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Over the past few month I have had an avalanche of requests via PM and e-mail to put up good "seconds".

Good "seconds" is a difficult concept for me. I can't/won't put forward boxes with obvious construction flaws and I probably wouldn't buy them for myself with the intention to store away.

Still, as many of you know, these are the cigars i often smoke myself on the deck (being a cheap bastard). The exception is that I will normally smoke the ones with crakked feet/heads, tears n the wrapper etc.You won't find that on boxes I put up as seconds.

My definition of seconds for any offerings put up will be those cigars that have good construction but whose wrappers don't generally meet PE standard but don't fall too far short. They will be priced accordingly.

So today on 24:24 youwillsee a few seconds. I will trial it. If you see a benefit then i will do it a few times a month when I believe they meet a minimum requirement and I have sufficient levels of stock.

Looking forward to getting back home from the warehouse today. It has been a long week party.gif

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Good Idea pres!

I think a lot of the "seconds" experience comes from NCs, and is, to a great degree, marketing voodoo. Designed to make consumers think they are getting a steal

I am looking forward to checking out your version!


I'd give them a try if they're a good price. Are we talking full boxes here or samplers of different cigars?


Boxes today but happy to do Samplers n the Future if the stock levels allows.

See you at 10:30 local time for 24;24

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Let's be "cheap bastards" together - nothing wrong with that - IMO I think it's the best way for noobs like me to sample the greatness of what Habanos has to offer - without hassling my fellow FOHer's lookaround.gifrotfl.gif


Great idea Prez, I'll be a cheap bastard with you. I'm interested to see what you put up.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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After buying a seconds sampler last time they were offered I'm a big fan of this idea. They still smoke amazing. What's a cracked foot between friends!


After the coin I have dropped since joining FOH, I'd be happy to score some of El Presidentes "seconds" probably better than any grey market site out there for sure!


I've had seconds before from FoH. Yes, they've been great. Like Rob said, they tend to have cracked feet or heads, maybe the wrappers are a little pale. They mostly smoke great. In fact, one second I got, a Cohiba Piramides Extra, with a cracked head, is possibly amongst the top ten best cigars I've ever had!

I'm excited about today's 24:24. I'm reasonably confident that these 'seconds' boxes will sell out quickly. We are so spoilt for choice with quality cigars on FoH sales that we should be happy with what we pick up and not complain if we get a box with some cigars that are average.

Remember the old saying, 'you get what you pay for!'


there are no cracks on what I offer in Seconds on 24:24. I have to maintian some standard lmao.gif


there are no cracks on what I offer in Seconds on 24:24. I have to maintian some standard :lmao:

Great to know Rob!

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Thanks for this, El Prez.

By the way, it's been quite a while since I saw you run a high end sampler sale. Any plans to run one again?

Also, I think an aged sampler sale would go over well if you can ever work it out logistically (trying to catch individual cigars when they are nearing their peaks).

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Given that 'seconds' isn't a word in the Habanos Dictionary and in the UK means another helping of something .... wouldn't 'distressed' be a more apt descriptive word, or even 'slightly distressed' if you wanted to be a little more gentle with the marketing. biggrin.png


Being another certified Aussie cheap bastard, it kills me that I can't afford to support my local retailers more. Given the right oportunity, I certainly will.


Coming from a cheap bastard who has given away everything he owned twice to lovely ex wives I can honestly say this is a very good idea Prez. Every single box I have is from the Czar purchased BEFORE all the nice designations. A second from the Czar is a first in any humi. Im starting to like ugly ducklings at my age.

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