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I would like to get back into previous ones. Travel and remote control car racing. However both are challenging at the moment. Trevel we all know why. And remote control car racing in my area has kind

I'm currently digging a huge deep hole in my backyard to construct a nuclear fallout shelter. 'Nuff said😱

Me at the thought of adding another hobby to my list:


I'm not the most handy/practical sort of guy in the world, but I wouldn't mind a go at pipe restoration. 

I enjoy smoking pipes and have seen some lovely examples of people taking abused/forgotten pipes and breathing a new lease of life into them with a bit of 'elbow grease' and know-how.  



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15 hours ago, Joeyjojo said:

I'm not the most handy/practical sort of guy in the world, but I wouldn't mind a go at pipe restoration. 

I enjoy smoking pipes and have seen some lovely examples of people taking abused/forgotten pipes and breathing a new lease of life into them with a bit of 'elbow grease' and know-how. 

There’s a phallic joke in here somewhere…


On 2/28/2022 at 11:09 AM, Habana Mike said:

Well, given no considerations around the choice, aviation. Would love to be able to hop in a plane and get anywhere quickly without I-95 traffic.

Plus the views. Being able to fly over landscapes difficult to get to.


Considering I'm approaching an age where they'd be resistant to license me, I'll need to think up something else.


I'd say I may reconsider and give golf another shot. Between not having enough time to play regularly and the ankle surgery I gave it up entirely a while back.

Perfect location now with more free time o my hands I may just look into that.


Or find something else to build a collection out of. Now you've got me thinking.

Never to late to fly! It’s quite a captivating experience not to be missed. Do it! I’m sure glad I did…

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21 hours ago, bishop532 said:

I’m also kind of all over the map. I graduated with a degree in English lit before going into tech. My library has a little of everything from Shakespeare to Poe to Stephen King to Hemingway. I love horror/sci fi/fantasy, especially the weird stuff like Jeff Vandermeer, HP Lovecraft, and Thomas Ligotti. For nonfiction, I’m working on The Beatles by Bob Spitz (been watching Anthology at the same time, which is pretty cool, tho it’s messing me up a bit because I’m not in sync across the two time wise). 

EDIT: Btw, I always thought Norm Macdonald was hilarious, and was sorry to hear he passed away. I used to love him on Weekend Update. 

Vandermeer has sounded intriguing; would Annihilation be a good place to start?



I actually started the process of obtaining my PPL in February 2020. There have been some, Obstacles?, since then. Its something I've wanted to do since I was a little kid and I'm actively working to get lessons incorporate back into my schedule this summer. 

As other have mentioned, Flying makes the cigar hobby look cheap. I wish I could pick a cheap hobby, but it hasn't happened yet. 

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Buy/fly twin engine turbo prop 6 seater plane. I’d have to learn how to fly first. Then maybe cabinet making. I could make my own casket.

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40 minutes ago, riderpride said:

Vandermeer has sounded intriguing; would Annihilation be a good place to start?


Yes, Annihilation was really good. Pretty creepy. Ambergris (which is three books) is another good one - some really odd stuff with great atmosphere. Love to hear what you thought if you end up reading anything by him!

  • Thanks 1

I have always wanted to get into Big game hunting. I have watched a lot of videos and read a few books but it does not replace the experience of someone there with you who knows what they are doing. I'm hoping to meet some hunters in the near future to get out in the woods. 

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Brewing beer, but I haven't done it since the little squirt was born. I have 4 empty kegs, a whole propane set-up and tons of stuff packed away in the garage. I'll probably take it up again this summer. I'll post pics. 

Fantastic hobby to pair with cigars. A lot of sitting around and waiting.

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Scuba dived for 8 years and did over 700 dives so it was a bit of an obsession but hurt my back and that came to an end.

Got into photography but I think the hobby was buying gear. 

Traveled a bit before covid but now I just drink and dream of travel.




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My hobbies include Cuban Cigars, golf, and building Rifles. I have loads of past hobbies that I wish I never quit including fly fishing, wood working, snowboarding, painting, etc

If I had the time or energy I would probably reach myself how to forge metal, and blow glass.

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Money no limit - buy racehorses and a collection of muscle cars. Not much money - wine tasting. Most of all, would love a good offshore speed boat.

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Money no limit - buy racehorses and a collection of muscle cars. Not much money - wine tasting. Most of all, would love a good offshore speed boat.

Sounds like we need to win the lottery.

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9 hours ago, Chas.Alpha said:

I was at an aviation symposium some years back. The room was filled with all types of pilots; Commercial, current military, ex-military, weekend warriors, etc. The speaker asked “How many of you remember 1st solo?” EVERY hand went up in the air! My 1st solo is coming on 30 years ago, yet I remember every second of it. Life changing event! I had 11.4 hours of instruction before my CFI decided I was ready. I thought he was feckin’ mad, to the point that on my first round of the three touch-and-go’s I said (out loud) to myself “Charlie, if you can’t land this f**ker, they’re going to have to get a 1000’ ladder!

Flying isn’t difficult. Some of those crosswind landings can be interesting... 😳

It also is a lot like buying Cuban cigars. You start by the intro flight (a box of Mille Fluers) and quickly jump into a box of Monte #4. By 1st solo, you’ve picked up your first 10 count of Lusi’s and bought a box of Monte #2’s. Nearing the necessary 40 hours logged time for your check ride, you scored your first 50 cab of HdM DC. You pass your private check ride, finally score a box of Fundadores, when someone points out that you still can’t fly in the rain...

Here comes the Cohiba... 😔

As for the difficult part….. with all the bangs and whistles (hi tech avionics) flying can appear easy but as a young sprog with 1000 hrs in the logbook and a bit of a chip forming on my shoulder - a wise old timer told me you never master flying. There’s always something to learn. Whether it’s weather, gusty winds or tricky remote area nav with no gps there’s plenty to keep one interested for a long time. 

Many a dr and a bonanza have found grief with over confidence. 

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2 hours ago, Duxnutz said:

As for the difficult part….. with all the bangs and whistles (hi tech avionics) flying can appear easy but as a young sprog with 1000 hrs in the logbook and a bit of a chip forming on my shoulder - a wise old timer told me you never master flying. There’s always something to learn. Whether it’s weather, gusty winds or tricky remote area nav with no gps there’s plenty to keep one interested for a long time. 

Many a dr and a bonanza have found grief with over confidence. 

Whaddya mean? We all know flying is easy! Even a blow up doll can fly!!

Pilots GIF - Find on GIFER

  • Haha 3
4 hours ago, Duxnutz said:

As for the difficult part….. with all the bangs and whistles (hi tech avionics) flying can appear easy but as a young sprog with 1000 hrs in the logbook and a bit of a chip forming on my shoulder - a wise old timer told me you never master flying. There’s always something to learn. Whether it’s weather, gusty winds or tricky remote area nav with no gps there’s plenty to keep one interested for a long time. 

Many a dr and a bonanza have found grief with over confidence. 

Funny you say that. After successfully passing my private (VFR) check ride, my flight instructor shook my hand and said "Congratulations, you've just been given a license to learn!"


I think I am getting back into golf after a hiatus. It became too much of a mind game for me and I lost the passion for it. Past few times I've been a lot looser, been able to enjoy it, and found myself chasing par again. Might be the right time to get back.

That said, cycling still takes a lot of my free time and this year I have a half ironman on the schedule. With the training I have to do, going to be less of a hobby and more of a job for a bit. 

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... what besides the reality of the politics of oil, what else is on the banned list...? Not sure what I cannot talk about...? -LOL My hobbies can be pretty risky!

-the Pig


On a lighter note, I have been wanting to get back into Vlogging and cigar reviews. Wishful thinking, because my free time is almost nonexistent, but I just picked up a Sony A7c mirrorless camera. Looking forward to posting up more on my CigarClimatology Youtube channel. I really miss doing the video cigar reviews and the educational stuff.

... if I end up building for 'that big online retailer' my life as I know it is over!!! -LOL

Cheers! -tP

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Serious hiking; used to go into the US (mostly Vermont and NY State) regularly before the pandemic, was so much fun. All I need is get back to my then shape 😅

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Bird watching, photographing. This place, Cape Cod, sees loads of species migrate through every year and people come from all over to see what they can see. If I carried a pair of binoculars on my bike and hiked a bit more I'm sure I could see some cool creatures. I saw a bald eagle last year and a snowy owl made it into the news papers last fall. Just the different species of ducks that pass through the marshes each year is amazing.  I'm conning myself into this.


Generally speaking, music technology probably. I play a few instruments (guitar, drum machine/sampler and some keyboard) but as I get older I find I have more fun tinkering with guitar pedals, modular synthesizers etc

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