ERDM Demitasse

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Of the cigars i have tried (and its not that many), i have found a few to be reasonably consistent, like the BPC. But the one that is the most consistent is the ERDM demitasse. Of course, its a real short smoke and probably a lot of you probably dont smoke it.

But , i was curious, those that have tried it, how has your experience been?

I have only smoked from one box (maybe around 15), but almost all of them have delivered - a sweetness is there to it along with coffee & cream. Have you also found it to be consistent or is it just my box? I am contemplating ordering another couple of boxes :) But wanted your opinion before i take the plunge.

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I have the same kind of liking for Upmann half Coronas. Sometimes I have a bit of craving after a smoke for a little more, sometimes I only have time for a short one. Sometimes it is so cold out I can only tolerate a quickie :surprised:

A great addition to any humidor.


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I just recently discovered them for me and I really like them. With a few years on them, they get even smoother and creamier. They invariably leave me craving for more :2thumbs: IMO, they are the best of the small Panetelas (compared to Monte Joyitas, Punch Margaritas, Cohiba Paneteleas, and RG Cigarritos).

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I had a considerable amount of boxes of these in the past 20 years -

I agree, they are more consistant than other Rey del Mundo cigars.

I love the flavour profile, I love the reliability, I have no reason to not recommend it!

Best, enjoy, take care,


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I smoked through half a box and I really like them.

They were all pretty consistent in flavor and construction for such a tiny smoke.

I've also had a few ERDM PC which I also love.

IMO the two taste pretty much the same to me, with the PC a bit fuller and creamier and the DT having more citrus.

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I think that you may find a group of us actually believe that smaller cigars are more consistent and pleasing in general. A large percentage of my cigar smoking is done in the category of PC and smaller cigars. Unless I am being social or have a lot of time to burn I almost always turn to them.

The ERdM Demi Tasse is a wonderful little cigar. I have smoked more boxes than I can count. Personally, I preferred the Bolivar DT. Same size but differing brand name. Not made anymore, of course!

If you come across Le Hoyo du Deputes they are also an amazing little cigar, one of my favorites actually. I like the du Maire as well.

A cigar not often mentioned is the Cohiba Exquisitos. While they are very pricey for little cigars, you can sometimes find them on sale and they can really be fantastic cigars.

Cheers. -the Pig

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