Getting to know each other's Avatar/Name

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I was excited for a second I thought Smithy was posting

My avatar of Anthony Bourdain symbolizes a person that has recongized his faults, owned them, made amends, and is a man of the people. He achieved success in his own way and on his own terms. He ta

Cool thread. LordAnubis because i am a HUGE Stargate SG-1 (and Atlantis and Universe) fan and i liked the Anubis character. Sometimes i use a username of CommanderThor. Another cool character on the s

  • 8 months later...

Interesting stories here, I tell mine shortly.

Nickname. Letters dB stand for decibel because I dislike silence. My neighbors dislike me. The numbers reveal the year of my birth.

Avatar. My cockatoo with a "What's going on?" look in her face. She has a loud voice.

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Avatar is a pic of me smoking in my former local b&m before I left Houston for Mexico. My name is Rush, and friends have always called me rushman so that was easy.

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Nice Bump Leaf.

The name OCD has to do with my name as it is Oliver Chang and people used to tease/joke (or maybe not) that I have obsessive compulsive disorder. I thought it was fitting with my intials and personality. <-unfortunate i know :covereyes:

My avatar is a pic of myself when I went with some friends early in year to San Francisco. (first time there) I had a stogie and some Macallan at a cigar bar, which led me down the path of enjoying and collecting some Scotch.

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MY screen name is my first name Riaz and the intial for my last name P.

My avatar will be changing but will always be sports related. Currently the english flag with the rose to support englands campaign in the Rugby world cup. after thats over i'll probably switch over to something Montreal Canadiens related.

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Avatar : just like the pic

Screen name : I am extremely extremely creative.... G is the initial of my first name... I too thought that I was creating an account that I would never coma back to. Too many useless forums out there.... As you can see, I have not left... And you're not about to get rid of me...

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Avatar is one of the stock ones from the forum.

I drive a Lotus Elise and I am a guy, hence the name Lotusguy - real name Claus. I use this name on many forums (except the Lotus forum ;))

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I played hockey as a kid, and of course i played the goalie. It didn't become a nickname until when i was around 14 or so i got a CB radio, and used to mess around on it. Well everyone used a handle, not their real names, so i decided to go with goalie. I added 204 to it when i started posting on cigar forums because 204 is my area code in my province of Manitoba :)

My avatar is simply metal horns - from wikipedia: "the sign eventually came to signify, variously, that the one gesturing is rocking him or herself, is encouraging the recipient of the gesture to rock, and/or that he/she emphatically appreciates the rocking that has already commenced." To me it simply means "I love heavy metal :)"

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The name is laficion,

Aficion means PASSION in spanish. In french, we say L apostrophe, aficion, meaning "the passion"

This has been the case for the last 40 years, contrary to Piggy, I've seen many ups and even more

downs but the passion is always there , for the better or for the worse. ;)

I created a cigar club 17 years ago and named the club "L'Aficion du Havane".

My Avatar is simply an animation of a cat that I found funny and for the moment, it fits well . :)

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My avatar is the coat of arms of my hometown Stuttgart/Germany and my handle has it's origin(at least for me)as a tradesman in Germany.Everything had to be precise in corners.No crisscrossing of cables or conduits were allowed.With other words everything was square.

My real name is Hans-Jürgen but who can pronounce that,so shortform is Hans.

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My last name is Jonas but with all the crap I get here in the states because of the Jonas Brothers I just went with MrJ

My avatar is a pic of the old shoe and I.

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My tag is a combo of my two favorite Mexican bandids on film..

Tuco from The good the bad and the ugly..

Mapache from the wild bunch

Both bad ass cigar smokers and great characters...

My avitar is of course Mapache with a drink, a honey and a cigar there somewhere...

To me the best western movies have heavy doses of trains, machine guns and Mexicans (smokin pre embargo smokes) ...

BTW my name is Joe from Mapache Territory

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My tag is a combo of my two favorite Mexican bandids on film..

Tuco from The good the bad and the ugly..

Mapache from the wild bunch

Both bad ass cigar smokers and great characters...

My avitar is of course Mapache with a drink, a honey and a cigar there somewhere...

To me the best western movies have heavy doses of trains, machine guns and Mexicans (smokin pre embargo smokes) ...

BTW my name is Joe from Mapache Territory

Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan Maria Ramirez idd.... iddy.... idiots... "its for you!"

Mate I have been meaning to talk to you about your Avatar since you came on board. Two of my favorite movies as well. Cheers, Piggy

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My avatar is a picture of me in a duck blind on the Salton Sea that we built out on the water. It's now partof the shoreline since the sea has evaporated a great deal.

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Screen name: Plato

My undergraduate degree was in Philosophy. Plato, and Aristotle, have always been my favorite philosophers.

Avatar: It's just a sweet photo from one of my favorite movies, Anchor Man.

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Screen name: Plato

My undergraduate degree was in Philosophy. Plato, and Aristotle, have always been my favorite philosophers.

Avatar: It's just a sweet photo from one of my favorite movies, Anchor Man.

I'm still waiting on the Ron Burgundy sequel...

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Being East Indian myself. I always questioned and laughed when reading your avatar name.

Great story !!!

My profile name was basically a random thought at the time when I signed up. I thought it had a nice ring to it

Great thread!

OK. My avatar is a picture of me smoking a Trinidad Robusto T outside of the Arena in Verona Italy this past September. As for the FOH name....sigh.....

One of my best friends is Indian(East). So he'd toss some words in our conversations just for fun. As an Italian I'd always get asked about what the best nasty words can be used for effect. He is basically obliging me with a few words as well.

Bund = "ass". Wallah = "person".

As big fans of Seinfeld we both enjoyed the episode where Kramer gets someone else vanity plates that said "Ass Man". So I put together the above two words to make "Ass Man" in Indian. (And forgive me. India has tons of languages and dialects. So the actual language escapes me. But I believe its Hindi.)

I created the username "bundwallah" as a separate email identity to sign up for free tech stuff, promotions, forums :no: etc so that my actual email address wouldn't get bombarded with crap. Over time I've managed it down to a somewhat useful identity and have kept my email accounts with that name clean. So basically, its my username for "fun stuff" on the Internet that I don't want to associate with my regular ID. It was meant to be a toss away but it's become handy. :D

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