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Hi FOH brothers,

Rehman's and other member's posts got me thinking. I am sure everybody has a beef with their own local/national taxes when it comes to CCs. But how bad is it in your own backyard and how does it compare with other markets?

Along the line of how much a Big Mac costs worldwide as a comparison point how about doing the same for a well known and popular cigar? Based on sales I would think the Monte No. 2 could be our Big Mac.

We may find out there is somebody out there worse off than we are :) My condoleances to whoever that may be! :idea:


Please keep in mind forum rule No.1:

"• No mentioning of sources, prices or any discussions of shipping methods, success, failures. Contact the vendor direct and do not put it on this forum. In relation to prices and sources this can always be done through internal e-mail between members which the forum supports."



tobacco taxes in Canada are crazy high, varies slightly between the provinces, but normally 70% - 80% taxes. Monte 2 in BC is $30/stick, Big Macs go for $4 I think, haven't had one in ages, although I do know you could feed a family of 4 at McD's for $30. In my opinion, nobody in Canada should complain about smokers being a burden on the health system, they've paid their excess medical premiums.


Looks like the Monte 2 is CDN$35 (US$ 34.33) according to one of the locals B&M website. Not sure what a Big Mac price is as I haven't bought on in a while.

So, is this ok mods? :idea:

Well, I don't know.

Rob doesn't specify, and I don't feel it's my place to interpret his intent - he's simply asked us not to mention prices.

I simply try to respect his wishes.


I don't have a problem with this as it is B&M and no vendors are mentioned. Convert to USD gents so get a uniform currency.

Big Mac $5 (I think)

M2 $33


When I bought all my cigars in London, CCs only made up about 1/3 of the cigars I smoked. Then I found Czar, and CCs are 95% of the cigars I smoke. I think that says something about price differentials (and service quality of course)!


To close this topic here is a summary of the responses (thanks to all of you who responded). The numbers are based on the Big Mac index as given in The Economist.

Big Mac:

- Worldwide prices vary significantly. If the US price is taken as the reference, the least expensive BM is found in China (40% cheaper) and the most expensive is found in Switzerland (80% more expensive). Based on local currency vs. the US $ as of October 2010.

Montecristo No. 2:

- Worldwide prices are remarkably close. If the US price is taken as the reference (black market of course), the price variances are all within plus or minus 10%. The most expensive Monte is in Australia (surprise?) and the least expensive is in Sweden (another surprise?). Again this is based on local currency vs. the US $ as of October 2010.

In terms that may be a little more "digestible" here is a comparison of working time in minutes required to afford these two delicacies based on Feb 2009 data (earning averaged over 14 professions) ;)

Big Mac:

- Global average working time to earn a BM is 40 minutes. Low is in the US at 12 minutes, high in Jakarta at 135 minutes.

Montecristo No.2:

- Again little variation here. In Sweden it will take 80 minutes to earn a Monte while Aussies will have to work 108 minutes.

Pretty close to a perfect steady-state system isn't it? Earning rate = Smoking rate !! :buddies::unsure:

Caveat: numbers to be taken with a grain of salt, a Monte No.2 and a good whisky.

The most expensive Monte is in Australia (surprise?) and the least expensive is in Sweden (another surprise?).

For me that is a BIG surprise!! :huh:

Would have loved though to hear from any brother/sister in Norway how the pricing on the MC4 is there. Should be way higher than Australia...

Thanks for summing things up! Very interesting indeed. :2thumbs:


Just to confuse you with more details:

Prices for Germany:

Monte No.2 = 16,62 $

Big Mäc = 5,- $ I think (I don´t eat fast-food)

Should buy more Monte No.2 before the cubans read my post… ;-)



That US price was way out there, we're paying less than 13 black market.

I feel really bad for you foreigners paying what must be exorbitant taxes

That US price was way out there, we're paying less than 13 black market.

I feel really bad for you foreigners paying what must be exorbitant taxes

This post cracked me up only for its American ethnocentrism. Here we have an American on an Australian's web forum referring to others as "foreigners" and telling them that he feels bad for them because it's so expensive for them to buy something that he can buy more cheaply, although it is actually illegal for him to do so.

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