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I've noticed that whenever I drink a little more than I should and smoke a cigar....the next morning I have a horrible hangover! :lol3:

Now believe me I can drink most people under the table and wake up feeling ok, not great but good. When I drink and have a cigar I'm hurting most of the next day. Just a really powerfull hangover.:P

Some may say it's the nicotine but I've chewed tobacco for 32 years so i'm used to it. The obvious answer is don't drink so much and thats fine but what is it about cigars that causes this? Has anybody else experienced this?


*It sounds to me like the booze factor as opposed to any cigar leaf. I've suffered many a hangover in my younger, wilder days, but have NEVER had or known anyone to have experienced one from tobacco. If you can handle "eatin' tobbacky" you've got a stronger constitution than MANY! I will share this with you...keep on hand and eat a little caviar while indulging intoxicating beverage. It DOESN'T have to be that $110 an ounce Beluga, Sevruga or Oesetra. It can be that $8 a jar stuff out of the grocery store! Caviar has properties in it that kill off any chance of experiencing an alcohol-related hangover. I used to wonder why I never got really tipsy when I would have it on hand to treat myself with! 'Jes my 2 shensh!


I get worse hangovers after smoking cigars while drinking.

Absolutely no idea buy maybe the nicotine lets alcohol into the bloodstream to a greater extent??? just a wild guess


*As I mentioned in the non-alcoholic drinks forum section, I can't see the purpose of smoking and drinking alcoholic beverage at the same time. To me they cancel each other out. You don't get the best of both worlds in my opinion, though I know I'm a class of few in this regards. Whatever floats one's boat, more power to you. At any rate, wanna see what the caviar might do just in case?? If it's no help you'll just still be in the same circumstances anyway...or who knows, there could be an improvement :o


If this caviar thing works I am in....

Don't like the call about no booze with cigars, Cigcars, some combos are excellente!! :o


Ive noticed that the nicotine hits me a bit harder if Ive had more to drink then normal. Next day though, I feel no different than I would without the cigar.

Interesting about the caviar, maybe its all the salt helping your body retain water?


I'm sure most of us old school "drunks" are aware of this trick...a nice tall glass of Campari and soda on the rocks as your final drink of the evening. Truly a miracle.


Back in the days i worked as a bouncer and got slightly hangover after working inte smoke, im sure that the smoke not just nicotine got me hangover.


HAhahaha. Funny post. I have smoked a TON of cigars consecutively in an evening with NO alcohol and never had a hangover from it. Maybe try some nice espresso instead.


I've never had this happen to me...sorry. If the hangover is really bad, its usually because I got drunk and didn't rehydrate before bed. However, if I smoke too many cigars in one night, my throat is really feeling it the next day. In those instances I usually have to lay off the cigars for a few days...


I think the issue, at least for me, is that Stimulant A(nicotine) + Stimulant B(alcohol or caffeine)= Greater effect on my body. I always feel a bit different when combining other stimulants with smokes. I always try to keep it on the lighter side of things though, which lessens the effect. YMMV. I also get feeling sick when I am under-hydrated and imbibing in the good stuff.

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