TacoSauce NC Diary


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Illusione Epernay 10th Anniversary D'Aosta (+): The size of this 6 x 50 stick doesn't offend me as much as other toros. I think because the ring gauge doesn't creep above 50. This is right at the limit of what I like. The pre-light aroma is pungent. Reminds me of shoe leather that has some polish applied. The cold draw is strangely of lychees. After lighting the stick is immediately mild-medium with no initial pepper blast (thank you!). The first two thirds have a simple and consistent profile of toasted, white, Italian bread (without sesame seeds). Not complex or nuanced in the least. The performance, however is fantastic. The draw and copious smoke output are on point and it is an absolute joy to smoke this stick. I find I am smoking fast since it performs so well, and it handles this without trouble. The final third is up to medium with a touch more flavor. It is as if the thinnest layer of marmite has been spread on the toast. While the sensory experience was great, I probably won't get any more of these in hopes that I can get a tastier stick with similar performance. I read that the Illusione ~eccj~ line was the progenitor of the Epernay and that it has a bit more oomph. I'll try that next.

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Motivated by @HoyoFan's thread on NC alternatives that the CC smoker might find palatable, I decided to order an assortment of the sticks recommended here and elsewhere and see what I like. Looking at

Warped Maestro del Tiempo 5205 (+++): 42 ring gauge but extra long. Supposedly this is called a "lonsdale." My first lonsdale! I like the shape and feel in my hand. This cigar blew me away. It has an

Puro Desnudo N7 Ninfas (++): Loooong and skinny -- the ultra-narrow ring gauge is new for me. I like it. Pre-light aroma and draw both have a straightforward, slightly tangy tobacco note. After lighti

CLE Chele Gordo (+): One more 6 x 60 beast. Based on what I've read, this is the sister cigar to the CLE Connecticut that I smoked before, but this is made with Nicaraguan tobacco instead of Honduran. Pre-light draw is perfect and not much in the way of pre-light aroma. I have drawn comparisons to paper grocery bags to describe pre-light appearance and aroma for previous cigars. For this one I would compare the post-light experience to that of smoking rolled up paper bags. And it turns out that smoking paper bags isn't as bad as you might imagine. Mild-medium with a hint of Nicaraguan spice, but smooth and unoffensive overall. The second half is more of the same paper bag experience with a little bit of a cooling sensation joining in. Burn and performance were great and I smoked the entire stick, but it was paper bags the whole way. I would stick to the Honduran blends from CLE. 

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Cross-posted in the "This is Spada" review thread

This encompasses a review of both my first and second tasting from the same bundle.

MOFOH Spada Gorda (-): I've had these resting for 6 weeks and this is my first tasting. The stick looks great with a little pigtail cap. The cold draw gives an interesting flavor that reminds me of the old McClelland aged Virginia pipe tobaccos. I've never noticed anything similar in a cigar. Very nice. Upon lighting the body is immediately just over medium. Flavors are light cacao and croissant. These flavors are overshadowed by a sour taste. Not a bitter taste, but sour like lemon juice. While I've not encountered this in a cigar before, I know that straight Virginia pipe tobacco also has a strong sour flavor -- one of the reasons why that style of tobacco was never my favorite. These flavor characteristics build over the first third and into the second. Near the half-way point, the body has ramped up to medium-full and the sourness is overwhelming. This was too much for me and I tossed the stick at this point. This stick compares to other cigars the same way that sour patch kids compare to gummy bears. Construction and burn was very good throughout so I can't attribute the sourness to draw issues. A very different blend than the Nudies as evidenced by the fact that after tossing the MOFOH, I went back to the humidor for a Nudie petite corona which was great. I have more of the Spada Gorda resting so I will revisit after some months to see if the sourness has faded. If this sourness in intrinsic, then cigar would be a great fit for those who love Virginia pipe tobaccos.

MOFOH Spada Gorda (+++): I waited another 4 weeks (for a total of 10 weeks since I received my bundle) since my first attempt to try another one of these. My previous experience was not good. The taste was so sour that I had to pitch the stick before the half-way point. One my second attempt I note that the cigar looks and feels the same as the first one. The cold draw, however, gave no taste of that tangy Virginia tobacco that I experienced before. Just a slight cacao and hay taste on this one. Upon lighting, the body is mild-medium, much milder than last time. The initial flavors are the deep mustiness of aged tobacco and leather. The leather isn't strong and blends nicely with the musty taste. After the first inch and half, the ash falls off and a sugar cookie flavor joins. Performance-wise, the draw is perfect and there is a crazy amount of smoke output. I smoked this outside and somehow the smoke managed to fill the space around me. Absolutely a joy to smoke from this perspective. The smoke also had a nice velvety texture to it, further adding to the experience. By the half-way point the body is up to a medium level and the musty/aged flavor makes me feel like a king. In the last third a berry (maybe raspberry?) note is layered on. Throughout, there wasn't a hint of the sour Virginia flavor that dominated the initial cigar. This cigar didn't strike me as a more-rested version of the original; it seemed to me to be a different cigar entirely. This was fantastic.

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Rojas Street Tacos Carnitas SC (-): This is from Rojas "Small Ring Gauge" series (it says so on the band). I really like the idea of a small ring gauge series. Pre-light the wrapper has a spicy aroma that tingles the nose. The cold draw is pungent and is somewhat reminiscent of raisin bread. After lighting the first 3/4 inch is all Nicaraguan spicy pepper. However, the intensity isn't overwhelming, so I have hope that it will mellow. At the inch point the pepper drops to a manageable level, but no other flavors emerge. It is just a low level pepper and some very slight bitterness until the half-way point. Similar to the breakfast tacos I've smoked before, this is so mild that paper and ash are noticeable flavors. I recall that the breakfast tacos eventually had some bready notes, but even that possibility can't redeem this stick in my eyes. Stick was tossed at the half-way point.

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The Wise Man Maduro Robusto (+): A dark stick with a lot of tangy fermented aroma coming off the wrapper and the pre-light draw. Upon lighting, I am struck with flavors that scream "Padron!". it has been a few years since my last Padron, so I can't extend the comparison any further, but it was striking. The stick opens at a medium level and I can get a manageable retrohale right from the start. Leather, burnt coffee grounds, and an occasional hint of dark chocolate. This profile is maintained throughout the smoke with a deep earthiness and a hint of apricot/plum joining after the mid-way point. The earthiness is reminiscent of Rocky Patel DNA, but amped up a couple of levels. Good burn and construction. This is a slow burning stick. I got 75 minutes out of this 5.5 x 50 stick whereas other sticks of similar size would normally last me under 1 hour. By the end I can feel the nicotine putting me slightly off-balance. These types of maduros are a bit too heavy for my preferences, but I think this would be a winner for those looking for a maduro experience that only punches at the medium to medium-full level.

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Rojas Bluebonnets Corona Gorda (+): The Bluebonnets appears to be one of the most recommended NCs for CC smokers across multiple forums, so I eagerly awaited trying this stick. I've tried the Rojas Street and breakfast tacos before and thought they were way to mild. The Rojas KSG, however was excellent. Pre-light, the wrapper gives off a slightly spicy aroma and the cold draw tasted faintly of plum schnapps. After lighting, the experience is immediately in the medium-full range and I notice immediately that this is a habano wrapper. I don't understand how I know this. Perhaps habano wrappers have a fuller flavor and an intensity that foreshadows a higher nicotine level? I'm getting that here. The retrohale is manageable, but is right on the cusp of what is tolerable. This profile stays constant for the first 1.5 inches and then we get a transition into a softer and smoother experience, albeit still medium-full. No specific flavors emerge in the second and last thirds, but there is a lot going on with the core, background flavor for the duration. The experience is not very Cubanesque, but does have a tangential similarity to the core/background flavors of a young Rafael Gonzales or a young Cuaba. I prefer a cigar with a lighter core flavor profile that layers on sporadic extra flavor notes, and this cigar does not fit that profile. However, I think there are plenty of others who would enjoy the bolder core flavor with the accompanying higher nicotine level.

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Don Pepin Garcia Blue Exquisitos (++): Ordered this one after hearing the lizards review it. A tightly rolled, hefty stick in a good size. The pre-light aroma is complex and tangy. The cold draw has a slight note of cacao. After lighting, the body is immediately a touch over medium, but there is no big spice blast and the retrohale is nice right from the start. The flavors develop during the first third with a hint of coffee and some dark bread. There is a lot going on in the background core flavor -- slightly reminiscent of a young HUHC. No sweetness. The second and final thirds are a very savory experience. The flavor is of salty, smoked meats like you might get on a charcuterie board. I haven't smoked many cigars with this profile. Even though savory cigars aren't my preference, this is a satisfying stick and I would definitely try another one.

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Freud Superego Lonsdale (+++): Another recommendation from the Lizards.  I love the Lonsdale size of this stick and pre-light the wrapper gives off a musty aroma with a little bit of sourness. I get the same sourness on the cold draw. After lighting, the stick is mild-medium and immediately has a easy and flavorful retrohale. The retrohale was so nice that I ended up retrohaling the entire cigar. In the first third the flavor was predominately woody with a faint nutty note. Over the second and last thirds these flavors persist and ramp up to a medium body. Also in the final two thirds, the tanginess strengthens and combines with the nutty flavor gives a strong impression of an amontillado sherry. I had sampled a flight of sherries not too long ago and so this comparison was fresh in my mind. There was a hint of sweetness throughout which helped balance the whole thing out. Even though the flavors weren't Cuban per se, the overall experience was very Cuban-esque. If you had removed the bands and told me that this cigar had some cuban tobacco I would have believed you. This stick also reminds me of Warped's Maestro del Tiempo a little bit. Two great cigars in a great size.

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Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua Expressivo (++): Another Lizard recommendation. The fact that this is a dark Nicaraguan stick makes me wonder if I will enjoy this at all. Pre-light the aroma and cold-draw both give hints of fudge. Upon lighting it is immediately just over medium, however the expected blast of Nicaraguan spice is absent. instead I get a deep earth with only a little bit of pepper. The retrohale is nice, but it is strong enough that I have to perform "mini-retrohales" and space them out to every other draw or so. There is also a bitter flavor that isn't great. In the second third, the bitterness is gone and a chocolate fudge flavor joins. The cigar is medium-full at this point. This is maintained throughout the rest of the smoke. Overall, this is a heavier smoke than I typically prefer, but I enjoyed it and would definitely have another.

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Tatuaje Miami Unicos (++): A rustic looking pyramide courtesy of @trader1974. The pre-light aroma is that of spicy shoe leather and the cold draw gives a hint of a dry white wine. A lot of initial flavor upon lighting. It strikes me as Nicaraguan tobacco, but without the typical spice or punch. Very musty and subdued compared to what I was expecting. I think @trader1974 may have spoiled me here and sent me a stick with a few years of age on it. I am sucker for the mustiness of aged sticks. The retrohale is manageable and flavorful, but strong enough that it needed to be kept to every other puff. The plus is that there was a lot of flavor without needing to retrohale (a trait lacking in many medium bodied NCs). The first half was medium bodied and the flavor was very woody with hints of coffee and a touch of dry white wine. There was a hint of bitterness that would pop up if I smoked too fast. The second half increased the body slightly to just over medium; and those same flavors were all kicked up a notch. At the final inch I got a bit of ammonia and so I ended it there. Construction and draw were perfect throughout. Overall this was very flavorful and very satisfying. If I am right that this stick has a bit of age on it, I'm wondering if I would similarly like a younger version. Maybe the secret to enjoying Nicaraguan sticks is to age the heck out of them?

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10 minutes ago, TacoSauce said:

Tatuaje Miami Unicos (++): A rustic looking pyramide courtesy of @trader1974. The pre-light aroma is that of spicy shoe leather and the cold draw gives a hint of a dry white wine. A lot of initial flavor upon lighting. It strikes me as Nicaraguan tobacco, but without the typical spice or punch. Very musty and subdued compared to what I was expecting. I think @trader1974 may have spoiled me here and sent me a stick with a few years of age on it. I am sucker for the mustiness of aged sticks. The retrohale is manageable and flavorful, but strong enough that it needed to be kept to every other puff. The plus is that there was a lot of flavor without needing to retrohale (a trait lacking in many medium bodied NCs). The first half was medium bodied and the flavor was very woody with hints of coffee and a touch of dry white wine. There was a hint of bitterness that would pop up if I smoked too fast. The second half increased the body slightly to just over medium; and those same flavors were all kicked up a notch. At the final inch I got a bit of ammonia and so I ended it there. Construction and draw were perfect throughout. Overall this was very flavorful and very satisfying. If I am right that this stick has a bit of age on it, I'm wondering if I would similarly like a younger version. Maybe the secret to enjoying Nicaraguan sticks is to age the heck out of them?

Glad you enjoyed it.  Thanks for the review!

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CAO BX3 Robusto (+++): Yet another Lizard recommendation. I had just had a big meal and was looking for something hearty (spolier: this stick is not hearty). This stick has such a dark look to it that I grabbed it our of the humidor based on sight alone. The pre-light aroma has a chocolate/wood profile. The cold draw has a slight chocolate and an interesting cinnamon/bark/incense note that reminds me somewhat of a spice flavor you might get in some higher-end Shiraz or Zinfandel red wines. After lighting, the body is mild-medium and the flavor is very light on the palate. The retrohale however is delightfully floral. In the first two thirds all of the flavor is in the retrohale. And what flavor! The retrohale is a hybrid match for the floral flavor from the retrohale of an aged Bolivar Tubos #3 and the baking spice flavor from the retrohale of a SCdlH Principe. The cigar is missing the core Cuban flavor and twang, but the retrohale flavor is a solid match for flavors from some of my favorite Cubans. The body ramps up to a solid medium in the final third and I occasionally think that this is a Cuban. If you don't or can't retrohale, I think this stick might be considered dull and flavorless, but for those that retrohale, I recommend trying this one.

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Ashton VSG Illusion (++): Another Lizard recommendation. A few years ago I was informed that Ashton was one of the few brands that commonly used well-aged tobacco in their sticks. As a result I tried their standard Corona and their Cabinet Selection #6. I wasn't impressed by either one and had consequently written off the brand. This stick came in a nice corona size and had a complex cold draw.  Upon lighting, the body was just over medium, the flavor was all toasty tobacco with a slight mustiness. The retrohale started out too strong, but became manageable after the first inch if I didn't overdo it. Over the course of the smoke, the favor profile was very consistent. The toasty tobacco taste was joined by a woody flavor and the occasional note of dried fruit. The body grew to a medium full by the end of the stick. This was a hearty cigar that didn't overpower and delivered a satisfying profile throughout. Well suited for colder weather. Would definitely have another one of these.

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Perdomo Habano Bourbon Barrel-Aged (BBA) Torpedo Sungrown (+): After having sampled the various wrappers in the normal Perdomo line, I realized that all the Perdomo Magic is in the BBA line. The CT BBA was the first one I tried and I have been trying to see if anything can top it. This stick is enormous -- as all the BBAs are, however the torpedo tip really is a nice way to lower the ring gauge and make it more comfortable to smoke. Pre-light aroma and draw are both mild and unremarkable. After lighting, the first 2 inches are just under medium with a toasted nutty and slightly bitter flavor.  Just before the half-way point the nutty flavor ramps up and is joined by the slightly sweet taste of a barrel aged ale. This lasts to the end of the stick where the body is a solid medium. I definitely get some of the same BBA flavor that the CT-version delivered, however it is overshadowed by the heavier sungrown wrapper. I feel like the wrapper and the filler are providing separate flavors that don't necessarily meld together. Overall this was nice, but I will stick with the CT version over this one.

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Illusione Classic Cruzado Robusto (++): This stick came wrapped in gold foil. Once the foil is removed, the wrapper gives off a pungent fermented red wine aroma. After lighting, this stick starts firmly in the mild zone. This is surprising since the online descriptions all suggest this is a medium-full cigar. Maybe this has something to do with the fact that this is the "Classic" Cruzado? Most online listings leave out the word "Classic", so perhaps there are two versions of the Cruzado Robusto? There isn't a lot of flavor, but I'm reminded a little of the initial puffs of the CAO BX3, only more one-dimensional. By the end of the stick, the body is up to mild-medium and the flavors are all wine & wood: like a light sherry. I'm reminded a bit of the flavor from Ramon Bueso's Genesis The Project, except the Genesis has a lot of core earthy flavor that is missing here. There is a bit of mustiness underneath which gives this experience a touch of refinement compared to the Genesis. This isn't a complex cigar, and it is very much on the light side, but I enjoyed it for how different it was from most other NCs.

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La Flor Dominicana Lancero Cameroon (+++):    I love a Cameroon wrapper. Previously I've tried the La Flor Dominicana Cameroon Cabinet #3 and found it to be very strong in both body and nicotine level. As a result I was worried that this lancero would be a double dose of that first experience. For this stick, there wasn't much in the way of pre-light aroma or cold draw. After lighting the body was only medium and there was an immediate sweet nuttiness imparted by the Cameroon wrapper. The first half maintained this profile and was very enjoyable -- especially on the retrohale. In the second half, the body stayed medium, but the flavors got more intense with additional woody and musty notes joining. The second half reminded me of the N4 petite corona, but without the chocolate/coffee flavors. This was fantastic up until an inch and a half remained, at which point it became very soft and squishy. I tossed it at that point. Unlike the Cameroon Cabinet, this stick never went above medium and did not have much nicotine strength. This stick is definitely a '++', but because I'm a sucker for a great presentation of a Cameroon wrapper it gets the extra '+'.

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Warped Companion de Warped (+): Not much pre-light aroma and the cold-draw gives a hint of raisin. After lighting, the body is solidly medium and the initial flavor is that of tree bark, forest floor, and a hint of cinnamon. The retrohale is nice and gives the same flavors as the palate. The cigar maintains this profile for the entire smoke with some charred wood notes joining in the second half and continuing to the end. Entirely a savory smoke, with not a hint of sweetness. Interestingly, these dark flavors don't last on the finish, which is light and very short. All in all a very different profile compared to most cigars I've smoked. This doesn't fit my profile, but I would recommend others try this (as a single), if only for the novelty of the profile.

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Emilio Cigars La Musa (-): Previously, a vendor sent me an Emilio LJZ Robusto single as a substitute for a cigar that was out of stock. It was on the heavier side, but was very flavorful. I bought the La Musa as a follow-up to see what else this brand offered. This stick has a spicy wrapper with a port note on the cold draw. After lighting, this starts at medium-full and the flavor is mostly dark earth with a hint of cinnamon. By the half-way point the intensity is up to FULL (double-full?). The flavors are dark earth, strong campfire, and a hint of pine forest. This is too powerful to retrohale. The intensity was too much for me and I tossed the stick at the half-way point.

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Warped Don Reynaldo Regalos (+): A nice small-sized stick for the colder weather. This stick is solidly medium bodied and has the same profile from start to finish. The flavor profile is "Butter & Books": Dominican woodiness, lots of butter (with an occasional hint of butterscotch), and old books. Old books, like the smell of the stacks in an old university library (from back in the days when libraries actually had books!). There is not a hint of sweetness anywhere, making this a savory smoke. There are some similarities to the Warped La Colmena, but this stick lacks all of the alien-like character of the La Colmena (vide supra). I wouldn't mind smoking another of these, however at $16 for a stick of this size, I won't be buying it again.

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Warped Upper Realm Robusto (+): A pungent smelling robusto pre-light. After lighting the body is immediately medium-full. Flavors on the palate are a muddled combination of wood, coffee, and cinnamon. There is also a lot of tingling on the lips portending a higher nicotine level. The retrohale is where the nice flavors reside, however the stick is too strong to allow anything more than the tiniest of retrohales. Thus I am not able to really enjoy this cigar. The stick remains the same throughout and thankfully the nicotine level didn't become an issue. It became slightly easier to retrohale in the second half, but only by a little bit. I would say this is a stick that might appeal to someone who loves NCs, and doesn't have much to offer those who prefer CCs.

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Tatuaje Petite Cazadores Reserva (+): Yet another Lizard recommendation. This is a little stick well suited for cold weather "short smoke" situations. The pre-light aroma and cold draw are both complex and enticing. After-lighting, the stick is just over medium bodied and has flavors of tobacco, leather, and a hint of campfireness. The stick is very well packed and burns much slower than expected. No real changes in  flavor until the last inch where the flavors ramp up a bit and some acidic coffee notes join. Overall, I thought the experience was a bit flat. I think I made the error of smoking a Partagas Aristocrat earlier in the day, and there was no way this NC stick was going to come anywhere close to that flavor experience. It would have made more sense for me to wait to smoke this on a "NC only" day to avoid my mind making the disappointing comparison. Maybe we need some sort of catchy phrase to help us remember never to smoke a new world after a Cuban. Something like, "Cuban to not, you're going to rot. New world to Cuban, this has been proven."

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RoMa Craft Intemperance BA XXI Vanity (+++): A nice petite corona sized stick with a slightly spicy aroma off of the wrapper and cold-draw. After lighting, the cigar opens at slightly over medium body and there are a lot of flavors right from the very start. The key flavors are earth, walnut, wood, and occasional hints of coffee. The retrohale is great, but needs to be moderated to avoid singeing the nose. This flavor profile builds through the duration of the smoke, with the walnut swapping out for hazelnut by the end. The cigar ends at just under full bodied. So much flavor in this little stick, I loved it. Overall, the body of this stick is a little fuller than what I like, but the consistent flavor delivery allows me to overlook that and put this at a '+++' rating.

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Crowned Heads Le Careme Robusto (-): A dark looking stick said to have dessert-like character. The cold-draw has a chocolate milk flavor so this seems to fit the categorization. After lighting, the stick is medium bodied and one does get dark chocolate flavors with a little bit of spice that is reminiscent of a chocolate dessert or pastry. There is a little bitterness and only the tiniest amount of sweetness. By mid-way, there is less dessertiness and more toasted tobacco flavor. In the final third some caramel joins, but so too did a slight ammonia note. Overall, this was a boring and uninteresting stick that I wanted to toss, but I kept going to see if the dessertiness would come back or if it would evolve. No, on both accounts. In my opinion the best part was the toasted tobacco notes. Not interested in trying any more of these.

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1 hour ago, TacoSauce said:

Crowned Heads Le Careme Robusto (-): A dark looking stick said to have dessert-like character. The cold-draw has a chocolate milk flavor so this seems to fit the categorization. After lighting, the stick is medium bodied and one does get dark chocolate flavors with a little bit of spice that is reminiscent of a chocolate dessert or pastry. There is a little bitterness and only the tiniest amount of sweetness. By mid-way, there is less dessertiness and more toasted tobacco flavor. In the final third some caramel joins, but so too did a slight ammonia note. Overall, this was a boring and uninteresting stick that I wanted to toss, but I kept going to see if the dessertiness would come back or if it would evolve. No, on both accounts. In my opinion the best part was the toasted tobacco notes. Not interested in trying any more of these.

Bummer, the 2022 LE belicoso was a standard in my rotation, really enjoyed them.

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