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Storm in a teapot as 'Hitler' kettle row boils over online

Los Angeles: A tea kettle which some think resembles Adolf Hitler has soared in price to over 200 dollars (about Rs 11,200) on eBay, after it sold out online following protests over a billboard promoting the otherwise innocent product.

Pictures went viral of the Michael Graves Bells and Whistles Stainless Steel Tea Kettle, which in the eyes of some resembles the German Nazi leader giving his infamous Sieg Heil salute.

The 40 dollars (about Rs 2200) kettle - described on eBay as the "JC Penney Michael Graves Hitler Tea Kettle" - on Thursday fetched prices as high as 245.90 dollars (about Rs 13,800).

The appliance sold out online and a billboard advertising it was taken down following protests, but retailer JC Penney took to Twitter to defend the advert, which showed the same image as on packaging.

"Totally unintentional - and if we had been strategizing, we probably would have gone with a cute puppy or kitty kettle" it tweeted, adding that the kettle had sold out online, although not in stores.

The pictures, which sparked the storm appeared on social news website Reddit, showing a billboard in Los Angeles advertising the kettle, along with a blurred version which makes the Hitler comparison marginally clearer.

Meanwhile, the mayor of Culver City - the LA suburb where the billboard was posted - slammed the retailer.

"I am disappointed JC Penney actually put the billboard up in the first place and more outraged that they actually attempted to defend it.

"As a Jew, I am offended," Mayor Jeff Cooper wrote in an email to the Mother Jones news website.

"As an elected official, I am mad that the city I represent is linked to this," he said.

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), which monitors and campaigns against anti-Semitism, told the website: "We take JC Penney at their word that any resemblance to the Nazi dictator was completely unintended."

But some buyers and sellers took the opposite view.

"Looks like Hitler, pulled off the shelves hurry!" said one seller, alluding to reports that JC Penney had withdrawn the kettle.

The kettle however appeared to be available on JC Penney's own website Thursday, still priced at 40 dollars.

The retailer did not immediately respond to requests for further clarification or comment.

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Here is the billboard... and from a distance I see what they mean, but really, does this mean that every product have to be scrutinized for its shape and view from every angle? To quote above, ...Please.


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Having a discussion about this on FB. Not so much that the offended have nothing better to do, just that it is a real sore spot. Seems once the image was noted, right, wrong or indifferent, folks cannot get the image out of their heads. In advertising, if the ads rub even a few consumers the wrong way, the ads get yanked.

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This just shows how silly the whole PC thing has become. It's beyond maddening how every little look, every little word, every little anything can be taken out of context and blown completely out of proportion... all because someone was looking for a reason - any reason - to be offended. Sometimes a tea kettle is just a tea kettle.

I'm offended that some people are uptight and get offended so easily. I'm contacting an attorney so I can start suing them for offending me.


~ Greg ~

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Thing is, the resemblance is definitely there. It's also obvious that it was unintentional. It would just have been funny, but then people have to go and get upset. A bit like the chicken nuggets that look like the virgin Mary. I just realized that I've probably offended someone with that last comment. For the record, I'd like to state that I don't think Hitler is like the Virgin Mary. I'll go away now.

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You will lose a few friends of the opposite gender. Probably worth the millions you will make.

Perhaps a time to insert an oldie but a goody...

Guy comes home from work and tells his wife the bad news. "got my d**k caught in the pickle slicer at work today."

Wife, horrified, yells, "Oh my God!! Are you Ok?".

And he says, "Sure but she got fired too".

Thank you. Thank you very much and don't forget to tip your waiter on the way out.

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Guy comes home from work and tells his wife the bad news. "got my d**k caught in the pickle slicer at work today."

Wife, horrified, yells, "Oh my God!! Are you Ok?".

And he says, "Sure but she got fired too".


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This is my Michael Graves Kettle. I have had it for almost 30 years. The original bird whistle was blue but it broke so we just replaced it with this Third Reich black one.

Would you believe i have that exact kettle? Except the whistle on mine is maroon and the plastic knob on the lid melted after i left it on the stove with no water in it :D

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Thing is, the resemblance is definitely there.

The resemblance between an effing kettle and the anti-Christ is "obvious"?! Really?

It's a KETTLE! I guess people see what they want to see. But seriously, how can a living, breathing, thinking human be offended by an inanimate object? Ever. That mayor quoted in the article sounds like he'd be offended if you defended your hunger by eating a bratwurst. You old anti-Semitic racist, you.

As far as I'm concerned, PC stands for 'Petty Complaint'. (It'd be something else if the moderators on FOH weren't so good at their job ;) )

We should not give these p***weak punces the oxygen they're so keen to thieve. (The PC brigade, not the mods.)

And if we're entirely honest about the kettle's resemblance to a 20th century dictator, it'd have to be Pol Pot.

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