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I think we all have a corner in the garage that is a sacred "shrine of past hobbies".  There you will find a guitar, golf clubs, judo suit, tea set, dolls  (sorry Fuzz, "Collectibles"), stamps from outer mongolia, matchsticks, etc etc etc.  Now I am a big believer in giving things a serious crack.  It could have been Mr Miyagi or Mickey Mouse who said "the journey is more important than the destination" which is all fine  unless you are one of the many going sweet motherless nowhere in life.  ;)


If you were to take up one more hobby.....assuming you had the time and money.....what would it be? Now some hobbies require little money (e.g.  Ken could take up cleaning) while others need an injection of serious moola.  Don't let that hold you back, ;)

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I would like to get back into previous ones. Travel and remote control car racing. However both are challenging at the moment. Trevel we all know why. And remote control car racing in my area has kind

I'm currently digging a huge deep hole in my backyard to construct a nuclear fallout shelter. 'Nuff said😱

Me at the thought of adding another hobby to my list:


Writing and/or reading more. Writing bug bites less often,  but I always run out of momentum. Reading always happens in bursts that seem to coincide with vacations; nearly plowed through three on my last vacay alone.


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Coaching, if there were more hours in the day where I was not needed elsewhere.

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4 minutes ago, RedLantern said:

Coaching, if there were more hours in the day where I was not needed elsewhere.


Daughter got hard into riding and no longer needs me. Our son has yet to decide on a passion- hopefully it's something we share.


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I love to fly fish I consider that a hobby since I do also tie my own flies as well. I recently started to get into guns as well, buying my first gun last week and I can see myself buying more. 

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9 hours ago, El Presidente said:

I think we all have a corner in the garage that is a sacred "shrine of past hobbies".  There you will find a guitar, golf clubs, judo suit, tea set, dolls  (sorry Fuzz, "Collectibles"), stamps from outer mongolia, matchsticks, etc etc etc.

They are not in the garage!.... they're in the back of the warehouse occupying 4 pallet spaces. :lookaround:

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2 hours ago, riderpride said:

Writing and/or reading more. Writing bug bites less often,  but I always run out of momentum. Reading always happens in bursts that seem to coincide with vacations; nearly plowed through three on my last vacay alone.


I’m with you, man. I manage to read a lot lately, but I used to write all the time in my 20s and I really miss it. This past spring I wrote almost every morning, then fell out of it in the summer. I need to start up again, it felt great while I had that routine in place. 

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Amateur radio was something I got into during the 2020 Covid lockdowns. Currently listening to some interesting transmissions from Eastern Europe.


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2 hours ago, RichG said:

I would like to do a saltwater aquarium if I ever find the time in the future.

It’s good fun and very satisfying, but can get costly pretty damn fast, especially if you keep hard corals or rare fish, or are into automation of maintenance tasks.  It’s already another hobby burning a hole in my pocketbook.

If it wasn’t going to kill me, on top of the time and money, I would love to take up alpinism or mountaineering.

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43 minutes ago, bishop532 said:

I’m with you, man. I manage to read a lot lately, but I used to write all the time in my 20s and I really miss it. This past spring I wrote almost every morning, then fell out of it in the summer. I need to start up again, it felt great while I had that routine in place. 

Nice! What genres are you into?

For reading,  I'm currently into auto/biographies. The last one I finished was Norm Macdonald's 'memoir' that had me rollingin tears. While around a mere 240 or so pages, I could write a 300pg paper on it.

As far as writing,  I'm all over the map.


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Well, given no considerations around the choice, aviation. Would love to be able to hop in a plane and get anywhere quickly without I-95 traffic.

Plus the views. Being able to fly over landscapes difficult to get to.


Considering I'm approaching an age where they'd be resistant to license me, I'll need to think up something else.


I'd say I may reconsider and give golf another shot. Between not having enough time to play regularly and the ankle surgery I gave it up entirely a while back.

Perfect location now with more free time o my hands I may just look into that.


Or find something else to build a collection out of. Now you've got me thinking.



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53 minutes ago, riderpride said:

Nice! What genres are you into?

For reading,  I'm currently into auto/biographies. The last one I finished was Norm Macdonald's 'memoir' that had me rollingin tears. While around a mere 240 or so pages, I could write a 300pg paper on it.

As far as writing,  I'm all over the map.


I’m also kind of all over the map. I graduated with a degree in English lit before going into tech. My library has a little of everything from Shakespeare to Poe to Stephen King to Hemingway. I love horror/sci fi/fantasy, especially the weird stuff like Jeff Vandermeer, HP Lovecraft, and Thomas Ligotti. For nonfiction, I’m working on The Beatles by Bob Spitz (been watching Anthology at the same time, which is pretty cool, tho it’s messing me up a bit because I’m not in sync across the two time wise). 

EDIT: Btw, I always thought Norm Macdonald was hilarious, and was sorry to hear he passed away. I used to love him on Weekend Update. 

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I have always been intrigued by knives, specifically pocket knives. About a year ago during the pandemic, I decided to jump in with both feet into collecting/acquiring and let’s just say that things have escalated very quickly. The next natural transition is to get into sharpening, which seems to be a whole other beast. I have used whetstones, but looking to invest in a sharpening system to really take it to the next level. 

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10 hours ago, Deezwho said:

Always wanted to learn to fly an airplane. 

Never had the free time to commit to it. It's on my bucket list so Ill get there one day.

Flying an airplane is easy! Landing them, that's the tricky part!!! 😃


20 hours ago, Habana Mike said:

Well, given no considerations around the choice, aviation. Would love to be able to hop in a plane and get anywhere quickly without I-95 traffic.

Plus the views. Being able to fly over landscapes difficult to get to.


Considering I'm approaching an age where they'd be resistant to license me

I don't think age is as much a consideration as you'd think. As long as you haven't had heart issues, passing the bi-annual flight physical is easy. Yes, being able to boogie down to Key West from Tampa in an hour and a half does have it's charm, but it ain't cheap. Private pilot's license: $5000. (Easy) IFR rating: $8000/$9000. (Hard) Airplane rental: $150/175 an hour (When the prop's turning) Oh, and your life insurance policy premiums just doubled! 😬

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I've always been artistically inclined, so doing more Art is on my list. I would like to try my hand at building a fancy humidor cabinet like you saw in the Pre-Embargo days. Something simple, like below.


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I have gotten back into disc golf after a 20 year break.

Local disc golf course 1.5 miles from the house went in 2 and a half years ago, I have been there most every day.

Lots of work clearing brush and vines, brambles and  left over debris from Moonshine stills, fallen trees ,etc.

I have met up with several old friends from the old days, boy, we're getting old.......... 

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1 hour ago, Chas.Alpha said:

I don't think age is as much a consideration as you'd think. As long as you haven't had heart issues, passing the bi-annual flight physical is easy. Yes, being able to boogie down to Key West from Tampa in an hour and a half does have it's charm, but it ain't cheap. Private pilot's license: $5000. (Easy) IFR rating: $8000/$9000. (Hard) Airplane rental: $150/175 an hour (When the prop's turning) Oh, and your life insurance policy premiums just doubled! 😬

It had been an interest for a number of years.... Somewhat more expensive locally. Back in the day - there was also a limitation - that if you had to wear glasses you could not become a pilot.

I have always had a fascination with welding - not sure what I would do with it at this stage in my life ( not to mention accumulation of equipment).

I find it interesting how some hobbies get resuscitated for different reasons. In my youth I had been a professional photographer ( back in the days of "film). When Fuji ( of Fuji Film) launched a new series of rangefinder cameras. It peaked my interest. Relaunched a passion (capturing light) from thirty years earlier.

I do question what hobbies are time ( and $$$) consuming as a part of retirement. Also under if apprenticeship is more fruitful as you get older...

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