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I'm still having a hard time trying to understand how these sticks all cost $30-40 each. Those of you that have tried them, are they at least as good as CC's of that price level such as the BHK's? Or is it purely just a marketing ploy with the help of supply and demand that yields those prices?

Those that tried them, are they worth it? Especially at almost double/triple the price of most excellent CC's...

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Here in Indiana, I can pick them up at the local B&M for $12-$14. I think theyre are worth it, like Shlomo said, they are a nice change of pace smoke. But would rather smoke the 858 or hemingway series maduros. good smokes.


I enjoy them on occasion; however, I would spend the money on a CC 9 out of 10 times. Usually have only picked them up in Vegas at casa fuente. They are even more ridiculously overpriced there.


what price happiness???

i have never smoked one...actually never seen one...but if its what makes you happy...then by all means smoke em.



Dean is right on. Find them in the $14-16 range and sure....get a very different flavor profile from the standard CC. On my deathbed though, I reach for a $10 BRC or RASS every time.


another vote for MSRP. I like the flavor on these... typically rich raisin notes. goes great with madeira... desert wine overload!

if you can get them for the $12 to $20 range (depending upon size), they are definitely worth having a few on hand... ideally a box or two. may be a bit hard to find until this winter rolls around as last year a good number of the rollers who make Opus X were diverted for the anniversary and a few other special cigars.


last time I had opus x i bought a half box almost 12 years ago.....let them sit for a few years. They were good, I wouldnt spend that coin on a stick today.


They are OK at MSRP. Absolutely overpriced at what they are going for at the retailers in my neck of the woods.


I've made it a point to sample these numerous times through the years just to make sure: No, I don't think they're worthy of that price; I've truly enjoyed their tin of ten Cubanitos much, much more flavor-wise than the Opus's. And I really ain't no teensy-weensy size cigar fan.


After doing more research, I see the "MSRP" on these are not the inflated $30-40/stick all over the internet. Even at those prices I can't seem to find any. I guess if I ever get a chance to try them at closer to <$20 I will, but won't spend $30-40 on a stick. Thanks everyone.


Supply and demand. My 0.02 - not in a million years are they worth the buck suggested.

Also sticking in another 0.02 - I cvan't understand what the fuss is about at all as they never did anything for me. Better NC's IMO like Padron 1926/1964 and Ashton VSG - but those too can be too pricey.

CCs all the way - gumme a boli any day of the week (and a bottle of bolly too)


for that kind of money i'd rather have a padron 80th...or even a re or le cuban....opus' are way over hyped.


I'm still having a hard time trying to understand how these sticks all cost $30-40 each. Those of you that have tried them, are they at least as good as CC's of that price level such as the BHK's? Or is it purely just a marketing ploy with the help of supply and demand that yields those prices?

Those that tried them, are they worth it? Especially at almost double/triple the price of most excellent CC's...

It depends on what you like to smoke. If you like a very upfront personality, with a sharp, clean taste, and a heavy nicotine kick, you may like the rosado wrapper on the Opus X. If you're smoking CC's already, chances are you prefer the balance of power and flavor and will find them a bit...too unrefined. As for aged, I have some older Opus and personally still can't smoke them, even with ten years. I just give them out to people since most cigar smokers love gawking at the band.

I would highly recommend that you try an Anejo 55, or an 858 maduro with some age. The Don Carlos line is a "flavored" cigar. clown2.gif

If you establish a good relationship with your B&M, prices should be $6.99 to $15.00 max.

Wilkey, maybe you should give him your "yard gars"...LOL disguise.gif


I will go for a Ashton VSG anytime if I am in the mood of NC's, Ashton VSG is always in my carrying case when i'm out for a smoke


Not worth it especially some of the more limited rarer ones that go from like $45 dollars a stick.


My Toronto BOTL's know I love these. But I have NEVER paid more than $12-15 a stick online on forums. Power Ranger XXX, Fuente Fuente, and a long time ago I fell for a couple of Lost Cities and the one that made me fall to my knees was the Casa Fuente out of Las Vegas. But that was before I had 99% CC's in my collection.

So it's just about a dozen Opus X's a year for me.

And the other weakness I have for N'C's is Davidoff, but only if I find them at some killer price.


I agree with Kevin(Ophidion) and Lisa that the opus x xxx power range is the only one I'd pay for and boy it's a pepper bomb


Here in Indiana, I can pick them up at the local B&M for $12-$14. I think theyre are worth it, like Shlomo said, they are a nice change of pace smoke. But would rather smoke the 858 or Hemingway series maduros. good smokes.

I live in Indiana and never see them that cheap,although I agree and would rather have a Hemingway.


No way, I don't even think these are worth their MSRP. I've never liked them...

If willing to spend premium $ on a non Cuban, I would go Padron 1926 maduro every time


Not for me. Too monotonous and too damn strong. No flavour range. Beautiful construction though. If I had to smoke NC's I'd smoke Padrons, the regular lines.

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