Getting to know each other's Avatar/Name

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I was excited for a second I thought Smithy was posting

My avatar of Anthony Bourdain symbolizes a person that has recongized his faults, owned them, made amends, and is a man of the people. He achieved success in his own way and on his own terms. He ta

Cool thread. LordAnubis because i am a HUGE Stargate SG-1 (and Atlantis and Universe) fan and i liked the Anubis character. Sometimes i use a username of CommanderThor. Another cool character on the s

Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan Maria Ramirez idd.... iddy.... idiots... "its for you!"

Mate I have been meaning to talk to you about your Avatar since you came on board. Two of my favorite movies as well. Cheers, Piggy


"ah look one bastard goes in another one comes out"!

Awesome stuff,



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... and Shorty?




Sorry Shorty... -LOL

I could do this all night!


Do you like music with your meal Tuco?

yes music berry good for the digestion.....

(wallace kickes Tuco's ass for 10 minutes)

hows your digestion now?

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You take pictures of people riding bicycles? :confused:

Oh, very droll. Actually, I used to, for racing coverage and such. But this one, someone took of me! (Any other cyclists here? I'm sure there must be...)

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  • 1 year later...

Thanks for the bump LeafLover...this is a cool thread.

My avatar is a play on two of my favorite hobbies salmonide fishing and spawning lol3.gif

My name is just my intials and last name.

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I keep meaning to post an avatar, but have not gotten around to it. It will be something related to FSU.

The name is derived from SOuth WEst GeorgiA (SO-WE-GA) which is where I grew up.

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Ill play.

Avatar is my method of escape my lovely Honda CBR.

And my name has been with me for years, here in Canada there used to be a cartoon called " stickin' around " and growing up one of the characters ( Bradley ) got tormented by a bully and called scradley, naturally my name being Bradley I inherited the nickname at a young age and its stuck since! lol

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My name is obvious. The picture I'm currently using is from Chaco Canyon in Northwest New Mexico, looking through progressive doorways in the great house Pueblo Bonito. These ruins date back to around 850 AD.

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My name is jazz because I play and like jazz (gypsy) and monkey cuz I play and look like one. Pic is obviously me at my best tearing up a Django lead ;)

Real name is: JS (trust me easier than the full name)

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The name Reevzy comes from a mate of mine commenting on an RAAF Mustang jumper I always wear that is dark blue with red sleeves. Red sleeves became Reevzy.

I then came up with the name Jack Reeves as my "internets" name which I use for forums and filling out forms that aren't important.

I use my real name, Gary, for filling out forms that are important.

My avatar is a crappy photoshop that a mate did of me many years ago, we'd paste each others faces in all sorts of weird and wonderfull heads, circumstances and..... erotic scenes

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well my name is Riaz so that explains my screen avatar was before sherman from the seahawks, and now i just changed it to a picture of myself and my partner in crime...probably when nfl season comes back i'll have some kind of seahawks avatar again

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My screen name reflects the fact that I am a cigar man originally from Upstate New York. My avatar is the album cover art of Heaven and Hell by the band Black Sabbath, probably my favorite band of all time, Great album by the way if you are into heavy rock. And my real name is John. Cheers!

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"Rye whiskey, rye whiskey, rye whiskey I cried, if I don't get rye whiskey than I think I may die.

Well if the oceans was whiskey, and I was a duck, I'd swim to the bottom and drink my way up"

And the avatar is me, playing with my camera... I do that lots.

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The euphemism " Duxnutz " is an Australian colloquial expression used when something is really good. I used it a lot when I moved to Milwaukee as a younger lad and so Dux became a nickname of sorts. As for the avatar, who didn't watch Warner Bros cartoons as a kid?

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