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If we as individuals demand that society foot the bills for our healthcare, is it not reasonable that society be able place restrictions on the lifestyles that those individuals can lead?

But where does it start and end? Should other unhealthy activities/lifestyles be shunned like smoking? Should we pick on the obese? Make Alcoholics go into rehab? Make people who partake in sports pay more insurance because they are more likely to sustain injuries. As a Canadian, I pay way more into healthcare than I take out. I'm sick of the anti smoking propaganda. I'll concede that cigarettes are a chemical brew of crap that really shouldn't be smoked. But cigars? They're a bunch of naturally cured tobacco leaves. Nothing more nothing less. I've made this point before, its not my cigar smoking that will be the death of me, its the crap that goes on around me that I cannot control, things such as car exhaust and pollution of fresh water sources to name a few.

Give 'em hell Rob. Oh and let us know if we should start clearing out lockers. :clap:


Rob...sorry to hear about this mess with your Australian regulators. It seems to be the way of the world these days. Living in NYC, the public parks/beaches smoking ban has gone into effect. A guy can't even enjoy a cigar in Central Park anymore. A park so big that you can easily find a place where no one is within 100 yards of you. Insane. Good luck in dealing with this's a massive headache I'm sure.


Hey, Rob!

Here's a dandy to let 'em chew on:

Tell 'em we'll continue the tobacco debate just as quick as they forbid open cast coal extraction in QLD and NSW. Last I checked, that miserable practice is ruining millions and millions of gallons of pure, precious water that Oz doesn't have spare.

If nothing else, the well-intentioned bastards will realize you know what's going on in your world and they'll at least feel pretty stupid.


Rob my man, sorry about that news. There's always loops holes, and I'm sure you'll find them if needed. These types of laws just make us have to get crafty with the trade. You are in great company and have a very captive audience for your product(s).


Prez, we are behind you. go get'em. I am sure eventually they will understand they will only push you to a creative solution that will only prevent them from getting paid in taxes.


I look forward to your first Catalog Publication, but hope you are never forced. It would make good Summertime Deck reading, along with Grizzly and Northern Tool. Perhaps you should get your marketing dept, aka Smithy, to produce one regardless. I would be interested if it was priced reasonably or free.

Smithy automatically ducks and weaves now that he works behind me.. LOLOL ... he is like a skittish kitten

Wow I thought this beaurocratic nonsense only happened in the States!!


Just another classic example of big government horsehsit and lobbyist control. Happens all the time in California. Our lawmakers have nothing better to do than to come up with new ways to impose their belief system on the masses instead of focusing on the real problems; and by real problems I mean the ones that the 'people' actually want addressed.

Where does it all stop? Where is that defined line in the sand, so-to-speak. Why not just start creating laws that restrict ALL bad things.

Give them hell Rob. :) Just let me know where I can send the check for your legal defense fund.


And yet we seemingly continue (in this country at least) to tolerate the binge drinking and casual violence that results from it.Also the ever increasing wave of alcohol related disease and despair.As a nurse I regularly find myself in heated debate with other health professionals who will tell me that I,as a smoker, "should know better",often the same people who will quite proudly talk about how pissed they were at the weekend etc etc.Smokers are increasingly seen as the pariahs of modern society and the "ability" to put away £100 worth of alcohol every week is still seen by many as something to boast about.I note also the amount of people who seem to think that alcoholsim is some kind of disease.Absolute crap!! You make a personal choice to get out of your head a thousand times before it ever becomes an addiction.There exists no other addiction or vice that is afforded the luxury of bleeding heart apologists in this way.I wonder where the targeting of smokers will end but as far as I'm concerned The NHS in this country is,at least ostensibly,free at the point of access.I pay my national insurance and they take my income tax which all helps to fund it.I pays my money and I takes my choice.


I am surprised that Australians would stand for this treatment. Let me explain, every single Australian I have ever known has been a fiercely independent chap who loves life and would not stand for this pandering to the lowest common denominator. Why is it that Australian's allow themselves to be treated this way about a personal choice to smoke cigars or cigarettes? Is it because the healthcare system is public and they pay 7% (correct?) of their pay towards it and are being scared that without these regulations the cost will go up?


What a waste of time when it can be spent looking for HQ and PSP boxes!

Flew into Canberra yesterday (reason for being away from the forum) to meet with public servants enforced with advising the Minister on upcoming Tobacco plain packaging and internet legislation.

Nice people one and all just doing their job. However one is left in no doubt that anyone who enjoys a cigar is a misguided fool in need of government intervention. That irks me no end.

Under the terms of the proposed Internet legislation, FOH would be illegal. Don't worry, as I stated to them, I have no intention of complying and I look good in pastels...particularly orange.

The next 12 months will be interesting. I am in the mood for a fight.

Move to Canada. We're just Austalians with no accents. And lots of snow. And better beer and liquor. And better hunting and fishing. And....


Move to Canada. We're just Austalians with no accents. And lots of snow. And better beer and liquor. And better hunting and fishing. And....


Oh no no no! You may have snow and booze, but you've also got Celine Dion over there. :cigar:

Very good point Fuzz, I have to agree she is one of the worse things that come out of Canada including my most hated person Justin Beaver :D

Oh god dont get me started on those two !!!

Nice people one and all just doing their job. However one is left in no doubt that anyone who enjoys a cigar is a misguided fool in need of government intervention. That irks me no end.

In general Government acting like a parent is rarely a good thing. But sadly, most of the countries are slowly moving in to that direction more and more. It's still not a big deal now, but as Governments get more control in 15-20 years, it could become a big deal.


Combine this with the prohibition of shipping cigars into the People's Republic of Maryland, erroneously dubbed the "Free State" :clap: , and we're in double jeopardy. The Maryland law will come to a demise; here's to hoping Lisa's hook packs a similar punch :lookaround: .

Oh no no no! You may have snow and booze, but you've also got Celine Dion over there. :lol:

NOPE! We sold that crackpot to the Americans - they keep her locked up in Vegas! :thumbsup::lmao:

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