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Greetings all!

Prodded by volunteer work I do here at home, US, I started taking portraits of the kids in NIcaragua back last July. I distributed several dozen when I returned this February and shot loads more. I haven't tweaked them all yet, but guessing somewhere between 150-200, 5" x 7"s going back with me next jaunt.

Thought you might like to see some of "my" kids…


Some are "babies" having babies…


All beautiful kids, but one has taken my heart. Esmeralda, a leukemia victim in chemo, is still a gorgeous child.


Thanks for letting me share…

Rob S


This world needs more people like you. Beautiful kids, thanks for sharing.


Wonderful stuff, Rob - thanks very much for sharing this!

This is a great reminder of the amazing work you've been doing, with a little help from our Czar donations per box.

Thanks Rob!clap.gif


Great work mate!

  • 2 weeks later...

Soon to be seen on "to catch a predator".... :innocent::lol:

Just teasin' ya, Rob! :devil2::stir:

Awesome pictures, actually. Great to see the smiles on these kids - just further evidence of the amazing work you and Roberto have been doing and allowing us all to have some small part in. I'm sure it will just light up their world even further when you return later on this year with pictures of them to share/keep - that's an awesome gesture and gift back to them.

Way to go bud. Another tour-de-force. This should be stickied in the Nicaraguan Mission sub-forum!

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