How many times have you caught Covid 19? ...and a few other questions.

Covid 19  

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Wife and I had horrible upper respiratory cold Nov 2019, was it Covid who knows. No one knew it was in the US at that time so never got tested. Haven't had any shots and haven't been sick since 2019. But I embrace social distancing since humans generally annoy me. 🙂


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I was extremely careful for about a year and a half as my Mom was in the hospital and then long term care and my nightmare scenario was catching COVID and then passing it along to her.

My luck ran out in January 2022, and I caught 'The Omicron' variant. No doubt as a result of two vaccinations the symptoms were just about the mildest cold I've ever had. Unfortunately the long term after effect has been brain fog. The way I describe it to people is if you wake up in the morning midway through a dream/REM state and that sort of grogginess you initially experience is how I feel most days, all day.

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I haven't tested but when the wife tested positive I had to quarantine with her and had a decent headache the first 2 or 3 days when I woke up. A couple cups of coffee and a few aspirin and I  was good after an hour or two. The wife was pitiful for almost 10 days.

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I've tested positive twice, and like @mprach024 didn't see the utility in testing the next two times I believe I've had it. I am an attorney and half my practice is dedicated to the defense of indigent criminal clients, many of whom are incarcerated. I made the decision early on to see my incarcerated clients in person if they were comfortable with it. I don't approve of blanket policies for criminal defense lawyers to do all their visits over the phone or computer as I believe it dilutes the trust upon which effective representation must necessarily rest. Ergo, my exposure has been on a similar level to folks who work in Healthcare. 

I've been vaccinated as well. And am lucky that my bouts with the ronas were not earthshattering. First time was like a bad flu, lasted a week with 4 days recovery before I could smell and taste again. Second time I didn't even think I was sick but tested because I couldn't taste and smell for 5 days. 

Then I was lucky enough to avoid it for about 9 months, ans caught it again in late 2021. Just a sore throat and cough. Possibly could have been something else but many people around me testes positive so I took precautions and quarantined. 

Just finished a contentious criminal jury trial out of town during which I slept 4 hours or less a night in a hotel room. Upon my return I had a severe fever and chills for 2 days, and still feel the fatigue 6 days later though I'm mostly over the major cold like symptoms. My money is on covid, bur again, I don't see the utility in testing. Whatever it is, I'm sick and I'm being mindful not to expose others to my condition. 

I am hopeful that later strains will continue to be mild as the bouts I've faced. I can't close my practice because of a virus, and I don't feel it appropriate to compromise my principles in order to keep it open. I've tried my best to strike the correct balance. 

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Had it once in may this year, I’ve recovered my sense of taste a month later and smell significantly recovered but for some reason every few cigars i get one that taste like toasted tobacco. Odd thing I know and may not be Covid related but o hope it goes away otherwise I’m burning  cigars   for nothing every few days 

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Preface this with I get sick twice a year. Spring and fall never fails. Sneeze half a day, sleep all the next day, back in business the following day. 🤷

Dec 2019, I too caught something unknown (ahem). 3 weeks feeling like ass. Then again 3 weeks ago. 1 week down last 2 weeks tired and in a brain fog. Catching back up now. Never lost taste or smell tho.

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24h headache. I have been feeling way worst just with booze. Never really wore a masks. I work with kids all day long. Most of them were PCR positive at one point but most of them never got COVID. Still wondering how people can say: had i not get the jab it would have been worst... No one knows what would have happened without the jab. Especially, the goal post have been moved times and times again from "no sick and cannot transmit" to "sick and can transmit"...




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Got it once, this past July…had the sniffles for two days then all good. Friends who I had been visiting (so same household and in same car for hours on end driving to the US) at the time in Vancouver had different variations of symptoms:

  1. Me, see above;
  2. friend got knocked off her feet for about 2/3 days
  3. her husband had a sore throat and cough for about a week
  4. Their daughter, 7, had a fever for about a half a day then she was all fine
  5. 4 their son did not get sick nor test positive for the duration of our illnesses


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11 hours ago, 99call said:


3rd,  Post vaccine, but about 6-9mths after.  In Scotland on holiday.    Not as bad as the 1st time, but longer.  Just like a really bad hangover but for 7days,  Which strangely was similar to my other visits to Scotland. 



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18 hours ago, CaptainQuintero said:

  March 2020, week before I was hiking a mountain and playing field hockey then bam, rough with chills, cognitive issues, palpitations and fatigue but never had the loss of smell stuff. Wasn't bad enough to go to hospital, O2 didn't drop much etc.

 Never recovered from the fatigue and slow brain stuff and haven't been able to work since. Some days are ok and I can manage a couple hundred yard walk before being laid up but others I have to take 2 breaks getting up the stairs, one half way brushing my teeth etc. It's like you've hit the weights gym hard for 5/6 hours and have a hangover and haven't eaten properly. Gone from being forced to be on a team by myself at family Christmas quizzes/games because of being a clever dick to having to sit it out because I can't keep up with the kid friendly quizzes

 Tests all coming back clear, heart, lungs, brain, blood etc have been scanned prodded and poked none stop and I'm the picture of health from them.

  Wife is a ED nurse so it was always going to come into the home, she's had it 4-5 times but I've never tested positive again even with her. Luckily no lasting issues for her

  Calling it long covid/long haul etc but it's no joke. I'm in a few studies with researches finding hints at the problem so hopefully treatment coming sooner rather than later. 

  Get them jabs


Very sorry to hear that, CQ. Wishing you a full recovery! Hang in there! 🤞

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Was quite cautious for 2 years, (vacced, boosted, masked indoors and no large gatherings...mostly to protect some family members who wouldn't have fared well) then caught it at a music festival over the US Memorial Day weekend this May.

Spent a day in bed, mainly because of complete lack of energy. Could have spent a second day in bed, but had to work on month end close reporting.

By day 3, just some nasal congestion and a mild fever, though it took about a week for my energy to return to completely normal.

Bad cold/mild flu is how I've described it.

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To my knowledge I haven’t had it. My little guy tested positive late February of this year. He did get a bad fever, and had some sniffles but it didn’t go beyond that.  After a day or two he was himself again. Point is I resigned myself to getting it because he was sleeping with my wife and I the nights he had a fever, but no other kids or my wife got it. Not trying to downplay it, I have just been lucky thus far. 

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Had it in early Jan 2022. Caught it while on an out of town gig in Moab UT. Felt pretty awful for about 3 days, the worst of it being the stabbing ice pick pain behind my eye balls. Can't say that I've had any long last effects though.

My mom caught likely the Delta variant around this time last year. She passed away two months ago from covid related complications. She was 72 when she got it and picture of perfect health. All that changed pretty quickly.

Sent from my SM-G996U1 using Tapatalk

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I have somehow not gotten it, nor has my wife or son. I am double vaxxed and boosted as is she but that still seems to be beating the odds! I travel a bit for work, mainly speaking at conferences where I can bolt in/out quickly vs. hanging in groups. I spend alot of time alone on my boat! Luckily fish don’t seem to transmit it. 

I lost a guy I grew up with during Delta. He was 42. Apparently he refused to go to the hospital. Died alone at home. I couldn’t get it off my mind for days how potentially avoidable that was. Still shake my head thinking about it. 

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Caught it during the first wave (Christmas 2020). Actually tested positive for Covid-19 and the flu at the same time. Wife was 6 months pregnant at the time with our first child so I self-isolated in the house for 10 days. Luckily she never caught it but we missed Christmas with the family as we both were self-isolating. Temp never got above 99.1, no cough or congestion. I did lose my taste and smell for about 3-4 days and one of the worst headaches (forehead) I've ever had that would not go away regardless of what I tried. No lingering side effects however and I haven't caught it since. Haven't been sick at all since then which is really par for the course for me. Never been vaccinated, nor has my wife or son and neither of them have ever tested positive. Haven't worn a mask in over a year unless I go somewhere that requires it which is few and far between now where I live. My parents took the vaccine in early 2021 after asking me about it as they are both in their 70s, both have gotten Covid twice since then but with mostly mild symptoms other than my dad had a fever of 103+ for a couple of days. 

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