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Oh, my... I don't... I can't... Uhg

Go on....have a chuckle

Fosgate - As another member ( Thank you Potpest !! ) here stated : You have used a picture from my blog depicting original Cohiba cigars in this thread - Please remove your post and don't even drea


I don't understand how these fakers can do a half reasonable job at making cigars, get the stickers together, but then DON"T STICK THEM TO THE DAMN BOX!?!?! ... is it really that hard to stick somethign to a box to replicate the real thing? It's what persuades me to believe that the legitimate cigar market and the fake cigar market is all controlled by the same people... that's my cuban cigar conspiracy theory.

Not a outlandish theory at all. They've gone through all the trouble only to screw up one minor detail which they could easily correct? A few similar examples.

Sports franchises have their regular gate sales and don't harass the scalpers that park themselves at the gates before game time. The first sale is taxed, the second one is not. In Toronto it's near impossible to get Leafs tickets through regular channels. Go to the arena come game time, lots of tickets available at sky high mark ups! Apparently its not legal to "scalp" the tickets, but the cops don't bother the scalpers. But if you decide you want to sell your tickets too, they're on you real quick.

Music bootlegs.

I collect bootlegs like crazy. Way back in the days of vinyl, one LP would go for over $25 compared to $7 for an official release. I have TONS of Led Zeppelin bootlegs with high quality sound. Obviously their sound engineers allowed a few lines into the soundboard for illicit purposes. Zep makes a record sale, record company and band get paid. Zep "allows" a show to be recorded and sold for a premium, that money goes directly to them (allegedly). Far few middle men and hands in the pie. Zep's manager was a real piece of work, I wonder if that was his side gig? ;) Also a lot of the bootleg labels trace back to Italy where certain organizations like to ply their trades.

With cigars though, there's probably a lot of different crooks at play. Any other Caribbean country that grows tobacco wants in on the fake CC market. Why not? Much easier to market than their own stuff. Especially if its even not up to basic NC standards that their country men produce. Luxury items are always faked. Even wine has a lot of fakery around. This recently happened in Toronto. Fake Italian wine bought by our gov't monopoly liquor retailer.


Well done Hiro... You were able to reach one.. I would've be sure that this guy would've came back with a vengeance with a line like "do you even cigar bro?"..

Good for him too for taking the initiative, not like all the other momo's

English is not my nother language. What is the meaning of "Do you even cigar bro(ther)?"

That Is a very good question mate :D hahaha

(They used it in a hashtag in one of the fake Cohiba photos and it has become a little inside joke)


English is not my nother language. What is the meaning of "Do you even cigar bro(ther)?"

It is a play on "umadbro?"

I'm young so we use it in video games

There are some memes with 'Do you even _________ bro?"

Best way to describe is 'do you even understand or know about the subject we are talking about?'


It is a play on "umadbro?"

I'm young so we use it in video games

There are some memes with 'Do you even _________ bro?"

Best way to describe is 'do you even understand or know about the subject we are talking about?'

Actually, this comes from the "do you even lift?" meme, from people on weightlifting forums critiquing each other's physiques.

English is not my nother language. What is the meaning of "Do you even cigar bro(ther)?"

It stems from making fun of the whole gym and body building scene. The saying was 'do you even lift?' As in weights. When a guys was way too muscly and probably on steroids, you could say 'do you even lift bro?' Haha


Lol was this posted?

Yea that was us LOL good tiems


This whole thread is hilarious, you feel bad for the people, until you read some of the hashtags......then you don't feel bad anymore.


Its the EDIT: Mightiest! Fohiba of them all! I think that wins today's internet

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