time off?

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guys, ta for all that. interesting mix. as for getting better, probably as good as i'll ever be, which is a scary thought. and a touch depressing!

suspect i'll be back on them soon.

sorry to hear about the pneumonia, hopefully spring and the world cup will set you back on track. that and eating well.

i happily drift away from cigars and alcohol for weeks at a time, if i'm a bit under the weather and can't taste em properly, i can't see the point... and enjoy them all the more when i come right.

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Ken honestly when I showed up at your place in April other than a cigar on the czar deck before heading over it was my first cigar in about 7 months with Missi and I bumming around Asia until then. Otherwise, its seasonal for me as well.

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Aside from the winter, where I'm limited by weather, cigars are a little like golf for me. Too many duds or bad rounds on the links, and I quit for a while, but then I'll find an amazing cigar, like crushing a huge drive down the fairway, and I'm hooked again.

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Aside from the winter, where I'm limited by weather, cigars are a little like golf for me. Too many duds or bad rounds on the links, and I quit for a while, but then I'll find an amazing cigar, like crushing a huge drive down the fairway, and I'm hooked again.

A good analogy!

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There is nothing like a lung malady when it comes to killing my desire for cigars. I have occasional bronchitis and seasonal allergies and they both kill my desire for a cigar, via, I think, my taste buds.

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I got time off for good behavior...although I do have to check in with my parole officer every week. Oh wait...you're talking about cigars.

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I have been "off" of cigars since May 28th, the day my child was born. It is not for any health reason, I just cannot carve out the time to sit out back and smoke one. If I am not working, then I am helping out with the baby. I have had exactly 3 since that day--but, those were my first 3 CCs and were absolutely heavenly!

On a side note, I WILL carve out an hour or so this weekend (I hope!).

Congrats to you and the Missus on the baby SOWEGA!

My "downtime" from cigars coincided with my kids' childhood years. Now that they're teenagers, I find cigars necessary to the maintenance of essential sanity.

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Glad to here you will be ok. The FOH video review stool can not stay up on two legs. You are a vital part of the team.

As for me I have just recovered from chicken pox which just about knock me out for six. When your health is not good I think it is only natural that you loose the taste for the finer things.

Best thing I did was to go to Vanuatu for a break, eat lots of fish and fruit. As you can see in the image the effect was instant. All of sudden I started to enjoy good duty free rum and HQ cigars from Cigar Czar.



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I'm in a bit of a lull right now for the first time since i started smoking regularly in about 2006. I have just started law school at 32yrs old with a wife and two very young children so I just haven't had the time, funds, or energy for the past month or so. Consequently, I haven't been around the forum much either! Hopefully, things will level out soon and I can get back into it.

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KG, Every winter I go off cigars.... though that is forced upon me by nature and the missus not allowing me to smoke indoors. The idea of sitting outside in 6 degree frost does nothing for me.

I find besides that he only time I go "off" cigars is when I'm in a bad mood.

Hope you feel right as rain soon.

I agree with you Rob, I tend to smoke less in winter, I try to fit a smoke or two on the weekend if its' not too cold outside.

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