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90% of the time this depends on my wife. If she's not home, time to light up. If she is home, try to get her out.

If I could smoke in my sleep, I would.

Love my kid and every waking minute I get to be around her is the best... Love my job defending a 'useless' judicial system (sorry Maplepie, I couldn't resist)... Love my wife, love my home, love my


Usually morning (robusto) with a pot of coffee.


I have a long commute to and from work. I enjoy smoking on my way back home. It helps me decompress after a long day. I really like that my girlfriend's family is big on having BBQ, always gives me a chance to light up after and just unwind.


90% of the time this depends on my wife.

If she's not home, time to light up.

If she is home, try to get her out.

You made my day!

Nearly spit my tea out.


Bad day in the office or craving a particular cigar and I'll take the long way home and light one up for the drive.

Other than that it's BBQ's, a lounge with a friend or just making sometime for myself.

Will light one up with my mrs on a special occasion.


I like to light one up on my deck after dinner. Or when I'm on a rostered day off on a weekday, I love to have a Parti Shorts with a coffee sometime between 10 and 12! It's an awesome feeling having a smoke while everyone else is at work!

These are generally on my Pat Malone (unless Smithy pops around for a coffee and a smoke!)

I have a mate in Melbourne who I visit a few times each year, and we always go for a chinese dinner (The Dumpling King has to be Melbourne's best) in Station St, Box Hill. This is always followed up with a stogie on his patio, accompanied by a bottle of muscat. In winter we light his outdoor fire and sit round it like we're camping. I'm not sure his city neighbours are all that happy, but we certainly are!


Evenings and weekends for me. Dictacted by the weather really.

Thank god for robusto's and half coronas when the Autumn and winter set in


As long as its not too windy and i have the time i'll smoke. In good weather with ample time i'll smoke my brains out :D


I prefer to smoke them during the evening sitting on the porch with my wife. My son will usually be out riding around on his ATV or dirt bike. I always smoke outside so I don't smoke as many during the winter when it is really cold.

I spy on people for a living so I spend a lot of days in my car. If I am in a spot where I can roll down the windows I will enjoy a short smoke while working.


Mostly weekends with friends at the local B&M, but once in a while smoke during the week.


morning, afternoon and night depending on the time of year and weather :}

While I sometimes enjoy a morning cigar I am often occupied.

If the sun is out and it is warm enough an afternoon cigar at the beach can be a great time.

After dinner but even more so this time of year when it is under the stars.

Finally in our rainy winter I postpone things to enjoy a cigar id during a particular raining patch the sun comes out.


Usually i smoke early sunday mornings with the crossword puzzle from the sunday paper. Lately i've been watching EPL game of the week, too. I go to work at 4am tue thru sat. Very quiet at 6am sunday. Also on holidays and birthdays with the family.


If my cigars were at the office, I think I would smoke nearly every day at lunch. I always want a cigar at work. I get home and the wife and kids take up much of my time and the desire for a cigar seems distant. I smoke at lease one per weekend. one per weekday night every couple weeks.

I think I am going to take a small desktop humi to the office ;)


I usually have a cigar in the evening, after dinner with a scotch or rum. It is a great way to rid myself of the daily stresses.


About 4 to 5 times a week. I used to smoke only on the front porch or back deck. Now that I have started on the smoker's corner in the garage, I might even smoke during the winter..


Too Often. Having quit a pack a day cigarette habit that I had for 35 years I went from being an occasional cigar smoker to at least one a day (which is a rarity). Yeah I know its not good either but at least Im enjoying it instead of an empty nicotine. At first it was 3-4 sticks a day. Now its mostly two.

I smoke in my man cave, on the deck, walking the dog and almost always one stick meets its demise on a business commute. I work a home office but get dispatched to different clients on a daily basis and average travel time is a Boli PC LOL.


In the summertime, on the deck almost every day. During winter, not so much smoking at all...


Sometimes I smoke in the morning, sometimes in the afternoon and sometimes at night. The weather is always conducive to smoking so that's not an issue. I also have about ten friends who i can smoke with at anytime, anywhere. I only have a couple of rules such as I never smoke more than one cigar at a time and I also don't smoke when I'm eating or sleeping. I smoke anything from half coronas to DCs, but usually nothing bigger than 50rg. In fact, I think I'm going to spark one up right now.

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I will light-up when I have time and the situation(non-smoking laws are a ***** in the States) allows it. Think I'll go light one now potty.gif

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I am a creature of habit and routine. Wake up at 5:30am. Get self and 16 month old ready for day. Off to work. Home from work. Help feed kid. Help bath kid. Get kid to sleep. Help feed self...

then head out back on the patio or in the man cave garage for a cigar (or two).

This happens every day. On weekends replace the word 'work' with 'chores'.

(all of this is much more fun than it sounds!)

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