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Well, finally, it's done.

It's been a trying couple of years for me. But, earlier this week, relief.

I've just recently been informed that I've made it - I'm soon to become a full-fledged POLICE OFFICER!!!!

Everyone's been informed in my immediate family and friends, so I can share the wonderful news with my online family!

I went to college for "Police Foundations" about 6 years ago. I had a number of years' experience already in private security and VIP close protection work, and various elements just drew me to the law enforcement field. When initially done school after graduating with an Honours diploma, and going through a number of different interviews, I was met with some roadblocks. I was in my mid-20's, and things just didn't pan out with different services based on them and I at the time (IE - too young, too old, too male, too white, etc., etc.).

So, I stepped back from things to do what many recruiters said (get some further "life experience" outside of the security realm, and come back to us in your 30's). I got me The Wife (we were dating before and while I was in college), and I got myself a great job at the time in an automotive industry plant locally. Great pay, a great wife, and we started the great family. Just as we were buying our first house at the end of 2006, I got laid off. Struggled with a number of side-jobs and contracting gigs, and ended up getting back on the horse and brought back from lay-off. Things rolling again, and after being married for about 2 years and enjoying our honeymoon time, we had Mini-Me. Wife, an RN, just about to come back from maternity leave, and we found out I was getting laid-off again.

So, I became Mr. Mom for a period of time, about a year or so. Loved it. Absolute best thing that could happen to me in this very hard and depressing period of lackluster employment. I can easily say, with this main huge experience, I've come out of it a better man/husband/father. Awesome.

Yet, last year and a bit has been jumping around from seasonal/temporary job here and there for a couple of local businesses. Some offers here and there for something permanent, but not something that would really work long-term for me. Just about nothing to be had these last few years that would even hit about 1/2 of what I was making 5 years ago, let alone 1/3 of what I was making 8 years back before school.

All these years, since during college, what's really kept me going with my drive was everything that I do with search and rescue. Very similar to volunteer firefighters, the SAR stuff that I do locally is very specific and astute in the skills needed, and is very high-professionalism and highly skilled and time-intensive (done in conjunction with and side-by-side with different police forces). But, it wasn't a full-time, paying job. In Ontario here, it's all done on a volunteer basis - it's not a career field in Ontario really. I had to get on a police service to fully get paid for it, and get all the benefits of doing both the SAR thing and policing.

Now.....I just recently started the re-application process with a number of different agencies a few years ago (I'm 31 right now). Started specifically last fall in the application process to be a Canadian Forces Military Police officer. It's taken over 15 or so months, and 9 or 10 different stages, between interviews, medicals, apptitude tests, background checks, board reviews, etc., etc., etc., and this much time.

My final stage, just a bit ago, to go to a specific Canadian Forces base, and go through a very interesting and rigorous process of assessment and selection with A LOT of bigwigs and a number of other candidates who were all some highly-skilled competition for me. Multiple days of stress and excitement and intrigue, all mixed up together. A very cool experience.

And the results are in! I just found out this week that I'm one of those selected and good-to-go. I will be going away in the New Year at some point to go and get my training done and become a Canadian Forces Military Police member!!!! One of a few selected from one heck of a big number of other great applicants. I had/have a lot of strong suits and qualities (not trying to brag here), but some of those I was up against were just phenomenal. I have no idea how I rank, or who I specifically beat out, or anything like that. But, from the numbers I've been told, I'm very proud of my performance (from over a thousand in the initial application stages, to just under a couple hundred in this last stage, to only a very few dozen selected). In the new year, I'll get my specifics, and they'll let me know my dates and timelines to look at, and then I go from there, get trained up, and after hopefully excelling at the academy, I'll get my uniform and badge.

FREAKIN' AWESOME!!!!! I'm finally gonna get to shine and use my qualities and skills as a Police Officer!!!

Sorry for the long and bibliographic post. But, man.....BEST. CHRISTMAS. EVER.



Let me know if you need any questions answered. I have been serving for 16 years in the CF. The last 3 as a Firefighter. When does Basic start in St Jean?

I can help you get some on the job training after you complete your Basic trg and if your MP course in Borden does not start right away. I worked in Borden with the PATs for 6 years. PATs is something you will learn about soon enough

Depending on what element you have chosen (Army Air Force Or Navy) will depend on if you have to do a SQ course for 6 weeks and you will also have to take a driving course to get a military Drivers License

I am going to be in Borden from mid Jan to May on a course. I should see you up there

Let me know just before you get to Borden


Let me know if you need any questions answered. I have been serving for 16 years in the CF. The last 3 as a Firefighter. When does Basic start in St Jean?

I can help you get some on the job training after you complete your Basic trg and if your MP course in Borden does not start right away. I worked in Borden with the PATs for 6 years. PATs is something you will learn about soon enough

Depending on what element you have chosen (Army Air Force Or Navy) will depend on if you have to do a SQ course for 6 weeks and you will also have to take a driving course to get a military Drivers License

I am going to be in Borden from mid Jan to May on a course. I should see you up there

Let me know just before you get to Borden

Thanks ND.

My wife and I have some friend's, and this girl's brother is in right now doing the same as you. Don't ask me where. I could send you a PM, and you might know him - he's been FF for about 2 years and a bit now, I think.

Basic and QL3 (Borden), I'll find out the dates in the New Year. Don't have a 100% positive on that yet. Looks to be mid-spring, if all goes well / to plan.

Thanks for the OTJ offer - I'll definitely look to follow up on that. If you're talking PATs as in PPCLI, I get cha. Otherwise, no idea. :rolleyes:

I choose the Army element, but who knows once I get my paperwork, it could end up changing (though I hope not). Yup, knew about the other stuff. A bunch of the guys on my SAR unit are RCR (my specific team started as a special volunteer organization between some locals from Wolseley Barracks in London, and grew and developed from there).

Thanks again for the kind words and offers. I'll keep all posted in this thread maybe.


Congratulations on getting your dream job. It is not often in life a dream comes true. Good luck and be safe.

:rolleyes::clap: GREAT, my friend and congratulations!!! My first thought was, "Well, how bad can it be - you're in Canada!" Not to say "things don't happen" anywhere...(*) On your first weeks on the job you're gonna feel like "Baby sitter of the World" that you'll have to be everybody's *guidance counsellor* *big brother* *surrogate father/mother *marriage counsellor* *disciplinarian... "come come, Johnny, you don't wanna DO that!" *psychologist *sometimes emergency medical tech* - quite a bit. But it will be both rewarding and exciting. You will have LONG periods of total peace/and you'll find you can earn your entire year's salary in just a couple of seconds. The main thing, just use wisdom and patience in most of your dealings. Most people can be talked down in just letting them talk it out - blowing off steam. Others, well - you know. Keep the faith, dear heart, and again CONGRATULATIONS! :clap::clap:

Great news and congrats! Cigars for us all???


It's great when a plan comes together like this isn't it? Congratualtions on your success!


Excellent news and congratulations, the only thing that I did not read about was what cigar you will be smoking to celebrate.

Again Best Wishes and have a Great XMAS


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