I\'m Back......Hot News from Havana

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Well I arrived into Havana 13th of Feb and the next time I was sober was on the 28th. I had great intentions of writing a cigar diary daily but as I swayed each morning to the business centre at the Nacional...I kept turning right to it's coutyard and the maternal comfort of a late morning mojito and heart starter cigar accompanied by a Toasted tuna Sandwhich.....the rest was history.

I have to thank the great guys at Habanos who opened their hearts and humidors to us as well as our friends in the factories such as Hamlet and Arnaldo who never stop sharing.

Our tour with 8 reprobates was to put it simply....superb and bizarre. I know you guys don't wan't to know about the "darker" side of our tour...so I will stick to the cigar highlights and lowlights :-D

Partagas Serie P No 2.....great release but beware.

Enjoyed half a dozen of these over the fortnight and they are full bodied with some true citrus peel notes. I loved them but I was gifted one by a Habanos insider which turned out to be a Monte 2 with a Patagas Serie P No 2 band (He was not aware). There are fakes everywhere so pick your source carefully.

Partagas Serie D No 4 Reserva.

5000 boxes (nothing), 20 per box, 5 year full aged tobacco. Again, there are fakes everywhere but few outside the heavy hitters have had a chance to try the true product. May release.

End of the plugged cigar

8 guy's, average 6 cigars per day, 15 days and only 2 plugged cigars. The best news of the tour!

Problem of underfilled cigars rectified

Huge emphasis at factories to correct the plague of 2003 and early 2004 re underfilled cigars. I spent an hour inspecting hundreds of boxes of current production cigars and the problem was non existant.

Canadians can put on an excellent dinner

The "cool night in hot Havana" dinner put on by the Canadians at 'Club Havana" was superb. Catering for 540 people is not easy and the only time tempers were fractured was when the featured music included a Canadian blue grass band?

Habanos would struggle to organise a chook raffle

A chook raffle is a guy selling $2 tickets for a frozen chicken at the local pub on a weeknight to help out a local charity. Well...he could be CEO of Habanos events co-ordination. Hilarious :lol2: The ineptness highlight was certainly the Tobacco institute tour which featured 120 people in a one way hallway struggling to get a peak through the window at the end of the hall.....which featured one woman with a labcoat looking through a microscope :lol2: It was Simpsonesque

The Pot calling the kettle black award

Goes to a certain German Journalist who claimed Australians were conducting genocide against aboriginals??? She left our table when it was pointed out the genocide 101 manual must have been borrowed from the Germans ;-)

More to follow

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Good to see you made it back, Rob. Just FYI, Lisa did a hell of a job in your absence, and deserves a raise (in the form of a new Porsche or many diamonds perhaps).

Well, there are rumors that the PSD4R is all-aged tobaccos. It sounds like this what you learned also. One question remains: were they aged in cigar form, or made from bales of aged leaf? Either way, too damn rich for my blood I think. Deffinately looking forward to the PSP2, though!

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Lisa told me she did a hell of my job :lol2:

I explained to Lise that money only muddies the waters of passion...that true commitment is beyond monetary reward :lookaround:

That said....I don't need any more of you bastards telling her how indispensible she is ...and that I am surplus to the operation

Great job Lise. If I could clone you I wouldn't hesitate a minute. Hell if you were single I would marry you and that is not just because you can cook and you own your own boat. ;-)

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