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Many of us are time poor but are likely to have an inkling to take up a new specific hobby or new skill.

We just put it off year after year lol3.gif

If the magical time Genie provided you an extra day a week to take something up....must be used on a hobby or skill.....what would be yours?

For me, I have always wanted to learn how to tie fly's properly. I am pretty sure I would find it relaxing. and it goes hand in hand with my passions of fly fishing, cigars and fine wine.

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I so want to learn to fly a plane. It has been on my bucket list since I was a kid. This is my top priority once my kid gets through college.

I always wanted to learn how to carve a pipe from a solid piece of aged briar wood.Also attach the stem and apply the stain. There are books and videos available on the subject but alas it is very di


Sailing for me!


What a cool query!

I have a very long and ever changing list, but I would rank loading my own shells, and spending some serious time getting to know my wood lathe, at the top of that list for now.

Always wanted to play guitar, but I'm getting a bit old & arthritic in the digits for that now

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Motorcycle mechanic!!! I have always wanted to know how to work on bikes, but alas, I am a moron when it comes to this stuff. If I had the time, that is what I would learn to do.


Scuba diving and living on a small farm in the south of Spain / France not far from the Med.

Growing grapes (for my home brew) animals abound (goats, sheep, alpacas,

donkey or two, chickens with small auto to get around (shopping, visiting, etc..)

A place where the sun shines 320 days a year but close to ocean / mountains so

when it gets too hot retreat to the hills.

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Always wanted to try the piano!


Restart IPSC pistol shooting. Did it for 18 months a few years back when I was based in Indonesia but had to stop when I was posted to China.

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Flying ! and add to that build RC airplane models from scratch.


I always wanted to learn how to carve a pipe from a solid piece of aged briar wood.Also attach the stem and apply the stain.

There are books and videos available on the subject but alas it is very difficult to make the time.

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Pilots license. Here in the US, this can be achieved in 12 month for 10k.

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If I had one day a week I would build my work bench, tool shelf and saw vice. Then I would get real good with all my hand powered woodwork tools. All hand no electricity what so ever, and start building the furniture for my house.

I could do it with power tools but the romance disappears when I put on the goggles, earmuffs, and breathing equipment.

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I so want to learn to fly a plane. It has been on my bucket list since I was a kid. This is my top priority once my kid gets through college.

What are you waiting for?! Trial Intro Flights are pretty cheap.

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Want to learn to weld. Learn motorcycle mechanics basics.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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Just started learning to play Ukelele,

Recently I took up Land Based Game Fishing,

Just beginning 3-Gun and Multigun along with IPSC pistol competitive shooting.

Always wanted to learn how to Skipper/Sail/Navigate a boat.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Obtain an aviation pilot's license would also be on my list.


Heaps of things I would like to do:

1. Learn a second language;

2. learn an instrument;

3. Learn some basic mechanics;

4. gardening;

5. many many more


I'd like to learn to play violin. But I fear that's not purely a pursuit of time, but it also requires skill, natural abilities and coordination.... where can I get those from??

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