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post-20050-0-08401300-1457493852_thumb.jThis past weekend I had the pleasure of visiting the Rio Grande region of South Eastern Texas. During my visit we crossed over into what is probably the only safe border town left to visit, Nuevo Progreso, Mexico. Man, this place is strange! The town has not changed since the 1960’s. It reminded me of Tijuana back when I was in college. However, there was one big difference. In the 1980’s Tijuana was a young party town. Back then most everyone walking over the border was college aged or 18 year olds looking to get their drink on in clubs and bars. Today in Progreso the crowd is all retired US citizens. They cross the border for discount pharmaceuticals, inexpensive dental care, cheap souvenirs and to buy booze.

While walking around we entered a huge store that sold everything. Let’s call it “G’s”. They even had a small humidor stacked with “Cuban” cigars. It really only took two seconds to realize that these were suspect. Attached, please find some sample pics of the cigars. Judge for yourself. Many red flags to choose from before you even look hard at the cigars. It might be difficult to see in the pic, but the tobacco wrappers were more grey then brown. I also included a pic of the town. I looked in a few more shops and found the same suspect items for sale. I almost purchased a box to have as a conversation piece. It cost $15.95 USD. I am glad I did not.

As we are heading back over the bridge we waited our turn to drive our car up to the checkpoint. I stayed quiet as the driver presented our passports and answered the agent’s three questions. 1. Did you purchase any medication? 2. Did you purchase any alcohol? 3. Did you purchase any tobacco products? My travel companion answered said, “NO, we purchased a pair of cowboy boots and had lunch.” I should add at this point that the agent was not the friendliest US Customs person I have encountered. I am sure that being assigned to the Mexican border is extra stressful. Anyway, after my friends answer the Customs agent snaps and yells across the car at me, “HOW ABOUT YOU, YOU PURCHASE ANY MEDS, ALCOHOL OR TOBACCO?” I was caught off guard and must have hesitated every so slightly with my polite “no” response… because I guess he did not like it. The next thing we know we are pulled to the side and they are going through my stuff and the car (we went straight from the airport to Mexico so I had my bags).

In the past I have been very cavalier about traveling back from Mexico often with a few legit Cuban cigars. I was so happy that I passed on the suspect cigars. I’m sure that this guy was having a bad day and would have loved to bust chops. Realistically they probably would have just confiscated the cigars, but who needs the extra aggravation! So, lessons here for me; 1. Nuevo Progresso is a cool place to visit. 2. Lots of good deals on pharmaceuticals and other stuff. 3. Pass on the cigars. 4. Crossing at a border town is nothing like the airports.




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Is this a joke or am I missing something? Maybe I'm not getting the humor. I'm just back in from a "business" meeting/dinner, and I've had a few, so, please excuse me, and please explain this further for me before I comment. "Suspect cigars"? Really??

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i remember being in costa rica and approached by some guys with cohibas and a glass top. we had the usual discussion - they are fakes, no, yes, no, yes. blah blah blah.

then the blokes just smiled and said yep, fakes. conceded we could spot them (glass tops - not that hard). after that, to my surprise, we had a long and interesting conversation about them selling fakes, where they got them, the number of people who bought them. quite bizarre.

and possibly slightly off topic.

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Point 2. "Good deals on pharmaceuticals and other "stuff"" lookaround.gif Are you the real Walter White or something?

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I thought banana leaves went black but guess if you catch them at the right stage they stay grey ?


Gosh - just $15.95 for a box of those "collector's items"!!? Uhhh --oooohh...somebody STOP me!!!

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From the photos it looks like it was sucked sideways.

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So as a newb this in an honest question. Has there ever been a glass/plastic top presentation for any Cohiba?


Nice to see Montecristo now in a glass cabinet presentation party.gif

Look at the time it will save you to appraise all of these as seconds thirds.

  • Like 1

So as a newb this in an honest question. Has there ever been a glass/plastic top presentation for any Cohiba?



So as a newb this in an honest question. Has there ever been a glass/plastic top presentation for any Cohiba?

Only the Mexican faux cohiba


Only the Mexican faux cohiba

Coign a new phrase: Fauxhiba. Rhymes with Cohiba. Means "shitty fake cigars"! ?


You're all wrong, those aren't fake! Those are all legitimate....such haters! lol3.gif


Awesome, I have long wondered where all these were coming from. Now I know and have a new bucket list destination!

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Hi all,

They are sooooooo fake but It dosen't matter does It, they will always sell to New Smoker's. What's worst, the buyers really

believe that they made a great deal on the Cohiba's. Poor guys!!!!!!!!


  • Like 1

Awesome, I have long wondered where all these were coming from. Now I know and have a new bucket list destination!

From your info, looks like its not 2 far from you. After 2 hours I was ready to go. But, I can see how someone can kill a day there.


Hi all,

They are sooooooo fake but It dosen't matter does It, they will always sell to New Smoker's. What's worst, the buyers really

believe that they made a great deal on the Cohiba's. Poor guys!!!!!!!!


You are right! Folks just don't know what they are buying and believe its real. As a policy, living in FLA I come across "suspects" all the time. I learned early on to just respectfully decline and move on. It is just not worth my time or energy to get into it. I'll just get pissed off and really there is no upside for me. Shoot.... its not my lifes work to educate people who want to believe they have a real Cuban cigar in their possession.


My god, are the pharmaceuticals as badly faked as those cigars? Scary thought

I'm told that as much as 25% of pharmaceuticals purchased there are "fake." I have no way of knowing and have never made any purchases. However, my 70 year old friend swears by the generic Viagra he buys there (its not an image I like to dwell on LOL).

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