the havana diary

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it is deja vu all over again. some may recall that on rob's first trip, four left the havana airport with 12 items of luggage. 3 got home with three items. this time, seven left. three are home (tho one is an assumption as he wasn't sighted on the LA-Bris plane). the others last seen lost in cancun (trying to organise these guys really is like herding cats). so when they'll be home and with what luggage is anyone's guess.

have to say that having been to cuba a number of times i was a bit worried that another trip so soon might be overkill. instead, this was the best trip yet. a sensation and i think we laughed solid for 16 days. fishing was brilliant; the cigars endless; mojitos and cristal beer now flow in the veins instead of blood; the festival was a highlight; my lungs resemble campfire sites; the place is spectacular as ever and the people incredibly friendly. the whole trip was chaotic but that is all part of the fun. have a heap of reviews and news items and tales (those few that don't need censoring, which is a euphemism for anything i wasn't involved with) and will get them up as soon as i can.

quick tip - don't miss the partagas P2s if and when they emerge - they will be in very short supply and are fantastic.

as for the lack of on site reviews, apologies but with a combination of the site being down (and on several occasions being told that it didn't even exist) and the difficulties in getting a chance to post from cuba and the endless goings-on, it wasn't for want of trying.

if anyone sees our former glorious leader wandering around looking lost, point him in the direction of home.

more when the hibernation is over.

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