pick six for a dinner party

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rob's post about picking a cigar person to meet got me thinking (not just because some of you mentioned smithy - seriously, you don't already have sad lives?).

i have to come up with 6 people i would chose to have dinner with - part of 20 questions for my old cricket club mag.

still working on it. they can be alive or dead. i did think first up would be churchill and hitler seated next to each other - sit back and enjoy the fun though it would only lead to tears.

still working on mine.

anyone any thoughts? they can be related to cigars or have absolutely zip to do with them. and seeing i am in charge of this fantasy, you can pick a certain period in their life.

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i should add that as it is my fantasy, so to speak, for mine, it will be six blokes and we each get allocated our own supermodel. seems fair.

Great wine and current super models one would hope LOL

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Great wine and current super models one would hope LOL

of course, though i must say that some of the recent supermodels - elle, cindy crawford, christy turlington and so on - still look better today than some of the stick insect, sunken-eyed, colourless skeletons that rule today. there are exceptions.

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okay, seems like we will get some diverse dinners.

dangolf, at least we could hold our dinners same night. none of our respective guests are going to have diary clashes.

i do like the little photo. what vintage?

It's a 2001. Only Latour I've actually tasted. I have some '83, '85, and '08 in the cellar waiting to be drunk ('08's probably need more time).

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It's a 2001. Only Latour I've actually tasted. I have some '83, '85, and '08 in the cellar waiting to be drunk ('08's probably need more time).

would not touch the 08 for a while, at least.

the 85 should be stunning now. the first time i ever visited latour, they had the 85 in barrel. i remember the chap in charge assuring me that it was the greatest latour they'd ever made. i don't think anyone would still argue that (even excluding subsequent vintages) but still a very fine wine.

at least you'd have no trouble finding someone to say grace at your dinner.

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Real Choices (Past or Present)

1) My buddy Craig, who passed away last year.

2) Will Ferrell

3) Robert Redford

4) Walt Disney

5) Johnny Depp

6) Johnny Cash

Alternate: Cal Ripken Jr., Nick Offerman

Fictional Choices:

1) James Bond (The Daniel Craig Bond)

2) Roy Hobbs - The Natural

3) Ron Burgandy

4) Tony Stark

5) Val Kilmer's "Doc Holiday"

6) Captain Jack Sparrow

Alternate: Marty McFly, Michael Scott

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Firstly I would have it a kens palce which would require Jesus to be chosen just to conjure up some food from nothing. In the decade I have known ken he has never offered something to eat at his place lol3.gif

Ken obiously would have to be there. Not only is it his house but i would like Jesus to run the questioning of how Ken felt comfortable hitchiking around Australia in a priests garb......simply because everyone pulls over to pick up a priest biggrin.png

Ganesha is a must to do the washing up. Would have it wrapped up in no time.

Richard Drew....the inventor of Duct Tape. I owe him so much. My tool of choice.

Gandhi.....to show me an elightened way of how to run a forum.

Hannibal Lecter ...to show me the other way biggrin.png

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Mayer Amschel Rothschild.

Friedrich Engels.

Just to sit back and watch how to plan a world.

Tom Selleck.

My best mate.

For my company.

James Brown.

Nick Nolte.

For the party after for 3days in Vegas.

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Francis Ford Coppola - Interesting to talk to the man who directed the Godfather trilogy and Apocalypse Now, plus now that he has his own vineyards he could bring some wine!

(Female companion: Isabella Rosellini)

George Burns - lived till 100 while smoking up to 15 cigars a day apparently, must have had some amazing smokes in his life!

(Female companion: Grace Kelly)

Demi Moore - she likes a cigar and I definitely would!

Jim Fitzpatrick - Irish artist who painted the iconic image of Che after he met him in 1961 in Ireland (I'd invite Che himself but then people would start talking politics)

(Female companion: Kelly leBrock....weird science is still one of my favourite films)

Hemingway - a man who likes his drink and Cuba, so we'd have 2 things in common to talk about!

(Female companion: Marilyn Monroe)

I suppose Jesus would be handy to have incase we ran out of wine but talk of religion would ruin the atmosphere so my final choice would be:

Arnie - seems like a laugh and he has done some great films and loves a good cigar!

(Female companion: Claudia Schiffer)

My own female companion would have to be Kylie!

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Firstly I would have it a kens palce which would require Jesus to be chosen just to conjure up some food from nothing. In the decade I have known ken he has never offered something to eat at his place lol3.gif

Ken obiously would have to be there. Not only is it his house but i would like Jesus to run the questioning of how Ken felt comfortable hitchiking around Australia in a priests garb......simply because everyone pulls over to pick up a priest biggrin.png

Ganesha is a must to do the washing up. Would have it wrapped up in no time.

Richard Drew....the inventor of Duct Tape. I owe him so much. My tool of choice.

Gandhi.....to show me an elightened way of how to run a forum.

Hannibal Lecter ...to show me the other way biggrin.png


i supply endless wine and top rums and whiskies, which you try and pollute. i supply most of the cigars (ironic, that) unless it is a video. if i fed you, you'd never leave.

jesus - my fault, i told david we could have fictional characters. yes, i know....

i only hitched in priest's gear locally. i took trains and buses around australia (or at least to melbourne). i would not wear it to lygon street again. if i had been exposed, i don't think they would have seen the humour. and we had a very close moment when a restaurant owner asked for grace for the entire restaurant. fortunately, dylan's 'forever young' was perfect.

gandhi? doubling up?

and at least hannibal lector would appreciate the wine.

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Here are mine.

My uncle Ralph Warren Caspole - US Marine Fighter pilot and Presidential Helicopter pilot (Eisenhower and Kennedy) who was killed in Vietnam and who I never got go know.

John F. Kennedy - He would need to bring some cigars from 1962!!

Keith Richards - I'm thinking he would bring some great whiskey

Red Auerbach - a great basketball for the Boston Celtics

Clint Eastwood - just love his movies.

George S. Patton - one bad ass general.

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Boris Yeltsin-for the fun

Rasputin-for trying to butter up Jean d'Arc

Charlie Manson-the conversation starter

Hitler-wild card

Jean d'Arc-someone who talks to God

Emperor Caligula-what's to say, what can't a ******** chewing, body sawing sociopath bring to a dinner party?

truth or dare has to be played to get food

Charades/Pictionary would be mindblowing, the 3 teams :

Hitler and Yeltsin

Rasputin and Jean d'Arc

Caligula and Manson

Twister (The floor game) would be pretty amazing to watch too

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muammar gaddafi (on one of his better days)

I always thought he'd have made an interesting dinner guest. Smart and interesting at times, outlandish and ridiculous at other times. Another plus is he would bring his body guards, all attractive females is my understanding.

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Great thread Ken and all contributors.

Mine would be:

Lord Voldermort (please behave)

Freddie Mercury (for entertainment and energy)

Margaret Thatcher from the 80s (for force of character to take on he who must not be named)

Roald Dahl (for some quality story telling)

Donald Bradman

Ray Winstone



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