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Rule # 1

Rule #2


Been together 20 years, and married for 10.

The only rule is no smoking while having sex.

I can go without a cigar for one day a year.....


So far I haven't got to a point where my wife objects.

We have a newborn, I smoke outside anywhere between 1 and 5 a week while at home, mostly weather dependant and ~1 per day on holiday.

I dont mind the idea of someone making sure I dont go overboard as I'm probaly prone to do :innocent:



Wife generally doesn't approve, been smoking about 2 years as a serious hobby and with wife for 18yrs.

No restrictions though its unspoken that smoking is done on the balcony/deck. Trying to keep to 1 a week but saying that i had 4 last week.

No kids yet but wouldn't smoke around them for health reasons (though if son is old enough would like to enjoy a cigar with son if son enjoyed the hobby too, but wouldn't be telling wife.)


Rules........I'm lucky. Nothing hard and fast. Must share with her when she wants a puff or two. Try to be reasonable with my "off the shelf" smoking, like make sure I sell more than I smoke. I don't usually need to or want to smoke in the house as I'm at the shop every evening, but I can and do when we have parties or when I still have a cigar going after we close up and come home. Cigar butts have to be thrown outside when done. That's really the only hard and fast rule. Helps to be married to a cigar business veteran of 15 years or so. Oh, biggest rule.......don't smoke the super exclusive stuff in her storage humidor that is off limits for sale or smoking. THAT SUCKS!


only been married for 31 years...smoking cigars much longer.

no restrictions from my wife...i myself choose not to smoke cigars in the house when grandchildren are visiting.

all other and cigars...if no hockey on tv it is summer and i smoke outside.



Together for 21 years, married 3 years... No smoking indoors. Trying to keep a safe distance from the little girl when smoking outside but certainly not trying to hide from what I'm doing... don't want to encourage 'sneaky' behavior. Two evenings/nights a week off for smoking with friends. No questions asked about cigar purchases. She slowly develops an interest in cigars but no real actions till this date. Fingers crossed, I would love to have the occasional smoke together.


No rules for me. We've been married for over ten years now. If the weather's nice I prefer to smoke out on the backyard patio, but if it's not then I smoke in the house. There are some rooms in the house I personally prefer to not smoke in (namely bedrooms and gunroom), but otherwise I smoke where I want when I want. My wife is definitely on the supportive side - she'll sometimes smoke with me, but definitely never complains or makes demands.

I suspect that when we have kids I'll personally decide to change some of my smoking habits, but for now I smoke at my leisure. Only work gets in the way of that. :)


~ Greg ~


My wife is fine with my smoking. I don't smoke much..maybe 3-4 cigars a week max, and it's mostly at weekends with an accompanying drink. Like others, we have a small baby in the house so i'm restricted to the kitchen with the door open if possible and that is only after my daughter has gone to bed (unless it's warm enough to smoke outdoors...roll on summer!). The biggest bugbear for both of us is the smell of stale smoke the next morning. I'm thinking of investing in a De-Ioniser...does anyone have experience of these? Do they work?


Been together 20 years, and married for 10.

The only rule is no smoking while having sex.

I can go without a cigar for one day a year.....

Now THAT's funny.

Matthew and I smoke together. Last Tuesday 9 FOH guys smoked in our living room but that was a once a year thing. With windows open and lots of Fabreeze, we returned to pretty much smell free in a day or so.

What really blew my mind was when Matthew said to the FOH group, and I quote,

"We should really be buying up the great cigars now before the embargo is lifted, the prices go through the roof and stock disappears".

*Lisa fainted*.


My wife isn't a huge fan. As an ex-cigarette smoker she pooh poohs my cigar smoking but understands that it has opened up a lot of valuable friendships as a result. She used to join me with the odd cigarillo, but has recently stated she didn't want the temptation. The one big rule for me is to not smoke in the house; which I'm fine with. Most of our house is covered in wall to wall carpeting so given that it would be on me to clean it, it's best I smoke outside. She doesn't care what I spend as long as I'm able to meet our joint financial commitments but she does ask me to smoke "moderately" which I've always done. I'm not a "one a day" guy. At least not yet. :whistle: But I have had nights where I've smoked 3 - 5 cigars.


No such issues as i am single :) Smoking rules start applying when i am outside my house (government regulations) - but once inside, theres no rule - smoking a Oliva serie V belicoso in my bedroom as i write this :thumbsup:


You members w/ kids, do you not smoke around them because you/your better half think it sets a bad example or do you not smoke around them out of health concerns?

Health concerns here. It is a self imposed rule but my wife agrees. My son has already seen and handled cigars - I'm not worried about legal vices... my plan is to educate as they age. However, while I don't think studies on second hand smoke that have negative health implications have been conclusive, I do think smoke is detrimental all else equal. So exposure to that is a choice I'll leave to my kids when they are ready to decide.


I have to shower as soon as I enter the house after a smoke, and back her car out of the garage prior to snmoking. the rest is my courtesy to everyone else, including not smoking in front of the kids, etc.

My son helped me build my humidor so I guess thats out of the bag...

My wife has seen how happy it makes me, so has relaxed about it over the last couple years.


You members w/ kids, do you not smoke around them because you/your better half think it sets a bad example or do you not smoke around them out of health concerns?


Can't smoke inside

Can't encroach on family time

Can't spend too much. Not so much a rule but more of a fear of reprisal from the wife.

I have a 2 year-old daughter and I smoke around her when outside. The minimal amount of smoke she might get while outdoors is negligent when compared to California smog and cheeseburgers. As far as an example, I won't hide it when she's older either. I won't hide drinking a beer every once in a while either.


No smoking in house, which I don't want to do anyway. No smoking "around" the kids. However, I will have a smoke on the patio while my daughter plays on the gymset. But if I am going to be in close prox to the kids, I don't smoke.

I think that's it. She gets on me when I spend a bunch of money on cigars, but then I just give her money to play the slots :)


Not married yet but have been in a committed relationship for 6years.

Basic rules smoking inside.

Although I have stated there will be a smoking room in our 'to be' house. She's still warming up to the idea.. :rolleyes:

As far as kids..don't have any but as a personal rule, I don't smoke in close proximity.


I started to smoke cigars on a regular base in 1970 , I met my wife in 1971.

3 kids and 42 years later, my wife has not once told me,(at least about cigars :rolleyes: ),

what I should or shouldn't do nor where I should or shouldn't smoke.

This doesn't mean that I don't have any rules but they're my own rules that I've applied

to myself and I simply stick to them.(common sense)


If my wife ever told me (different than asking) not to do something I enjoy I'd just flat tell her no. But then again I don't tell her what to do. Even if she asked me not to smoke as many Id tell her no but I wouldn't get upset like if she were demanding it. I just don't think its right for a spouse to limit (or tell them to) or put "rules" out for their wife/husband. This should be figured out before you get married, and if the wife wants to become a controlling ***** afterwards then she shouldn't be surprised to get served with papers one random day. Ill never personally understand how some guys get into these relationships and then stick with them. Life is too short to be under someone elses thumb your whole life, and if the person drastically changes after marriage then what else can you do? Be miserable for the rest of your life? Lose your dignity? Be 'that guy' who never goes out with friends anymore? Aside from our vows our only real mutually agreed upon rule is no going out drinking at bars/clubs without the other one. If she wants to go to a neighbor friends house for a ladies night no problem- they are usually done by 11PM anyways. If one of us goes out to a bar and come back drunk at 3AM theres a problem. Its our shared opinion married people should not be going to bars/clubs drinking without their spouse.

We obviously won't buy something if its going to interfere with finances. Id expect the same of her...if she spent our grocery money on a purse then we'd have a problem. Id think she would have a problem with me blowing money we already have set aside for something else on something for "fun". Its just common sense and shouldn't have to be said.

As to where I smoke cigars 90% of the time its on the back porch. In the winter Im more into pipes which Ill smoke inside my home office. Rarely smoke cigars in there and if I do Ill open the window up. Im not going to sit outside when its 20 degrees out trying to smoke a cigar which has always had more appeal to me in warmer months.

As far as smoking around kids no Im not going to hot box them into a small room but they will go ride their bikes out back or play with the neighbors kid and Ill smoke one while they are doing their thing and I can watch over them. Im not going to hide it from them like its this evil thing they can never lay eyes upon until they are 18.


I don't smoke around my wife or son. I only smoke cigars when I travel for business or she is out of town visiting her family.

My situation is different -- I took up cigars several years after getting married (7 total years of being together). She hates the smell on my clothes, hair, breath etc, which I understand. The only reason why I don't make a big fuss over it is that the time in between cigars (usually 3-6 weeks) allows me to enjoy my family and not create unneeded stress. When I do travel, or she is out of town, I smoke 2-4 cigars a day and truly enjoy it. The novelty hasn't faded after more than 3 years of this and I enjoy the hobby more than ever. If you scientists could invent a cure all "smoke away" product for clothing, breath and hair I would be very grateful :)


My wife's very supportive.No rules.She just likes to see me happy.I generally smoke on the porch or outside on the patio.My yougest is 13 (girl) and loves the smell of daddy's cigars.


My other half doesn't really give me the business about anything. We mutually agree no smoking in the house or the family vehicle. Bills are paid, family doesn't go without and I give her what she wants. Now that I think about, I pretty much do what I want without question.

We do have respect and trust in one and other and we live our lives within our means. That being said I see no reason to dispute each others personal interests


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