Gas or Charcoal?  

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^^^^^ THIS!!! ^^^^^

charcoal all the time gives me time to smoke a Churchill slow indirect gives you an hour or two

Not charcoal, just chunks of hard wood, usually pecan, post oak or mesquite. Directly on the red hot glowing part. Ash doesn't stick because the temp is so hot. 4-5 minutes a side depending on thickne


I'll say it again - I think it 100% depends on what you are actually grilling.

  • 4 weeks later...

I've used both but mostly gas, when my wife and I bought our house 3yrs ago we went out and bought a charcoal grill cuz it was cheaper and after grilling on it for a few years now I will never go back to gas. I understand gas is easier to regulate heat temps but once one gets to working with charcoal and knowing how to spread it to create hotter/cooking spots it's not that hard to regulate plus the flavor can't be beat of charcoal. I'ts harder for me at this time to do a slow and low, like ribs or a whole chicken, because the heat can dissipate but I'm learning and the first whole beer chicken I cooked on the grill, I just put in a bunch of charcoal so I can spread it, actually turned out. I'd love to hear ideas from real charcoal veterans on how to make it easier to do a slow and low cook like a pork loin or ribs, unless I have to get a smoker for that, IDK.

  • 3 weeks later...

Get a kamado for real good slow and low cooks. You can do all sorts of cooking styles on them.


Gas for me. It's much easier to control the temperature.


I've got one of them thar handy side by side double cookers - one side a 3 burner propane grill with side burner, the other a good sized kettle for charcoal with a side fire-box for smoking. I'll use charcoal if time is not an issue and/or if weather permits. I'll use the propane side if I'm in a hurry (good for quickly grilling some burgers for lunch) or if it's raining cats n' dogs or if it's stupid-windy (this is ND, afterall). I bet 95%+ of our grilling is done with charcoal, or sometimes I'll use those mesquite and hickory wood chunks instead.

I prefer charcoal/wood, but am glad I have the propane option at the ready when needed.


~ Greg ~

I'd love to hear ideas from real charcoal veterans on how to make it easier to do a slow and low cook like a pork loin or ribs, unless I have to get a smoker for that, IDK.

What kind of grill do you have? See if they sell a side mounted fire-box for that very purpose. Here's a pic from this past winter - you csn see the fire-box to the right of the main kettle.


It's pretty handy; you can do slow all-day smoking with something like that since it moves the heated air and smoke into the main kettle; easy to control the temp by adjusting the amount of fuel being burned and/or by adjusting the amount of air circulating by manipulating the chimney on the top of the kettle and the vent on the fire-box. It can also function as a third grill if needed - not that I've ever needed to use it for that purpose. But nice to know. I'm planning on doing a mess of pork and beef ribs over the 4th of July week (took the whole week off from work). The grill side is going to be wall to wall meat, slow cooking with wood chunks and charcoal for, oh, I dunno... 14-16 hours? Yeah, not a bad way to spend a day.

Some places also sell baskets that can hold the charcoal together on one side, so you always know where the hotspot is and so you can move the meat around as needed to help it cook evenly. They can also be used for indirect cooking. Ours came with this one, though we've never had a need to use it:


~ Greg ~

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Well it was either electric or gas for us and since we had a small deck we choose electric. But this spring we upgraded to a gas grill and what a difference never again with the electric gas all the way. I wish we could use charcoal but the rules do not allow us.

Happy BBQ all!!!!!


Agree. Love the taste wood or charcoal impart but propane is definately faster easier. I'll be smoking up some baby backs and brauts thursday using maple that I soak in water for a few hours thrown onto hickory briquettes I'll try to take some pics with my iPod.

  • 4 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I Love my Webber!

A Charcoal grill is the best!

And The time when you Light it up its good time for a Cigar, and you can give it Nice time too get hot ofter howe big the cigar is ;-)

Skickat från min GT-I9305 via Tapatalk 2

  • 1 month later...

I voted gas but I have both, it really depends what I am cooking both are great for different uses. Fish and beef steaks go on the gas, beef blade and brisket. pork shoyulder, ribs and smoke in the charcoal. when I do cedar oplank salmon, charcoal.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Combo.........what can I say......

I have used charcoal , then uninvited guests show up so I have to cook more meat but the flame is too low.......

So I crank on the gas. Haven't had any complaints. Keep on Grillin'.........:)


I just use a charcoal chimney when I need to cook more after the coal start dying down. Just throw in the burning charcoal amongst the fresh charcoal in the chimney and you'll be good in no time.


Uninvited guests at our house are lucky to get boiled hotdogs. Being uninvited earns people a special sort of dislike. Unless it's a weird situation or an emergency, etc. But if someone just shows up unannounced because they heard we were grilling, well... if they bring some good booze or smokes I might forgive them. If they show up unexpected *and* empty handed I normally just show them the door. Unless she's hot. Then my tolerance level increases dramatically. :)




  • 4 weeks later...

Lump charcoal on the kamodo is 90% of my grilling and of course all of my smoking.

I do have a gas grill that I use for kids birthday parties and the like when they want a bunch of hotdogs and burgers.

When we go RV'ing I use an old Weber kettle w/charcoal.

  • 2 weeks later...

Depends. If I'm in a hurry I'll use gas.

Other times I'll use charcoal, but never lighter fluid. I love the ritual of getting the coals going and spreading them out where I need them. Makes me feel more connected to the cooking.


Charcoal and a few mesquite wood chips on my grill


Depends. If I'm in a hurry I'll use gas.

Other times I'll use charcoal, but never lighter fluid. I love the ritual of getting the coals going and spreading them out where I need them. Makes me feel more connected to the cooking.

Oh heck yeah, lighter fluid should be illegal for BBQ'ing.


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