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"#smellslikecommunism" anyone ever experienced this? or is it only in the glass-tops?

I never noticed the smell of communism but I'll try to see if my next box smells like it.

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Oh, my... I don't... I can't... Uhg

Go on....have a chuckle

Fosgate - As another member ( Thank you Potpest !! ) here stated : You have used a picture from my blog depicting original Cohiba cigars in this thread - Please remove your post and don't even drea


Now, would you look at those Fohiba Sublimes..polished brass hinges n all. Throw a couoe of bells and whistles on there and there you have it.. I wonder how much he paid?


Asiandude cops it for trying to help...

This is terrible...Total ignorance with the utmost confidence. I give praise to those people who take heed when someone tells them the cigars are fake...

Let all the others smoke up the fakes..more for us!!!


I never noticed the smell of communism but I'll try to see if my next box smells like it.

Me neither Big E. my stock must be the trash they go


More ignorance. Apparently the best way to tell if a Cuban is real is if it's slightly spongy






I hope that guy gets an STD after smoking one of those. It what he deserves when he goes in unprotected and ignorant


LOL STD... :)

While this guy's reaction is completely not called for, is it not to be expected? The guy obviously invested a lot of cash and was seriously duped. He was conned, you can see that by his grasping at straws..."smallest hand rolled cigars"...clearly he's bought what was being "sold", hook, line and sinker, and really believes he has the genuine product. I think it's to be expected that he would react irrational when someone pops-up and tries to destroys his reality. The fact that he doesn't believe they're fake after visiting the cc website tells me that you can't really help a person like this. This is where I have an issue with the unsolicited "outing" of fakes. Most of these people are very happy living in their world of ignorance. Most are not aficionados and will never be. All we do is ruin their day or make them angry. Sure, the cigars may be rolled with horrible things but in most cases, we are not going to stop them from smoking them. Now, if they were selling the cigars, then I think it's fine to point-out to them, and to others, that the product is fake.

BTW, I think this thread is hilarious. I love reading the hashtags on the Instagrams.


There is a very difinite divide, people who have been gifted or thought they had the real thing and are thankful for the advice and ask more, feeling sad they got duped etc. Then there are the baller willy-wavers who go on the attack, which can be expected, but they dont want to take the pebble no matter how nicely it is presented

Im back on instagram, finally an update came out that stop the app crasing whenever I try to upload pics!


You can lead him to water..... But you can't make him drink....


That's great to read CQ! I've been missing your doses of ultra fine grade #cigarporn! smile.png


I've a 3gs and I sync'd lots of pictures from my laptop onto it that I had taken with my camera, I think the phone couldnt handle the larger picture files, even though most worked fine, some would just crash the app again and again. The one I posted today would crash instagram every single time I tried.

At least its working now! :D


We need to be educated by this guy

Why even try and deal with this ignorance??

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