time off?

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wondering if anyone has gone through a period where they "went off" cigars? or simply for whatever reason, just had an extended break from cigars?

if so, any particular reason?

and did you come back?

one assumes so if you are reading this.

it might seem an odd thread for a cigar forum but i have found i have hardly touched a cigar for three months and not felt like one or craved one at all. i think the only ones i've had were those couple with rob for videos. it started about three months ago when i was just flat out and had no real time. not helped by ayala going all teetotal for a month as we usually share a few regularly on the balcony. then i got crook - not bad but just enough to make the idea unappealling. turns out i had some form of pneumonia (not too serious, just more inconvenient and, of course, being a bloke was not going anywhere near a doctor unless i was certain it was trivial). just getting over the tail end of it but just don't feel like a cigar at all.

i'm sure it will pass. have the annual fishing trip in just over a month and i am sure i'll be in full swing.

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Interesting. How long since you last had a significant break in smoking and how many cigars do you usually smoke per week?

I find myself going in the opposite direction - I try to find more and more time slots to enjoy a cigar. I have gone from 2-3 cigars/week to 1-2 a day in the last year (usually, one after lunch and 3-4 times a week a cigar after dinner). I have also infected several friends with the "cigar bug". I can't imagine not wanting to enjoy a cigar for an extended period of time but I am still a pretty new cigar smoker (started in 2008). Maybe I'll be in your position at some point.

The longest I've gone without a cigar since I started was about a week.

Feel better, Ken! :thumbsup:

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KG, Every winter I go off cigars.... though that is forced upon me by nature and the missus not allowing me to smoke indoors. The idea of sitting outside in 6 degree frost does nothing for me.

I find besides that he only time I go "off" cigars is when I'm in a bad mood.

Hope you feel right as rain soon.

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I was quite ill near the end of last year, had a sinus and chest infection, not good. As I started to get over that Aberdeenshire ended up in about 3 foot of snow and the last thing I wanted to do, while still feeling fragile, was to sit in my freezing shed filled with smoke. I didn't miss it but then I didn't really expect to, I used to smoke cigarettes and the reason I quit and switched to cigars was that it was something I could enjoy occasionally at my leasure rather than having to feed an addiction.

I was cigar free for about 2 months but I still checked my stock to make sure their environment was fine. I started to think about a couple of aged singles I had in my desktop humi and got that excitement back for trying out new sticks. You mentioned being flat out, I think those are the times when cigars are most useful, they are a great excuse to take a break and do nothing but sit and enjoy the smoke. Your stock isn't going anywhere and there is no one forcing you to smoke them at a certain rate, the worst that having a break is going to do is refresh your palate. I would do a bit of a stock take, take a of whif of some of your finest cigars (...send a couple to me...) take a couple of hours off and smoke a great one with an equally great Shiraz. It's all too easy to miss out on the best a cigar has to offer if you are doing other things while smoking it.

Hope you feel like your old self again soon!

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Ken mon ami,

I think that after a period of not feeling well , I can understand that you have taked

some time off from cigars, I just hope that it doesn't last too long. A cigar, like just

about everything else, has to be desired. :yes:

However, I'm glad to note that your wine consumption has not diminished to the same level

on SPITBUCKET. :buddies: Tchin-Tchin .

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Yeah I have actually Ken, I went off cigars for almost two years, right after my son was born. I bought two boxes of ingenios EL DIC 2007 seeing how my son was born in december 2007, received them stored them. But for the two years following the birth of my son, I had maybe 3 cigars. I just went off them, didnt think about it, didnt want to smoke one. Maybe it was because I was a new father with new responsibilities, lack of time, or i'd rather spend that hour with my son rather than have a cigar.

Also I usually have a annual bout with bronchitis and that puts me off cigars for a month, then I come back in full swing. And as mentioned, winter time forces me to age my cigars more than I want too lol.

I hope you are doing better Ken, and Hope to see you back in full force in future reviews

Cheers Mate

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I have had the odd day or two when I do not feel like a cigar but never for an extended period of time.

Do as Styler said mate. Inhale the aroma of a freshly opened box of your favorites and leave your worries about Arsenal only having 1 point from two games behind.

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I have had the odd day or two when I do not feel like a cigar but never for an extended period of time.

Do as Styler said mate. Inhale the aroma of a freshly opened box of your favorites and leave your worries about Arsenal only having 1 point from two games behind.

I think Ken need to worry more about the aussie's completly flopping at the Rugby World cup, and the fact that England is the greatest cricket nation in the world. :D

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I had a period of a year when I was off cigars, just didn't feel like smoking most of the time and didn't go out much with friends.

It was also the time when some of the smoking laws came through and made it impossible to smoke in pubs.

It's a habit, not an addiction

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Ken, i think its good to give the body a rest now and then.I have not smoked cigars for long,but was a smoker for 27 years(yuk) i have stooped smoking now for 15 months now, feel gr8 (fat) but missed going outside when the Mrs goes for a smoke.Now im smoking 1 or 2 cigars a week and having a gr8 time. Im sure its not a bad thing you are having time off. Everything in Moderation and enjoy Life.i do enjoy the vids of you and Rob. Have a gr8 time fishing, cause for me fishing is 1st :-) cigars now 2nd.

Good Luck Fishing


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I think Ken need to worry more about the aussie's completly flopping at the Rugby World cup, and the fact that England is the greatest cricket nation in the world. :D

I don't think he is worry about the England rugby Team, Cause My Boys Just hit Brisbane Today.


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I pretty much take the winter's off. If the temps hit 0Celsius I might hit the deck for a Sig I or Reyes. Otherwise, I just open up the humi's and breathe in the aromas now and then.

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I have been "off" of cigars since May 28th, the day my child was born. It is not for any health reason, I just cannot carve out the time to sit out back and smoke one. If I am not working, then I am helping out with the baby. I have had exactly 3 since that day--but, those were my first 3 CCs and were absolutely heavenly!

On a side note, I WILL carve out an hour or so this weekend (I hope!).

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I took time off when I had a period of all bad cigars, when nothing tasted right and I stopped wanting to smoke. The Blind competition made an end to that, because I started concentrating on the cigars again. So I guess a good cigar will get you back on your feet!

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I take a "break" most winters. Too cold. I'll smoke a cheapie while running the snowblower... or maybe once a month go to the local cigar bar.

My cigar usage has dropped since my son was born in 08. Hard to take the time to sit out and relax with a cigar. I also cut down because my wife stopped smoking cigarettes 8 months ago.

So, on a good week, I have 1 good cigar. Some weeks I don't even get a cheap cigar while mowing or whatnot.

And, it's hard to want to have a cigar when it's well below freezing outside. Just not enjoyable.

But, I do start to miss it after I have an outing with some good friends and good cigars with good drinks. Usually it takes something with those three together to want to get back into smoking good cigars on a regular basis.

Good cigars are nice. But, good cigars are just part of the formula for a great time that makes me want to get back in it. But, since you smoke with Smitty and Rob... well... yeah... that might be a foreign concept for you. :jester:

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I took a break that lasted years.

It coincided with some financial chaos and a general frustration with constantly seeking in vain for some NC that would meet an internal pleasure standard that seemed all too elusive.

About a year ago, I started smoking down my NC humidor. After a trip to the islands last Winter, and coming home with a handful of CCs, I came to realize that the difference between NC and CC was very, VERY real, and went on the search that led me to FOH and the Czar, among others.

Now, it's highly unusual for me not to fire up a stogie every night during showtime and frankly, I enjoy it as much or more than I did in the heady days of the 90s "boom."

Here's wishing you a quick and thorough recovery, Ken! I've no doubt you'll be back to the level of sophistication and taste we've all come to expect!

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Like others above I'm weather dependant which can cause large breaks in between smokes. Last year I took a big break, maybe 6/7 months and didn't touch one. I simply couldn't be bothered, didn;t have any desire for them. Then in Jan this year the sun came out, no wind and decided to reach for an old favourite that never lets me down, that kicked me back into gear and I've been ok since.

I think it was brought on by a number of things, I smoke a cigar when I am already relaxed, not to relax. I had been on a run of cigars that were not that great and felt like a job to finish them.

I'd say wait until you are back to normal health wise, relaxed or had a good day and make yourself pick out a cigar that you know you will enjoy, Coro etc. Put your feet up and warm the old bones up in the sun and stare at clouds :D

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I have been smoking cigars for almost 15 years and CCs for approx 6. During those years I have taken breaks mostly brought on by a relocation to another state. I predominantly smoke at local shops with friends so after a move it takes me a while to find the right shop to call home. Absence truly makes the heart grow fonder I have found.

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guys, ta for all that. interesting mix. as for getting better, probably as good as i'll ever be, which is a scary thought. and a touch depressing!

suspect i'll be back on them soon.

as for our friend with the english cricket comment, they are not doing too badly and while they might be 1 in tests at the moment, think of it as the steve bradbury effect.

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Man-up Ken!

Seriously though. If you don't feel like it then certainly don't force the issue.

When you feel like relaxing you will get back into whatever it is that you feel like.

I have taken breaks of various durations through time due to different reasons. There is usually a something that kicks the period off. Illness or some event. I always seem to return to what gives me the most relaxation. :lookaround::lol3:

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Ken, you are really trying to help Rob bring in more business, huh? :rotfl:

I have gone through a phase recently where I haven't smoked as many cigars weekly from my avg of 5-6, which has dropped to 2-3, which is fairly low for me.

I've stopped hoarding as my cigars as I have a decent stash in my two humis and a few in my locker. I might have to jump on those RS12's though..

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