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May the Lord hold him and strengthen him in this time. I pray that his family is comforted in this time. God Bless you Guy.


My Prayers are sent to the almighty. Guy is a true friend to us all. We are pulling you Guy. Our thoughts are with Monique and the family. Come back to us soon...


Hang in there Guy, hold on tight to what you love! My thoughts are with you and your family.


nous ne pouvons que prier et esperer le retablissement complet d'un de nos freres... j'espere que Guy lira ce forum lui meme dans quelques jours et rira bien avec Monique...


hang in there, positive thoughts and best wishes with Guy and family


Oh no! My best wishes to Mr.Laficion!


This is terrible news.

Although I have never met Guy, I still feel I kind of know him.

It shows how many pages there are here, as to how he is thought of on this board...and probably others.

If you are passing on messages, please pass on best wishes from all of us.


Shocking and very sad news. Guy you are going to see off this mo-fo and pull through. Not the praying type but I'm praying for you and Monique.


NOOOOO - NOT mon ami`! I've just gotten through nearly losing my only smoking partner here at home, my brother-in-law who was rushed to the ER and had to stay there for a whole week and a half with congestive heart failure. Stay well, Guy, you are in our prayers


Sorry to hear this and my thoughts are with him and his family. Hoping he will put through this and recover quickly.


Common Guy you can come out from this. Prayers sent for you n Monique.


Good lord what has happened to Guy!?covereyes.gifconfused.gif

God bless Guy and family during this time and more so selfishly, GOD LET GUY PULL THROUGH as he is IMO the pin that keeps the gears here on FOH together.

Since I been on the forum, around 4 years now, Guy has been like what YODA is to a Jedi (Poor metaphor I know) but my point is that I wish to allay my deepest and sincerest respect to Guy and those reading. The wealth of knowledge and the sheer kindness Guy has given us all at some point or another is immeasurable.buddies.gif

I very much love reading all Guy has posted as generally he also posts pictures and he's always smiling and happy. That's what the essence is and what we should all strive to become, happy and content with our lives and those who we share in it.

Guy, god bless you, please return to us my friend.


Mika and family.

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