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One of the great contributors to this forum, and one of the ones I really want to meet someday, and have a cigar with. Blessings for a quick recovery, Guy. I look forward to seeing your next post.

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Any Updates???

Tim. the minute I have an update I will post it on the forum. Monique e-mailed me last night to say no change and that she would keep us up to date. We can only imagine what she is going through. She thanked everyone for their support and prayers.


Outstanding individual, prayers sent for wife and family...



Since joining the forum and reading your regular posts, I've hoped to one day visit the South of France to enjoy a cigar with you and perhaps sabre the top of a bottle of champagne.

Prayers are with you & your family.

Lord, leave him with us,



I found this site quite a few years ago. I don't post a lot but have really used this site for it's great information on cuban cigars. In fact the person that introduced me to this site was Van in a noob trade he offered me years ago and he included a cool little business card for this website. I thought I was invited into a secret society of cuban cigar lovers and guess what I was! Through all of my readings on this fine website I have truly always loved what Guy has brought to this board: Kindess, Friendship, Experience, Passion and a real knowledge of this hobby. I hope and pray for Guy and Monique and all of those friends he has touched in some way like myself that Guy pulls through and can enjoy life again. God bless you Guy and may you have a speedy and full recovery my friend!


Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery! Thoughts and prayers sent for you and your family.


Everyone needs to keep Guy in their thoughts and prayers, continue sending POSITIVE vibes his way.


Everyone needs to keep Guy in their thoughts and prayers, continue sending POSITIVE vibes his way.

Will do continously.


Don't worry Riaz, Guy is certainly in the mind of most of us at the moment.




Merciful Lord, please grant my friend and his family the strength to recover and become whole once more.

Hang in there my friend. Many of us are praying for you and your family everyday. Hang in there...

Your friend, Ray


No word this morning.

I hope that it is a case of "No news....Good News".

Will let you all know the minute I hear anything.


No word this morning.

I hope that it is a case of "No news....Good News".

Will let you all know the minute I hear anything.

Thank you Rob, we all hope this is a case of no news good news. We'll just keep on keeping him in our thoughts and prayers.


No word this morning.

I hope that it is a case of "No news....Good News".

Will let you all know the minute I hear anything.

Yes let's hope that is the case

Every one here is praying for the little guy to pull through



Think, o God, of our friend who is ill,whom we now commend to Your compassionate regard.Comfort him upon his sickbed, and ease his suffering.We beg for deliverance, and submit that no healing is too hard for the Lord, if it be His will.

We therefore pray if it please You, that You bless our friend with Your loving care, renew his strength, and hea what ails him in Your loving name. Thank You, Lord


Would a Guy story be inapropriate?

I 1st met Guy on the chat box early in the morning while he was chatting to Jim. At one point Guy heard I was growing my own mint for Mojitos. We talked about Rums and it bothered him that I was using Bacardi because that was all I could get. One evening while on a business trip in Germany I get a call from my wife. I have a pkg from France. My wife was howling...the pkg was triple boxed...she would open one box only to find another. It was extremely well packed... You can guess what was in it. A great bottle of Havana Club. Random act of kindness...He refused to let me recipricate....that is the kind of man Guy is. He gives without wanting anything in return. Get well my friend.


No word this morning.

I hope that it is a case of "No news....Good News".

Will let you all know the minute I hear anything.

Thanks for staying on top of this my friend. I hope you are holding up okay.

Reading the thoughts and prayers has really helped me significantly. I am very attached to many of my cigar family and having just lost my mother-in-law (a woman I loved dearly) in December this kind of news deeply depresses me. While I can't speak for Guy, I think I know him well enough to believe that he will be very touched when he gets around to reading this thread. I know I am!

I want to thank you all for pitching in on this. This is a special group of people. You guys/gals are great!!!

Please heal my friend oh Lord. Do this for all of us... please.



Hello again Guy.

This is my 5,000th post here on FOH, it's been 3 years I been here and this is only possible as you were one of THE members (There are a few) that made me feel most welcome since I first posted here on the Newbie thread.

Many people often forget how important it is to set a first impression and the feeling I had from your warm welcome as well as your offer of advice on many topics over the years, has kept me here. I had a small break away last year and I kept thinking about THE MEMBERS who I call 'Old school' members, some of the originals that were here when I started and even speaking with Steve (Oz Cuban) we always chat highly of you. Anyway, I came back because of members like yourself that make other BOTL feel most welcome here.

Now that I've said all this, I hope and pray this brings added luck to a speedy and healthy recovery and in all this, once you return here on FOH, you now must read the Formula 1 thread, that's my only stipulation!;):peace:



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