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If I suddenly wound up in Hell, it would take me three weeks before realising I wasn't at work.

So yeah, $4m for 4 years (in an Aus prison like Parklea Correctional) would be a nice change. Think about it, free accommodation, 3 square meals a day, free Foxtel and internet, Zumba classes to keep fit, and plenty of time to think.


I was hesitant on the subject at first, but from what I'm reading on everyone's responses....I can have internet access!??? And - even TV (cable, please)? idea.gif Sign me up too!!!


Money...just a game. To have "enough" is "enough". 4 years with no laughter, mates , family? keep the 4 mill lol3.gif


not to rain on the parade, but i suspect that law enforcement in most countries do not allow you to design your on prison. or bring in various accoutrements.


OK I'll make it easier. Lets say you will have your own cell, you will be minimum security in less than a year, your family visits on weekends, you're not getting raped and

. Would you do 4 years for 4 mil?

So you're asking if I'd stay married for 4 years? And I'd get paid 4 million? lookaround.gifhole.gif


not to rain on the parade, but i suspect that law enforcement in most countries do not allow you to design your on prison. or bring in various accoutrements.

Im guessing nobody would pay someone 4 mil to spend 4 years in prison either lol


I would do it for sure.

Im 28 years old and have no kids right now. I would require conjugal visits from my soon to be wife so I could get her preggos. It would be tough but I would get out when I was 32-33 years old. I would have over 4 million dollars, own a house, own two cars, and have zero debt (well besides my current house). It would suck to not be able to see my children be born but I would spend the rest of my life as a house dad watching them grow up 90% of the time. How many people get to retire at 33 with millions in the bank?


Im guessing nobody would pay someone 4 mil to spend 4 years in prison either lol

Touche` ok.gif


OK I'll make it easier. Lets say you will have your own cell, you will be minimum security in less than a year, your family visits on weekends, you're not getting raped and

. Would you do 4 years for 4 mil?

What u talkin bout willis......Take the cornbread


I would do it for sure.

Im 28 years old and have no kids right now. I would require conjugal visits from my soon to be wife so I could get her preggos. It would be tough but I would get out when I was 32-33 years old. I would have over 4 million dollars, own a house, own two cars, and have zero debt (well besides my current house). It would suck to not be able to see my children be born but I would spend the rest of my life as a house dad watching them grow up 90% of the time. How many people get to retire at 33 with millions in the bank?

No amount of money is worth missing your kids being born, IMO. Maybe that's the knowledge of hindsight talking, but I just don't think it's worth it at all.


I'd do it. No questions.

I've actually always kind of wanted to be forced into a prison like situation, would let me focus on developing a single skill. I have way too much trouble trying to focus on a single thing. Spend my time in the prison library, working out, getting payed to do it. Come out with focussed mind, discipline, and get to see people on the other side of life and see how they work. That's without perks like internet aswell, I'd do it!


Before wife and kids came along I would have no problem doin time.....I've been told a few times that I look like I've done time in state pen...shaved head goatee big guy stereotype ....


Reminds me of this old joke...

Guy at a bar starts talking to a pretty lady. Ask her the old hypothetical question "would you have sex with a stranger for $1 miilion dollars"

At first she says no, they talk about it and before long she says "well yeah I guess I would have sex with a stranger for $1 million dollars"

"Ok" he says "how about $50 to have sex with me?"

"No way" she says outraged

Quietly he says "Why not, we have already established you are willing to be a prostitue, now we are just working on the price"


So like others have said it seems like a good deal to do "light" time for 4 yrs for $4 mill.

But the reality is I bet almost anyone who is currently in prison would for white collar crime would trade $4 million to get out and not be told:

When to eat.

Where & when to sleep

Who to hang out with

What to do and when

Or just have someone wearing a uniform watching you 24hrs a day.

So along with other great offers I have turned down in this life, no thanks. Money is just paper but time is all we are given in this world and the freedom on how to spend it is what makes free will priceless.


But the reality is I bet almost anyone who is currently in prison would for white collar crime would trade $4 million to get out and not be told:

When to eat.

Where & when to sleep

Who to hang out with

What to do and when

Or just have someone wearing a uniform watching you 24hrs a day.

LOL. :rolleyes: Sounds like a part of my job.... :lookaround::hole:

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