Weekend Competition....Supermodel cigars

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... what to post? For me it must be a cigar that is not only one that I lust, but one that I have started to smoke from. Cigar lust takes many forms, some of which is a matter or pride of ownersh

Mons Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

And these..same thing.  TOS Dip2s will be legendary someday..

23 hours ago, avaldes said:

Finecigar, there really was something about those Cubatabacco Bolivars. Too bad they don't have the depth that they once did.

Yes, indeed! I still love Bolivar don't get me wrong... in tie of 3 for my top favorite marcas. They rarely disappoint. But yes, 80s and early 90s Bolivars are a whole different ball game

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On 1/5/2017 at 5:44 PM, El Presidente said:

Post no more than two pics/two boxes

Technically, I'm not sure one of the winners complied with the rules.... or... I am confused by the math... :lol:

Beautiful smokes!  Congrats to the winners!  

And, this thread was awesome! 

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On 1/8/2017 at 4:03 PM, Philc2001 said:

Incredible cigars, sooooo miss them! I'm nursing the last few I have from about 3 cabs I smoked over the past 15 years. One of my favoritesemoji39.png

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One of my favorites too.  I smoked one on accident a couple weeks ago on a commute, I thought it was something else.  As soon as I took the first puff I realized what I had done and just tried to enjoy it the best I could! It ended up being out of this world good, a real treat. 

On 1/8/2017 at 4:04 PM, PigFish said:

... thanks mate, I have again run out of likes!!! -LOL

You know what has been my a real favorite of mine have been these!

I have a couple cabs of these hanging around somewhere. I only hope mine look this good! When I get the ownership of my 'neck' back, i will have to have a look see!


I wish I had a couple cabs haha! I'm happy I have 45+ left right now.  How do you think they compare to the SSn2, RS11, and Black Prince? I know they are a different size but I figured I would ask.  

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11 hours ago, Lant63 said:

One of my favorites too.  I smoked one on accident a couple weeks ago on a commute, I thought it was something else.  As soon as I took the first puff I realized what I had done and just tried to enjoy it the best I could! It ended up being out of this world good, a real treat. 

I wish I had a couple cabs haha! I'm happy I have 45+ left right now.  How do you think they compare to the SSn2, RS11, and Black Prince? I know they are a different size but I figured I would ask.  

I read this yesterday before passing out (drug and pain related) and took the thoughts with me.

SS2, a writers and CG lovers favorite, never one of mine. Still have some left in one cab, have the remaining room in that cab occupied by HdM petit robustos. The petit robustos are better!!! If taste migration were only true!

I have one remaining cab of RS11 that I cannot recall smoking from but gifting from. The whole Punch Punch, RS11, Black Prince, SS2 thing was never mine, but those were the years I would try to like certain cigars. I have not had a BP in many years, as I recall they were just another CG. I have a box of PP from '95 that I cannot manage to smoke through, so that says it all about the Punch CG multiplex. Over the years I would pick up a few just to see if the tastes were changing (year to year). I never really developed a love for larger ring Punch, with the exception of the Punch Churchill.

In the 90's when people were talking Punch DC and HdM DC, I was on the Punch Churchill. When all the talk went to Punch Monarcas (a cigar that is one of the few that I considered frankly awful) I stuck with the Churchill. I sent a '90's Churchill to a friend of mine here a few months ago, and if he reads this, maybe he will comment on the cigar.

Punch cigars that have attracted me are more 42 ring caliber. While no one gave love the Punch Coronas, I smoked many a box and I recall getting those boxes for something like $90 to $99.00. The RS12 was a favorite marvevas. I am still looking for that box from '98 I thought I had....  I would trade the CG (figuratively speaking) for the Coronas in a heart beat. I tried this last year to recapture the RS12 love with some Punch tubed PC's, I cannot recall what they are calling them these days. These cigars need at least a year to dehydrate before I will see if my decision to buy them was a sensible one.

I hope that was what you are looking for. Tabacuba could scratch the whole CG line and have kept the SS1, the RS12 and the Coronas and I would be happy, and they probably would still not be selling!!!

I just bought heaps of the Punch Coronas... I think that they were eve cheaper than the RS12. I would keep a box of them on the back seat of my truck... smoking through it inside of 10 days they could get dry as a bone and get even better! This is what lead me to the 'dryer is better,' mindset.

Cheers! -Piggy

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I read this yesterday before passing out (drug and pain related) and took the thoughts with me.

SS2, a writers and CG lovers favorite, never one of mine. Still have some left in one cab, have the remaining room in that cab occupied by HdM petit robustos. The petit robustos are better!!! If taste migration were only true!

I have one remaining cab of RS11 that I cannot recall smoking from but gifting from. The whole Punch Punch, RS11, Black Prince, SS2 thing was never mine, but those were the years I would try to like certain cigars. I have not had a BP in many years, as I recall they were just another CG. I have a box of PP from '95 that I cannot manage to smoke through, so that says it all about the Punch CG multiplex. Over the years I would pick up a few just to see if the tastes were changing (year to year). I never really developed a love for larger ring Punch, with the exception of the Punch Churchill.

In the 90's when people were talking Punch DC and HdM DC, I was on the Punch Churchill. When all the talk went to Punch Monarcas (a cigar that is one of the few that I considered frankly awful) I stuck with the Churchill. I sent a '90's Churchill to a friend of mine here a few months ago, and if he reads this, maybe he will comment on the cigar.

Punch cigars that have attracted me are more 42 ring caliber. While no one gave love the Punch Coronas, I smoked many a box and I recall getting those boxes for something like $90 to $99.00. The RS12 was a favorite marvevas. I am still looking for that box from '98 I thought I had....  I would trade the CG (figuratively speaking) for the Coronas in a heart beat. I tried this last year to recapture the RS12 love with some Punch tubed PC's, I cannot recall what they are calling them these days. These cigars need at least a year to dehydrate before I will see if my decision to buy them was a sensible one.

I hope that was what you are looking for. Tabacuba could scratch the whole CG line and have kept the SS1, the RS12 and the Coronas and I would be happy, and they probably would still not be selling!!!

I just bought heaps of the Punch Coronas... I think that they were eve cheaper than the RS12. I would keep a box of them on the back seat of my truck... smoking through it inside of 10 days they could get dry as a bone and get even better! This is what lead me to the 'dryer is better,' mindset.

Cheers! -Piggy

Very insightful for me. Thank you very much.

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2 hours ago, Lant63 said:

I sent a '90's Churchill to a friend of mine here a few months ago, and if he reads this, maybe he will comment on the cigar.

Friend huh?  I am happy to have been bestowed this title (it's quite a bit more becoming than mooch, trap queen and split junkie! Haha!)

Yeah so the cigar Ray sent me was outstanding.  I smoked a fair amount of Punches in the early 2000s and this one made me start questioning whether I had been smoking fakes.  From Ray's analysis above I don't think I was, I was smoking Punch Punch, Coronas and a few DCs--no comparison. It wasn't Iike anything I had ever had before.  Ever.  I was so overwhelmed with the experience I forgot to take notes or a picture.  However I can say it was extremely memorable.  I recall the cigar being just a rock solid smooth journey of quality tobacco with that nutty/woody aspect which I think (should be) present in well aged cigars.  It went beyond that however.  Perfect burn, perfect draw and depth of flavor more than anything I've smoked in recent memory.  

This was probably one of the best ways Ray could have closed me on his theory of storage of tobacco.  When I first started smoking this Punch I realized right away I was smoking something different.  But I was smoking it too fast.  When I slowed way way down I realized I had to get my Humidors down to 60/70 somehow.  I would say it was my most mind blowing cigar of 2016, maybe ever.  Not only because of the great tastes still there after 20 years, but because of the revelation of the recipe for great cigar storage.  Lower rH equals a much a more enjoyable experience.  But you have to slow down--a lot.  Since then I've gotten my Humidors down to around 60 and Ray and I are working on getting more precision.  I want all my cigars to be like the Punch Churchill he gave me.  I realize that's not feasible but if I can have something with that amount of character and being so perfect in every way in 20 years I will say it was a success. 

Drink the Pig Flavored Kool Aid fellas.  The man knows what he's doing.  It's more than just sciency sounding talk.  I am 100% certain the Punch Churchill wouldn't have been nearly as good if it wasn't stored perfectly.  I am very very appreciative!!   

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4 minutes ago, zeedubbya said:

Friend huh?  I am happy to have been bestowed this title (it's quite a bit more becoming than mooch, trap queen and split junkie! Haha!)

Yeah so the cigar Ray sent me was outstanding.  I smoked a fair amount of Punches in the early 2000s and this one made me start questioning whether I had been smoking fakes.  From Ray's analysis above I don't think I was, I was smoking Punch Punch, Coronas and a few DCs--no comparison. It wasn't Iike anything I had ever had before.  Ever.  I was so overwhelmed with the experience I forgot to take notes or a picture.  However I can say it was extremely memorable.  I recall the cigar being just a rock solid smooth journey of quality tobacco with that nutty/woody aspect which I think (should be) present in well aged cigars.  It went beyond that however.  Perfect burn, perfect draw and depth of flavor more than anything I've smoked in recent memory.  

This was probably one of the best ways Ray could have closed me on his theory of storage of tobacco.  When I first started smoking this Punch I realized right away I was smoking something different.  But I was smoking it too fast.  When I slowed way way down I realized I had to get my Humidors down to 60/70 somehow.  I would say it was my most mind blowing cigar of 2016, maybe ever.  Not only because of the great tastes still there after 20 years, but because of the revelation of the recipe for great cigar storage.  Lower rH equals a much a more enjoyable experience.  But you have to slow down--a lot.  Since then I've gotten my Humidors down to around 60 and Ray and I are working on getting more precision.  I want all my cigars to be like the Punch Churchill he gave me.  I realize that's not feasible but if I can have something with that amount of character and being so perfect in every way in 20 years I will say it was a success. 

Drink the Pig Flavored Kool Aid fellas.  The man knows what he's doing.  It's more than just sciency sounding talk.  I am 100% certain the Punch Churchill wouldn't have been nearly as good if it wasn't stored perfectly.  I am very very appreciative!!   

... (Microphone from control room..)

(squeak, squelch, echo)

Ahhh... okay Zany, lets take that one more time with out the cool-aid comment...! The Pig man, he does not like sweet drinks or celebrities that go off script!!!



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@PigFish your stories about Punch cigars are just killing me! There was a time in the late nineties and early 2000's when I proclaimed myself a Punch Whore! I honestly would have given virtually any cigar in my collection, and virtually any amount of coin, for my favorite Punch cigars. I bought multiple cabs of SS1 and SS2, but was not a big fan of BP, PP or RS11. The SS1 and SS2 where my favorites, but I was also very impressed with RS12s, PCdP, Coronas and Churchills. I did get a box of Monarcas, but didn't smoke but a couple in the first 10 years I had them. I put them down for a long sleep because they just didn't rate against the Churchills back then, but after 15 years of rest I find them tasty reminders of this once glorious brand. 

Unfortunately, I have precious few Punch cigars left now, I burned almost all of them during my buying hiatus over the past 12 years when I was saving for my kids' college education. Oh but I absolutely cherish the handful I have left, with remorse that I didn't take out a second mortgage on my house to stock up while HSA was decimating the brand. As each vitola was axed I could distinctly recall the deep scar that formed on my psyche. What a crying shame!

Congratulations on the competition, and thank you for the images. Enjoy those Punch treats my friend! They are rare gems of a bygone era, along with those beautiful Partagas Lonsdales you so brilliantly captured digitally.  

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 I think I missed the real opportunity here!

6 hours ago, zeedubbya said:

Friend huh?

... who said I was talking about you!!! -LOL

With that bit of funny business out of the way, and seeing we are into the new year, I just have to comment that with each new wave of members I seem to ferret out group of reprobates that I call my friends. FoH is a life asset!

Thanks for making it happen Rob, and all the mods.


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35 minutes ago, CaptainQuintero said:

It ended perfectly, pigster getting the super exclusive new EL release :clap:

A review is needed Sir Ham

It's funny you say this because I am curious to see how this goes as well. I have a handful of them and I just have a feeling the sheer size of the thing will make for an interesting scene.  6.5 by 55...over 200% the volume of tobacco as a corona. 15% more than a Double Corona.  I second the necessity of a review.  

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