What I don't 'like.'

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Seems to me, more and more that along with others I hit my like limit too often. Is there a reason that we cannot open the bandwidth on the 'like button.' a bit? Thanks for considering! -Piggy

Mr. Piggy, The problem is your heart is too BIG!   Your willingness to share your experience and knowledge and support of the FOH brothers and sisters is an inspiration. Thank you for your p

LOL. I use mine up every day! I've actually had to go back to un-like something to like something else I liked more! 

I think everyone no matter what it is should like every single one of Kens post ....even posts about Bruce ...what's not to like ....really ...there is all sorts of stuff I don't read ....but if Ken has posted something ...gotta have a look ..:D 

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I haven't been on this forum long enough to know how the 'like' dynamic works here. And, I don't know what the situation is in other countries, but IMO approval seeking seems to be a major driving motivation in America. - - I was at a conference a few years ago. At one point a man was brought in front of the large seated group of people. He just stood there, moving his head as he stood to scan the crowd & make eye contact with each individual for a few seconds. Their assignment was to write notes of their impressions of the man standing in front of them. - - People's thoughts were quite interesting. There were some positive comments, but for the most part their reactions were highly negative toward this stranger before them who they had never spoken to or even met before. - - The thing was, he had been trained to wear a completely neutral expression. People were so used to everyone wearing a fake 'perma-grin' that when they saw someone who didn't do so, they interpreted that as a sign of 'negativity' or even aggression.
I have seen forums where the 'like' and 'rep' functions seem to influence commentary greatly . If you like the way people interact now, perhaps it's wise to tread lightly before making changes.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

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12 hours ago, Ken Gargett said:

in posting this, i swear i am not trying to start any fights, but this is actually a thing? grown men and women are discussing whether they should be allowed to press a button saying they like something more often than they are permitted to do so currently?

i'm sure there are people to whom this seems all perfectly sane. i am not one of them. it is truly and completely beyond my comprehension.

this must be a stupid question, otherwise people far smarter than i would have asked it, but why is there a limit? do humans have a limited amount of "like"? i may well think it monumentally absurd to "like" something, as though we are all five-year-olds in the playground (and what i think of those who bother is best left unsaid), but i would "like" to think i would defend the right of people to do so (even if it is really really dumb).

why is there a limit? i am in favour of people being allowed to "like" as often as they want. should we have separate toilets for them? (okay, that might have been a smidge provocative but i'm surely allowed a tiny dig?).


Kenny, I find it particularly interesting that you feel so strongly about this concept. Of course, finding chinks in our respective armor is not unusual for either of us now is it?


So since it is now more than what it is, potentially a Freudian, Americanism to some, I have a question for you.


How do you see yourself in the equation? More like Bruce Springsteen, the guy who lives and thrives off ‘likes’ and praise, or the peevish tennis player who also has distain for those who express it???


Cheers mate! -Ray

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14 hours ago, Ken Gargett said:

there is another first world problem. can't give enough 'likes'.

i can honestly say that, to my knowledge, i have never given a single 'like' to anything in my life (but occasionally see emails where i have allegedly liked something - lies, i say). i see absolutely no point.

i did get roundly abused by a stranger once who had apparently "liked" something i had done. i have no idea if you could even do that. so he contacted me to tell me that i now had to 'like' something of his. and then told me what i could 'like'. could anything ever be more insincere than that? even if i had wanted to, i had not the slightest idea of how to do it.

from the tone of his final correspondence, he no longer liked me.

I like this. And I liked it.

And I had no idea there was a limit.


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I like long walks on the beach at sunset, dancing in the moonlight, and world peace.

Here we have an example of the extended use of the "like". If anyone "likes" this@Colt45 can see who it is, check out their posts and by extrapolation get an inkling of their personality. He can then PM them and ask them out on a date if suitable. However, as most posters don't use their real names and could even, through their FoH avatar present a totally false persona, it's a minefield. Don't do it man! A sad lonely existence blighted by repeated disappointment and heartache awaits.
Bloody hell, this "likes" business is complicated.

Thunder & Lightening '75-'15

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31 minutes ago, PigFish said:

... you have been reading too much Match.com! -R

Actually, I'm on grinder - HardLeather69

Don't say no, say maybe!

21 minutes ago, Akela3rd said:

A sad lonely existence blighted by repeated disappointment and heartache awaits.

True dat - my mom's basement is no palace.......

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2 hours ago, PigFish said:


Kenny, I find it particularly interesting that you feel so strongly about this concept. Of course, finding chinks in our respective armor is not unusual for either of us now is it?


So since it is now more than what it is, potentially a Freudian, Americanism to some, I have a question for you.


How do you see yourself in the equation? More like Bruce Springsteen, the guy who lives and thrives off ‘likes’ and praise, or the peevish tennis player who also has distain for those who express it???


Cheers mate! -Ray

ray, it is not so much that i feel strongly (didn't really mean to give that impression), more that i am completely befuddled by all this. it is beyond me why a grown human would feel the need to have complete strangers (or relative strangers, or even more confusing, friends, family and acquaintances), provide this weird form of third party endorsement for whatever they have said or done. has the world become so insecure?

as for the less than subtle and wildly off-the-mark dig at the boss, i will not be drawn into that.

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4 minutes ago, refresh said:

So....leave Likes as is, or bump the limit?

It won't affect those who don't use Likes, so I'm more interested in what those who do feel is an appropriate limit. A minor bump to 30 perhaps?

while i remain in the fog of confusion, can i ask a question?

why is there a limit? is it a technical issue? why not let people like away, to their heart's content?

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4 minutes ago, refresh said:

No particular reason, it's just set to a limit of 20 by default by the software. I don't think it has much of an impact on server resources, but that might be a consideration.

In a community like this, we could probably get away without limits. But members on forums tend to form cliques and they hand out rep and likes to bolster each other's street cred to become the dominant forum gang. I've been on forums where post to like ratio is a thing...petty, but true.


but people take notice of virtual gangs, because they like each other?

no way in the world that monty python is not in charge now.

this might be another silly question but how do we even now someone is being "liked"?

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4 minutes ago, refresh said:

There's a little notice to the left of the "Like this button" with the names of members who like your post. It also shows up as a notification in the black menu bar at the top of the screen. Likes can be used to highlight popular posts, but beyond that, does little more than add a bit of friendliness and interaction to the forums.

The pissing contest stuff comes wrapped in Reputation, which would appear below the avatar and post count to the left of posts, if we used it. We don't use rep to avoid the bullying that is frequently associated with elitist members intimidating rather than welcoming noobs..."behold my mighty rep count!!1!". Again, petty but true.

thanks for that.

every day, i find myself more and more out of touch.

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There are of course cliques here like other places. There are people who will like you, and think like you, dislike you and not think like you. This forum is not going to change human nature... Yet we have many welcoming members, those willing to be nice to people without some sort of reciprocal agreement. I would like to think that I am one of them.

You can disconnect likes to my posts for all I care, frankly it has little to do with what I get, verses what I give. That has been my perspective on this forum for as long as I can remember. Ask those that I have helped and mentored if post count, or political alignment, or ass kissing were requisites for my help...

Do I appreciate someone saying something nice about what I write? Sure I do, that is why I thank people for writing nice things, salient things, and meaningful things... It is anything but a quid pro quo. Furthermore, as a sensitive human being, and a long time manager of manpower professionally, I understand the impact of empathy and kindness on the lives of others. Acknowledging fraternity with kindness and friendship, separates us from a professional service organization... It takes so little effort to tell people that they are appreciated (when they deserve recognition). What is more, one sincere kind gesture can really make a guy's (or gal's) day! For the life of me, I cannot see the mistake or make a negative out of being nice to people. I guess some people can...

If I lose my 'man-card' because I am kind and caring, so be it. I'll take the hit, and put up the argument. Frankly as many of you already know, I can be a real son of a bitch when it comes to my opinion!!! So I have that side as well.

Without the 'like button', i was commonly writing my approval of thoughts written by others on this forum. I don't need the like button, but I do use it now and as a vocal member, unafraid to say what I like and don't like; the button allows me a luxury... It is akin the quote button.

Read some of my posts, I am no innocent man! I have given plenty of people reason to dislike me... I am no wallflower. I court no one's opinion, and I am quite content being a black sheep. It has probably 'cost' me plenty of 'likes.' Ask me if I care...

A note about intent... I do not partake in social media on sites like Farce-book. Look me up, I am not a member! I need no followers! I have no interest in it at all. A quid pro quo as established by convention on those sites is also alien to me... I don't 'like' peoples' posts because 'I own them one...' I like pictures of boxes of fine cigars. I like peoples' humidor projects, their writing, their opinions and a host of different things in their post because they strike me. If I don't... sometimes I will say I dislike what they have done, or written as well. Hopefully I make more friends than enemies. Regardless, I will remain true to who I am.

The point being, for me at least, is that commenting on commentary is a two way street (not meaning reciprocating) but meaning that I will not just take the time to slam shit I don't like, but express feelings of support as well.

As a parting note, I believe there is something wrong with people who cannot complement another person for good work, or apologize for a mistake made. I distance myself from such people... here and other places. If that is my clique, so be it... If you want to know petty, petty is taking pride in 'not' acknowledging the good work of others. It goes beyond petty actually, but pitiful.

I am what I write and take ownership of it. Like it or dislike it... that is up to you, that is who I am!


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I have found that I have run out of likes when the forum content is interesting and enjoyable to read. I enjoy giving likes to good posts for my own reasons. I would 'like' the throttle opened... It would be a service to me and how I post. From 21 to 101, it would be an improvement. You know the reasons why a like button exists better than I... I am an end user and I am shy on bandwidth... Take that for what it is worth.

Thanks for the consideration. -Ray

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Just now, refresh said:

I'll bump it to 50 PigFish. Honestly, I don't see it as being a problem on this site :)

... I 'like' you again! Don't let it go to your head...! -LOL Thanks mate!

Now I can like Bwana's post for giving an ashtray for a prize... -the Pig

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Since the dawn of man we have given each other affirmation in one way or another. It is a foundation of our interaction with one another. It helps us recognize others who hold similar interests and values. This is essentially the function of the like button as i understand it.

It is sincerely hard to believe people are having trouble grasping that.

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I don't this is an affirmation to feed insecurities or self-centered personalities. It's just showing that one person agrees with, or relates to, another person's statements. Everyone is here for different reasons. Some seek information. Some chase every double bander coming out. Some are looking for advice. Some are just reading for entertainment. To me, the likes are simply a substitution for a nod that would normally take place during a conversation. Touching on what Ray mentioned, every board has cliques. Public boards tend to have more. I say online whatever I would say to anyone in person... whether or not I know them personally. If people don't get my sarcasm, I don't care. I don't feel obligated to be buddies with everyone that smokes cigars. Opinions are nothing but opinions. Nobody has to agree with anybody. The like button is just a way to show agreements on topics, without having to type everything out each time. If people truly need them to feel good about themselves, that their problem.

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