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So often I hear from someone about their "old lady" or how they don't want to go home to some "nagging b#tch". I find that I only seem to be friends with guys who are in happy marriages. I get bother

Married 17 days and so far so good lol

It took two trips to the alter, but I got it right the second time. We've known each other 20 years and been married 12 years. She is my very best friend and the love of my life. The picture below


JV, it ain't easy but nothing good is...

and honestly it gets better with time as I am sure others will agree.

The first few years can be interesting as you work out who you really are to each other and as you mold to fit together.

Good luck and big congrats sir.

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JV, it ain't easy but nothing good is...

and honestly it gets better with time as I am sure others will agree.

The first few years can be interesting as you work out who you really are to each other and as you mold to fit together.

Good luck and big congrats sir.

x2. I agree with Lance. Your already doing the right thing and marrying your best friend. It only gets better from here.


Guess I must be in the minority here...

No you're not. 0:2 here...


Guess I must be in the minority here...

No you're not. 0:2 here...

Make that three smile.png

I think there are several on here that found third time can be the charm! smile.png


Sure it may not be a 'conventional' relationship but me and Barbs (the blowup) are going on 5 yrs together of inflated bliss!


Nice rack! rotfl.gif


What a pleasant thread. I'm not married but I have a wonderful woman in my life that is extremely supportive of everything I do. She noticed I'm always watching FoH video reviews and took it upon herself to secretly reach out to Prez and have him email me a happy birthday note this year. How cool is that?

Classy move. You found a good one!


My wife knows the story I just posted in the "The Trickiest (Funniest/Saddest) situation you have got yourself while in Cuba?" thread.

She's heard it quite a few times and she's still with me.

That about says it all! :)

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Sure it may not be a 'conventional' relationship but me and Barbs (the blowup) are going on 5 yrs together of inflated bliss!


That cheating (edited) hussy....


I was one of those chaps that thought I'd never get married. Then I met Karen a monarchist convention and got married 4 months latter and never regrated it once (despite her mother). I can never understand these people who make bad jokes about their wives.

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Don't worry! From what I hear when I'm away on the road, women piss and moan about their hubbies just as much!


I'm not married but been with my girlfriend since '99. She is pretty much everything to me. From the funniest moment through my own mirror to tears and anger. She is my other half no doubt, we have great balance. She is The Mother of my son and daughter. She is the Soul Mates of mine through my life. My Love, my best friend. She doesn't care about my cigar hobby. Or...actually she does when I am on fire and smoking too much (pretty much summertime)

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I'm looking forward to our silver anniversary next July. My wife is definitely the better half and also a fantastic mother of two teenage boys, great cook, and housekeeper. She's originally from Mexico and can have the temper that goes along with being Latina, which is kinda sexy too. Like many of you, I am too, one lucky guy.


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Got married in March,but been together 10 years.What cam isay,other than she puts up with me even though I'm a big kid.She don't have a problem with my cigar or R/C car obsessions,so that makes her a winner.


Been together 4 years, married a year and a half. I've never been happier. She hates the cigars, but tolerates them for me. I can't smoke whenever I please and I can't buy every cigar under the sun, but I wouldn't have it any other way. She's everything to me.


Please excuse my poor attempt at facial hair...


Me and the woman who told me that I needed a hobby and said that cigars could be something hehe


We just completed an 800 km walk in spain and still having fun together

Skickas från min iPhone via Tapatalk


This really a great thread. Simply because its nice to put faces with a name,moreover; as mentioned before I cant stand when I hear guys ***** or "blame" their wives/ significant others in an attempt to look masculine or accepted. Kudos to all the successful relationships and the true men who recognize and are proud of that.

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