El Presidente Posted February 13, 2018 Posted February 13, 2018 Love the day or loathe the day......most of us at one time or another have played the game. Your best and/or worst valentines day story. The one with the most likes goes into the draw Friday for a Talisman
Popular Post LordAnubis Posted February 14, 2018 Popular Post Posted February 14, 2018 The one with the most likes goes into the draw Friday for a Talisman Que?My story. In a world first, cos the Mrs is going on and on about about my birthday (on 15th) I actually remeber that my birthday is coming up. This morning. Woke up for morning prayers, it’s kind of a daze, you wake up at dawn barely open your eyes, pray and get back into bed. Barely a word spoken. I woke up again the Mrs is smiling and all happy (she’s not a morning person at all) and I’m a bit confused, so I said “nah it’s not my birthday” and went back to sleep. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 5 3
Popular Post luv2fly Posted February 14, 2018 Popular Post Posted February 14, 2018 I made a funny card for my better half. I thought it was funny but she did not. 2 years later and she will not let me live it down. This was what the card said: "Dont think what you do goes un-noticed. I have been watching you from the couch during commercials!!!" Love ya babe!! I love my wife!! 6 5
Popular Post jay8354 Posted February 14, 2018 Popular Post Posted February 14, 2018 Let's start with the bad: Still in the dating stage with my GF (now wife), planned the whole evening on how it was going to go. Got the usual gifts sorted (Roses delivered, some great chocolates, etc). Everything is going great. Get to the restaurant with a view, window seating (organised early), order 2 glasses of top shelf (i.e. expensive) champagne to start. GF / Wife had 2 sips, promptly tells me she is now very tipsy and not feeling well. Managed to somehow get through dinner but she then tells me she is feeling awful and wants to go home. So the rest of the plans went out the window. Drove her home, got her to bed and had to call it a night. The Worst: Planning Valentines again for the GF but since we have been dating for a loooong time (7+ yrs), thought it was time to get serious. Got 2 dozen roses, book a popular high end French restaurant, got gifts, booked hotel room. Also have the engagement ring. So started with picking the GF up, after giving her the roses. Headed to the restaurant, everything is going as planned. Dinner is a degustation menu. Appetisers came and went, restaurant is packed with couples. Can see what the dishes are since the next table is getting their meals before us. For some reason, the head chef started to have a meltdown. Dishes are started to be delayed, main meal has not come. Head Chef (husband) is screaming as the maître d'hôtel (wife). maître d'hôtel is apologetic to the customers and trying very hard to keep everyone in the loving mood. Main meals did not come until over 2 hours, I was amazed no customers were screaming. Must have been because of Valentines and they don't want to freak out their dates. However, this meant that my proposal plans were all out of sorts. Since I was going to propose at this famous fountain but now the fountains is not running and the lights are all off. Had to go back to the hotel room and propose their instead. GF was shocked as she did not expect to be propose in a hotel (me neither), though I was joking (even with the ring). Took a bit of convincing that I was serious, she started crying. I was nervous since she hasn't said yes yet. Finally she nodded to much relief for me. The Best: Now married to Wife and have 2 kids. Bought bunch of flowers, small gift, some chocolates to bring home after work. Get home and kids see me with all the items and ask what is the occasion. Wife hears the commotion and comes around. Looks at the gifts, then me and in a straight face - Is it Valentines? I completely forgot. I keep these moments for later to ensure I don't get into the doghouse too much. 11 2 1
cjflip14 Posted February 14, 2018 Posted February 14, 2018 On our first Valentines Day, I got her a single rose. It was our sophomore year in college and I was broke. To spare embarrassment, I made up a cute excuse that I would give her a rose for each year we celebrated together. Fast forward two years... It was our third Valentine’s Day together, and our senior year in college. We had both been busy with classes and sports, and I completely forgot about the holiday. The day of, one of my roommates asked me what I had planned. That was my “oh sh!t” moment! Her and I made dinner plans, but I completely forgot about the roses! I had practice before our date, so I had no time to get them. I thought I was screwed. My buddy agreed to bail me out and got three roses and a few balloons for me, which he put in her car while I was at practice. We had a great date, and as we pulled up in her driveway, she noticed the balloons in her car. Unfortunately, he put them her drivers seat and they looked like a head from the rear window. She freaked out thinking someone was in her car waiting for her. I came to the rescue and searched her car for danger. Finding only balloons, I called her over to show her what I found. She was completely impressed of my efforts. Needless to say, we had a great rest of the night. Unfortunately, my buddy left his credit card at the florist and had to cancel it. It took a week for him to get the replacement. The poor guy was as broke as me for that week, and I felt terrible. But, that was 14 years ago, and my wife never found out about. His sacrifice was worth it Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 1
MrGlass Posted February 14, 2018 Posted February 14, 2018 A couple of years into our relationship, I was sent overseas on a work trip. It was only for a week, but I was arriving home the day after Valentine's Day. Not to worry though, as I figured that if I picked her up something nice while away, all would be forgiven. I found a nice, small diamond ring before heading home, and while it was only a few hundred dollars, I was poor and that was the most that I had ever spent on jewellery. So I was paranoid about losing it so I had it hidden away in my carry-on bag to keep it close. Upon arriving home, my beloved girlfriend was there to collect me from the airport. And I was both excited to present my gift (I was proud) and eager to be rid of it (the stupid fear of misplacing it was really getting to me). So while we were waiting at the baggage carousel, I figured this was as good a time as any, and kneeling down I started digging through my carry-on bag to find the ring and hand it to her. And as I was handing it to her it clicked - it was the day after Valentine's Day, and there I am on one knee giving her a diamond ring. So of course I immediately started spluttering something about not getting the wrong idea and this wasn't what it looked like and of course there was no way this was a proposal and all the other "correct" things one should say in this situation. Thankfully she laughed about it all but looking back I can't say it was my finest moment. We eventually did get engaged, but not for another 5 years. And that proposal came as a complete shock to her, no doubt in part thanks to the handling of my earlier mishap.
Booyaa Posted February 14, 2018 Posted February 14, 2018 My kid (7 years old) just got a hand delivered card and sweets before leaving for school this morning. Very sweet but he is so embarrassed it is hilarious. 2
anacostiakat Posted February 14, 2018 Posted February 14, 2018 Don't celebrate no Hallmark Holidays! So it is all good! 1
Ryan Posted February 14, 2018 Posted February 14, 2018 I brought a girlfriend to see Waiting for Godot about 25 years ago. Not the most romantic date but turned out to be a good analogy for where we were heading, or not heading. I keep meaning, on St. Valentines Day, to take my wife to see the bits of his corpse on display here. I think that would be quite romantic. https://www.independent.ie/irish-news/news/watch-how-did-the-remains-of-st-valentine-end-up-in-a-dublin-church-35447058.html Though given the history of the abundance of relics in the church I was raised in there are probably couples all over Europe who could do the same. https://www.irishtimes.com/news/offbeat/love-divided-as-european-cities-compete-over-st-valentine-s-remains-1.3391177
Popular Post MooseAMuffin Posted February 14, 2018 Popular Post Posted February 14, 2018 This has probably happened to others before but here is mine. I'm in college and flat out broke, like normal. I've been dating this girl since January so by Valentine's day, the relationship is still in the beginning stages IMO. I go to the store and see this stuffed puppy dog so I buy it along with flowers and chocolate. For dinner we got to a sandwich place because my roommate works there which makes it free . After dinner, go to my apartment and give her the gifts. She sees the dog and gets excited. More excited than I thought she would be, it's only a stuffed dog. She then looks up at me and says "Aww, I love you too!" Of course this catches me off guard because I didn't tell her I loved her. I now panic deep inside and ask "What?". She is still pretty giddy about it and shows me the dog's nametag on its collar. And on that nametag, in all caps is, "I LOVE YOU". Now I'm freaking out. We've only been dating a little over a month so that phrase is the last thing I'm thinking about telling her. I gotta wiggle my way out of this! So, after another decent pause, I reply "Oh wow. I didn't know it said that. Ignore it. Wanna go get ice cream?" Apparently, ice cream doesn't make up for that kind of mistake. 3 days later, I was a single man. Makes me laugh just thinking about her face after I said "Ignore it." 1 4
foursite12 Posted February 14, 2018 Posted February 14, 2018 For those of us who perpetrate some of the acts and omissions listed on this thread, including forgetting completely, here are lyrics to a Steve Earle song that you can try to package in some way in a pathetic attempt to recover from your testosterone induced idiocy. I probably shouldn't have to say it--but then again, after reading this litany it's perhaps best that I do advise that this is not something that you are to do every year, men. VALENTINE'S DAY By: Steve Earle I come to you with empty hands I guess I just forgot again I only got my love to send On Valentine's Day. I ain't got a card to sign Roses have been hard to find I only hope that you'll be mine On Valentine's Day. I know that I swore that I wouldn't forget I wrote it all down, I lost it I guess. There's so much I want to say But all the words just slip away. The way you love me every day Is Valentine's Day. If I could I would deliver to you Diamonds and gold; it's the least I can do. So if you'll take my IOU I could make it up to you. Until then I hope my heart'll do For Valentine's Day For Valentine's Day
Popular Post dominattorney Posted February 14, 2018 Popular Post Posted February 14, 2018 I literally shat myself on V-Day last year, having suffered mightily from the Nora Virus, or some other insidious malady. We soldiered on and went to dinner, then it happened in the car ride home. I think that should win. I still got laid though. BTW, we're still together. All in all, four out of five stars. 2 3
suggs Posted February 14, 2018 Posted February 14, 2018 I'll leave this to you all to determine if this is the best or worst... (somewhat NSFW, but I've kept it PG-ish) About six years ago my girlfriend at the time and I decided we wanted to celebrate Valentine's Day. We hadn't been together that long (only about three months) and neither of us really seemed to care all that much about the whole fuss of Valentine's Day. Despite the latter, I decided to go all-out in the "I'll actually do something nice for this person because I genuinely like them" kinda way...not in the Hallmark card way. She loves Mexican food, so great (!)...I like to cook...I'll make fajitas and flan, which for me means making as many of the components from scratch as I can (tortillas, the caramel for the flan, etc.). After all, I really liked this girl...and hey, I want to show off. So the day arrives, and she's supposed to come over to my place for dinner. I start cooking everything. I make the tortillas, chop up the onions, peppers (she really liked jalapeños), etc...while the flan is in the oven. I've got a lot of stuff to do, so there's a good bit of chaos...but I manage to pull everything off just in time. She shows up and is instantly and really pleasantly surprised by how much I'm putting into making this a nice night...which is good, right? Yes...it's good, because we eat and things...ahem..."progress" rather quickly from the kitchen to the bedroom. Kisses happen, clothes are removed, prophylactics worn (safety first!)...and "the deed" commences. This is great right? Yeah, until... Her: "Wait...wait...stop!" Me: "What's the matter, are you okay?" Her: "NO, I'm burning!" Me: "Huh?" She scampers out of the bedroom, runs to the shower, flips on the water, and begins scrubbing herself with a force I thought was only possible for heavy machinery. Me: "Are you okay?!?! What's happening?" Her: "NO! This really hurts!! It feels like someone's lit a fire in there!" Well dear reader, now that the blood had gotten back to my brain, I was able to put two and two together. Me: "HOLY COW, IT'S THE PEPPERS!" (Like I said, I had enough time to cook...but apparently not enough time to wash my hands.) Now I was prepared for the worst; call the cops, go to the bomb shelter...this is gonna be bad, when I hear from the bathroom: Her: "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Wait....this is FUNNY to her? She's in there putting out a "fire"...but hey, who am I to give the gunman a second shot if I've already dodged one bullet? She comes out of the bathroom still laughing, naked, and bright red from the waist down. She looks at me, and says: "So are we still gonna do this? Cause I'm game!" And we did. The moral of the story: spicy food makes for spicy loins...in more ways than one. 3
polarbear Posted February 14, 2018 Posted February 14, 2018 Nothing says "happy valentines day" like a phone call from a One Night Stand telling you she thinks she's pregnant... 2 1
Jeremy Festa Posted February 15, 2018 Posted February 15, 2018 Smashed it out of the park this year. I got my wife a bottle of Hatt et Soner Blanc de Blancs Grand Cuvee Brut 2012. Which is half a present for me. And booked 2 places in Bernadette O'Shea's two night champagne classes. Also a present for me. The real clincher was, I have 4 and 7 year old daughters. Isla and Freja. I call them Islington and Freight Train. So... I got them a card each, a chocolate heart with sprinkles, unicorn lipgloss and some rainbow coloured roses. This impressed my wife more than her gifts. And the girls lost their minds. Thought it was better than Christmas. I received numerous accolades from various mum friends as a result. 3
lordlister Posted February 15, 2018 Posted February 15, 2018 I have a mother’s day story I’d like to tell despite its irrelevance. My wife is Mexican and my mother in law used to live with us. My mother in law does not speak English and my Spanish is as bad as it gets. A few years ago I got them both flowers and cards to celebrate mother’s day. My mother in laws card greeting read “Feliz dia del Mamas!”. My wife tells me that this translates to “Happy blow job day”. I was the only one that thought this was funny. 3
benfica_77 Posted February 15, 2018 Posted February 15, 2018 Fiance said this year she didn't want any flowers. Well I decided to take that as a challenge since I get her flowers every year. This year I got her a bouquet...but not of flowers.... McDonalds Chicken Nuggets. I fancied it up with some paper and everything. She got a good laugh and proceeded to eat them all before dinner last night. They are her guilty pleasure. 1
ErikB Posted February 15, 2018 Posted February 15, 2018 Once promised someone to send her a card for every year we hadn’t met . Sent about twenty cards. It worked. Verzonden vanaf mijn iPhone met Tapatalk
Colt45 Posted February 15, 2018 Posted February 15, 2018 Not work if it's love - never had a problem Stay away from restaurants on Valentines's day.....
ajgagnon Posted February 15, 2018 Posted February 15, 2018 Wife didn’t make it back from her business trip in time so I took the kids for pizza anyway. So as karma, this happens at 6:00 pm.(I joke, she was happy I made the kids happy)Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
Ferrero Posted February 16, 2018 Posted February 16, 2018 Congratulations @jay8354! Your post received the most likes Send me a PM with your shipping information and we will get a prize on the way to you. 1
IanMcLean68 Posted February 16, 2018 Posted February 16, 2018 Congratulations, well done Jase! Great story! 1
jay8354 Posted February 18, 2018 Posted February 18, 2018 I like to thank everyone for their stories and Rob for hosting the competitions. Thank you. 1 1
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