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Hoping for the best,my thoughts are with his family.



The news you read that gives you a big thump in the chest ,I echo the thoughts of many here, since joining FOH some 4 years or so ago Guy has been the glue and the social and moral fabric that binds us here on the forum ,one of life's TRUE GENTLMEN

Our thoughts and prayers are with you and Monique

For you to make a full recovery "GODS SPEED MY FRIEND "

Stephen &Lucinda



This is terrible news. All our prayers and thoughts sent to Monique and the family!

Please keep us updated as much as you can.


Terrible news! I join all of you in wishing Guy a 'prompt et complet rétablissement'! We need him!




Monique (Guys wife) has e-mailed the following a few minutes ago.

"Guy is at the emergency service in Montpellier hospital. Hes has AVC onsunday (european time) night he is between life and death we need a miracle"

I will try and find out what is happening. If any of our other French Connection know, please contact me. I don't want to burden Monique

For the rest of us....Prayers for our Friend

WOW. OMG, definitely fingers crossed for Guy. Just saw this - makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck.


Sorry to hear this, best wishes to family and friends...


Thoughts and best wishes for a full and speedy recovery


My God, this is terrible news. My every thought and prayer goes out to Guy for a speedy recovery - Meeting Guy and Monique was one of the best highlights for me last year on deployment, and we as a community are far richer for all he has shared with us. We aren't ready to lose him yet!!!!

C'mon Guy, we know you can pull out and come back to us!


I find it truly amazing what the power of the internet and instant communication has done to the world. Rather than drawing people in and away from others (lost on the internet), it's afforded people from all around the globe to get to know people from places they'll likely never see in their lives.

I've met more truly good people through message boards and through this wonderful, obsessive hobby with cigars we all love. Even with those I've never met face to face, I've grown to admire these people of class where friendship and brotherhood are the rule.

Guy is obviously one of these people - opening his thoughts, his friendship and his home to many who just share his passion for cigars. People like him are always an instructive lesson in how to deal with people and the world. A lesson I hope I'm good enough to emulate as I travel my own path. A lesson I hope I've shared with my own sons.

For Guy and family, I send as many positive thoughts and prayers your way as I can form. To everyone else, hold on to those you love.


Shocking news this morning about a friend who was just in the shoutbox! Thinking of you for a speedy recovery Guy and prayers sent.


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