amount of expenses they are claiming. Our taxes go towards paying their more than adequate pensions whereas many people have worked all their lives and have contributed serious amounts of their wages into Company Pension Funds and are now being ripped off when companies are being bought up by venture capitalists who strip assets including pension funds and the workers are left with nothing.

I always did lean to the left and voted the current government in. Big mistake but on our two and a half party system, they are all as bad as each other.

Cuba here I come:-P



» [Thinks}Should I bite and give Colt a chance to air his forthright

» opinions on the current state of the world] [/Thinks]


Don't worry Mel, I'll keep my opinion under the vest. But I will say, have we EVER seen a

true socialist?!


Nice pic & must have been a nice get together.

Any time members can meet each other in person is a good thing!


» » [Thinks}Should I bite and give Colt a chance to air his forthright

» » opinions on the current state of the world] [/Thinks]

» »

» Don't worry Mel, I'll keep my opinion under the vest. But I will say, have

» we EVER seen a

» true socialist?!

I guess not Colt. They or their system always comes unstuck one way or another.

Will add that my former left wing liberal attitude is eroding rapidly.

Now wish we had the right to bear arms in this day and age in the UK.

Anyway going OT. Meeting new friends from the Forum is a much better subject.

Steve left for home this afternoon and I'm sure once he's settled and shed any jet lag he will have something to say and show. We did take a few more pictures of the JJ Fox store and museum and I emailed them to Steve as he may want to vet them and he will add his own description, I'm sure.



» Nice pic & must have been a nice get together.

» Any time members can meet each other in person is a good thing!

Thanks w,

It really was nice to meet another member from across the pond. Having the common interest is a great help for communication.

I'm not much of a chatterbox ordinarily but didn't feel at all ill at ease in the couple of hours or so we spent together.

Talk about chattering, the store manager, Bill did not stop. He regaled us with many a tale of his experiences at the store and elsewhere.

It was also good to learn a few lessons from Steve, who has been smoking cigars off and on for many years.


  • 1 year later...

Met up with Steve from the US in London's JJ Fox store today where we enjoyed fine cigars and coffee.

Steve is very knowledgable on all things cigars whilst I am a newbie.

We learned that JJ gets round the draconian no smoking law by letting clients "sample" cigars on the promises. Steve smoked his Ramon Allones Belicosos Finos down to the nub.

We heard of one London store where the smoke police forced the proprietor to limit sampling down to six minutes! There is no law as yet limiting the sampling period.

Dunhills, along the street also allows in store sampling to get round the law.

Steve recommended an aged 1998 Prince of Wales that was in the display counter. As we were near leaving, I asked the nice girl assistant to sell me this cigar. She packaged it up for me and fortunately Steve was there and asked to see my purchase. Just by looking he saw that I hadn't been given the correct cigar and when the girl got the correct cigar for me, Steve took a further look and noticed a split, that again I would have missed. thanks again Steve.

We took a few photos and I'll leave it to Steve to post the more interesting ones. We saw one cabinet of aged Por Larrañaga Magnums that the store was holding for a client. This is the cigar that the new UK Regional Release of Magnificos is supposedly based on. The cab, with only 49 sticks left was reportedly valued at £8,000.

All in all, a very enjoyable afternoon which we will repeat again sometime. Perhaps some other interested members may be able to join us. In the meantime one picture of us:


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