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Although I don't know Guy personally and haven't talked to him on the shout box, I've always read his posts and respected his opinions as very knowledgeable and understanding of other peoples viewpoints. Guy always stated his opinions without attacking or discrediting other peoples opinions. As they are just opinions. I've always enjoyed Guy's write up on cigars. I can't credit Guy alone for turning me on the QdO as Mr. Piggy deserves some credit as well, but Guy was a big reason I explored many cigars I wouldn't normally buy. Most have been great and are now staples in my rotation.

Here's to Guy, pull through and make a full recovery. We are all praying for your recovery.

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Just got back in town and very saddened to learn of this. It is fitting that I grabbed a QdO out of the humidor when leaving for my trip. Best wishes for a speedy recovery, Guy!



Amen, Ray.

Morning my friends. It is time to rally yet another wave of prayers for our friend Guy.

While Guy did not introduce me to QdO somehow I think of him whenever I smoke one. This one was a gift from a friend and I thought about Guy, and did a little praying for my friend, while I drove home and smoked this cigar. I prayed that we could take this journey together someday, taking in a fine cigar, when he is better.

Please Lord find it in your heart to heal my friend today. There is a hole in the heart of this community without him. While we are many here, there are none of us like him. Please bring him back to us safely.



Morning my friends. It is time to rally yet another wave of prayers for our friend Guy.

While Guy did not introduce me to QdO somehow I think of him whenever I smoke one. This one was a gift from a friend and I thought about Guy, and did a little praying for my friend, while I drove home and smoked this cigar. I prayed that we could take this journey together someday, taking in a fine cigar, when he is better.

Please Lord find it in your heart to heal my friend today. There is a hole in the heart of this community without him. While we are many here, there are none of us like him. Please bring him back to us safely.


Well said Ray our thoughts exactly

If there is a God let him take one of the numerous SCUMBAGS that inhabit this planet not one of the good people


despite everything going on in my personal life, Guy i'm thinking of you constantly mon ami. Reviens nous vite!


Hello again my friends. Another day passes and we pain more for our friend.

Lord thank you for not telling us that our friend is worse, but you must, please, make him better. Do not allow him to suffer in pain. Extent your graces to him and those around him, his family and loved ones. Please show them that he is on the mend. They need your help almost as much as he does.

Bless those in the service of his healing, as it is your gift of our creative minds and our determination that gives us his treatments. Make his will to heal strong. Show him the generosity he has shown others. He deserves your blessing and generosity.



Hello again my friends. Another day passes and we pain more for our friend.

Lord thank you for not telling us that our friend is worse, but you must, please, make him better. Do not allow him to suffer in pain. Extent your graces to him and those around him, his family and loved ones. Please show them that he is on the mend. They need your help almost as much as he does.

Bless those in the service of his healing, as it is your gift of our creative minds and our determination that gives us his treatments. Make his will to heal strong. Show him the generosity he has shown others. He deserves your blessing and generosity.


Amen Ray.


I'm still praying for you Guy!! Hope you are recovering quickly. You are in my thoughts.

  • 1 month later...

Hi Guy,

I'm glad you are feeling well enough to do a post.

You have been greatly missed.

Keep on the good road to recovery.

Best wishes from us all.



Great to hear from you Guy and that your feeling well enough to post ,keep,up the hard work ,it will pay off

Cheers OZ :cigar:


Hello Guy, great to hear from you my friend. Eager to see you back in full form.

In case you haven't read your DMs, I held off on fulfilling our trade. I can still send the cigars as we had agreed when you would like--or we could work out a cash payment if that would be helpful.

Wishing you the best with your rehabilitation.



I'm well, doing well, thank you for all your good wishes.


ah ca pour une nouvelle... c'est une bonne nouvelle! (comme qu'y disent a la Poste).

si tu peux poster sur le forum, tu es deja a moitie gueri... halfway on the road back to insanity with the rest of us here. :thumbsup:

bon courage Guy, kia kaha, we will keep you in our thoughts and prayers.

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