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Why do you own a dog?

What is your favourite breed?


Companion or working dog?

Are you planning to keep on owning dogs?

I am an avowed Boxer owner; never even contemplated owning anything else. I guess it goes back to growing up with Boxers. :D Loyal, patient as the day is long, true of character, athletic (to say the least) they can easily be a kid's best friend.

IMO dogs add much to a family; I wanted our kids to have the same opportunity to bond with dogs as I had when I was their age.

Until recently we had two Boxers but lost one. Tough for all of us. But we are already planning on getting another one!

Here are pictures of our female Boxer (Cannelle).

About two weeks old (she's the one with the tongue sticking out! :lol: )

Almost three years old.


I own dawgs as companions mostly. I can not imagine life without my dogs. Each dawg is unique in personality and temperment and I love the interaction between them and myself.

My breed is the Chinese Shar-Pei. I have owned shepards, dobbies and akitas but just love this wrinkly breed for its personality and look.

They are companions and also function as guard dogs. This is my second pair so yea, I plan on having dogs.

Here are a couple shots of my current companions.


Dan, beautiful dog you have there ;)

I don't have any dogs but I do have two cats, :D

If ever your dog is really hungry, let me know :lol:



those Boxers look like some characters family had 2 Boxers growing that got hit by a car when I was really little...all I can really remember about him is loading him up in my wagon taking him another that took me into high school...then we had a Beagle towards my college years

being single in my 20's and early 30's, I did not have any dogs due to my self-imposed lack of responsibility...but after getting "the good times" out of my system, I began to really miss having one

so enters Stretch, a Miniature he was a bird. He lived to be 16.5 years old and was only sick the last month, so I could not have asked for more. During that time, I got married, and my wife fell in love with him. After having to put him to sleep, we took a few years off but eventually wanted another friend

...enters Sport, another Schnauzer...he is now 3 years old and currently sleeping on the bed at 9:30 a.m.

so I can't see myself without a dog until I'm too old to care for one as a companion

Why do you own a dog?

What is your favourite breed?


Companion or working dog?

Are you planning to keep on owning dogs?

IMO, there is no greater friend than that of a dog. All dog lovers know and appreciate the unconditional love that they have for us. We have two, Indiana and Kaiser.

My favorite breed is Siberian husky.

100% companion, these guys are lazy. But they have their work-use up north..

I always plan to have dogs, I want my kids to appreciate the nature of them.

Indy is the red one, and Kaiser is the black one:









Dogs a loving & loyal because of breeding. Cats are loving & loyal because they really like YOU. Nothing like a good kitty- and know how to pick a good one or you'll be in trouble. :D


I have had dogs all my life. When I got married my wife and I lived in a appartment for five years which prevented us from getting a dog, which we both wanted. When we finally bought our house we began our search for the ideal dog. After researching many breeds we thought we knew what we wanted but then one day I had a conversation with my neighbour, who had three dogs. When we said we were looking for a dog, she asked if we were interested in a West Highland Terrier, which we hadn't considered. She began to tell us how she bread "Westies" for many years and now had three dogs, which were all related (Grandma, mom, and daughter). She offered to give us her youngest because she didn't want three dogs anymore and wanted a good home for her. She literally passed her over the fence to us that day and Sophie has been a part of the family since. She is a fantastic dog, very obedient, and of course extremely cute. Many have told us she looks like the dog from the Cesear (dog food) commercials. Here are some pics:

Christmas Time


Helping build the deck


Chillin in the yard


Having a swim at the cottage


Ready for a walk




*GREAT Topic, Montaig! :2thumbs: 'Guess y'all don't have to wonder about MY take on pooches...! I've been owning dogs all my life. I used to (and still do) bring strays home ever since I was NINE!! Being such a "rescuer" as well as carer for these animals so long, you do get a sense of realization as well as patience, i.e., some of these characters may and will have certain little "quirks" going on with them due to certain types of trauma, and I can work around that. I can deal with an eccentric dog; I can deal with a "crazy" dog (my previous one, a beagle mix was just that)! But - I won't keep a stupid dog (some of them do epitomize "duh duh duh") and I won't keep a dangerous breed that would be unsafe around kids.

*As I've got lots of at home experiences with looking after them, I'm known as the "Street Vet" to my compadres. They'll call me or bring their dogs to me for various woes - though I WILL get them to a real vet if something serious, folks, don't worry! My current "little guy" is a long hair Daschund mix who is still going strong at 16yrs. of age. SOME DAY, I'll get a pic of him up. My other dog was the beagle mix who passed away at home at age 14. Some time after was my mom's dog, a Rottweiler mix who she took care of up until her crossing over in 2001, then it was left to me. We had to put Rocky to sleep at age 19 in 2007.

*Hey, again, thanks for this topic Montaigut! :thumbsup::doghouse:


We breed and show Samoyeds, a nordic breed which originated in Siberia. Samoyeds pulled Roald Amundsen to the South Pole in 1912.

Here are a couple of show pix of our youngest boy, Jack. One is his first show at six months, and the other at 11 months. He is a very competitive boy, and we are very proud of him.




Some gorgeous dogs there!

I'm the proud owner of a German Shorthaired Pointer, her name is Sunshine and she'll be 4 years old this month. To this day, I've not seen another dog with such an endless amount of energy. I became interested in this breed when I saw a similar dog at a gun club I used to visit regularly. While I don't do any hunting, she still loves to hunt frisbee's and tennis balls in the back yard.

She's highly intelligent, fantastic with our kids and has all the patience of a saint. I can't imagine not having her in my life.



I knew Bob would chime in on this one. Hey Bob.

I also own show dogs.

I have 2 English Bull Terriers , Loki and Rosie.

They are a rough and tumble breed packing the most muscle pound for pound of any dog breed.

Basically bags of ready mix concrete with legs wearing clown suits. I'm at work now and will try and post a pic or 2 later.


Cohiba is my Chessapeake retriever.

I came across Chesapeakes in the US a decade ago and loved their personality. Cohiba "talks" to me every morning and afternoon for minutes. He loves the outdoor, swimming and has been the easiest dog I have ever had to train being fluent in hand signals and all retrieving tasks. There are only a few breeders of Chesapeakes in Oz and they take their role seriously bringing in bloodlines from the USA and UK. Cohiba's great grandfather "Coots Gypsy Clipper"is a US Dual ch and successful Open Nationlals competitor.

Not overly affectionate but always there. He won't run up to you when you come home but rather get up and "bumping" you as he walks past....a bit like a shark. He still always stands in between my kids and their friends he does not know.


Spike at 12 weeks. He is a Pembroke Welsh Corgi, a great little dog now at 32 months. He is very popular, people can't seem to get enough of his face.




Have to agree with samb. I have two Huskies, Langdon (black/white) and Hunter (gray/white). They are great to be around and I just love their personalities. Only down side is the shedding but lucky Dyson makes a great animal vaccum.




I've got a 18mth Labradum-dum named Hunter. I always thought Labs were smart... until I came across Hunter. I really should have renamed him Homer. He doesn't listen all the time, he drools whenever there's food around, food is his main motivation, he's lazy, and can sometimes be extremely smart in a sneaky kinda way.

Ahh, I do love the boy! Wouldn't change him for the world!!


Great thread!

We own and show three Australian Shephards. We had four, but recently lost one (my avatar). We make ours work--they are active in agility, conformation, obedience and rally.

This is Cash, our little baby boy.



Here is Skyler, our oldest:


And Flair, our youngest with her first win:


And our little boy Grits, who we lost not too long ago:


Guest robustog

I have a MI-KI. He is all of 5lbs and full grown.

Love animals, also have 3 cats. One of which is a Main Coon. 4x the size of the dog. :o


Here’s my Dobie. If he looks a little winded in this photo it’s because he just finished eating the neighbor’s cat and chasing down the mailman. In fact, I think he was eyeing a couple of squirrels in this photo as well....

Everyone in the neighborhood knows where the mean-looking Doberman lives, but don’t let the stereotypes fool you. My boy is one of the friendliest dogs you’ll ever meet and always knows how to cheer me up after a rough day. He has been a blessing for our family.



Here's a couple of pics of Hunter I found on my laptop.

Cute little pup...



12 months later... what a disgrace!



Why do you own a dog?

What is your favourite breed?


Companion or working dog?

Are you planning to keep on owning dogs?

I am an avowed Boxer owner; never even contemplated owning anything else. I guess it goes back to growing up with Boxers. :cigar: Loyal, patient as the day is long, true of character, athletic (to say the least) they can easily be a kid's best friend.

IMO dogs add much to a family; I wanted our kids to have the same opportunity to bond with dogs as I had when I was their age.

Until recently we had two Boxers but lost one. Tough for all of us. But we are already planning on getting another one!

Here are pictures of our female Boxer (Cannelle).

About two weeks old (she's the one with the tongue sticking out! :D )

Almost three years old.

Could not agree more have an amazing fawn. I also can relate to Samb as I have two husky/wolf mix and they are awesome dogs


I'll take some photos of my kids (er... dogs) tomorrow. I have two mutts, who are mostly beagle, but are very different in size, shape, and color. Emma is 8 and Dinky is 2. Yes. Her name is Dinky. I do not know where my parents got that from... but it suits her dainty, bratty personality.

Come from a family of huge dog lovers. My mother actually operates a dog sitting service, called Pet's Pal.

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