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How many times has this happened to you? You notice your cigar has a nice length of ash extending from it. You think about tapping it off, but first you gently nudge it against the side of the ashtray. Resistance. Good! You proceed to take your next puff, then...PLUNK!...the ash is lying in your lap trailed by a powdery wake of black, white and gray.

I liken this phenomenon to riding a bike. Ride it often enough and at some point you're going to fall off. Same thing with cigars. Smoke enough of them, and you're inevitably going to get "ashed."

This got me wondering whether cigar smokers who like to let the ash go as long as possible are the "risk takers," while those who who've been ashed one too many times are the "protectors," ashing their cigars more frequently for fear of soiling themselves. Perhaps the latter group has developed "cigar ash paranoia," thus, becoming "ashophobics."

I believe the relaxation that comes from smoking a good cigar should be held accountable. You get so caught up in the routine of reaching for the cigar and bringing it toward you (perhaps you're in mid-conversation at the time), that you just don't realize how long the ash has become and...PLUNK!

In any event, although it's messy and somewhat humiliating, ashing yourself is no biggie. I've seen it happen to the best. So, take some advice from an old song: just pick yourself up; dust yourself off, and start all over again. :cigar:


When I'm sitting out on the deck, I just let the ash fall on its own accord. When I'm in the car I make sure I ash the cigar whenever the ash gets enough length that I think it might become unstable.


*Might be sacrilegious to you guys but as soon as my ask gets to about 3/4th of an inch - it gets tamped! I HATE ash spilling down my top, which it does if I'm distracted. I've got no contests, no "Hey, look how long MY ash is..." comparences or anything else to make with anybody.

*Might be sacrilegious to you guys but as soon as my ask gets to about 3/4th of an inch - it gets tamped! I HATE ash spilling down my top, which it does if I'm distracted. I've got no contests, no "Hey, look how long MY ash is..." comparences or anything else to make with anybody.

LOL. What Cig, the boys' don't want you to show them up?!?! :cigar::P:D


I took the nick I usually use from the expletive that came from dropping ash on my bare chest...Ouch!

I take somewhat better care nowadays... B)


I love cigars, the act of smoking, the ritual, and all that it entails. It chagrins me not in the least to drop 2" of fine Havana ash on my clothes...when I'm smoking on my porch at home. And I can't count the number of times ash has dropped on my laptop keyboard while I'm working. It is just one more gift that my cigar gives me. The aroma for my nose, the taste for my palate, the warmth for my fingers, the tingle for my lips. You can keep your fancy rings and pearl necklaces. This is the kind of smokin' man's jewelry I'm not ashamed to wear. B)



If you commit yourself to the ash tray and you find resistance from the ash, thats it your committed you bust that ash off and tell it who's boss. Ash look a hell of a lot better at the bottom of the ash tray than it does all over your clothes.

Count me as another who gets the ash before it gets me.

*YA-A-A-Y!! I didn't think I'd find a fellow non-four inch ash contester like myself! THANKS!! ;)


I've had a rather unpleasant experience of not ashing myself, but getting the ash in my accompanying scotch. Such a waste of good chivas. My friends seemed to kind it hilarious ;)


I thought this was a thread about the worries of going to prison... then I looked more carefully... ohhhh, ASH :P

I like a long ash, but if I'm indoors (rare) or sitting outside, I take care of it before it takes care of me. On the golf course, I'll let it go. The drives never seem to go that long, might as well see if the ash can.



You're only a casual cigar smoker till the moment you've ashed yourself. In a moment of true and honest bliss when nothing is on your mind but the great flavors of the cigar you're smoking getting ashed is inevitable.

That being said, nothing pisses me off more than having to clean up ash thats broken down into a million pieces, especially if it's all over my clothes and chair.


I've smoked CCs for many, many years and whilst I generally have an idea when the Ash will fall, I still like to tempt fate and play what I call 'Cigar roulette' and try to smoke and see how far I can go before it drops. :lol3: Generally I do wear the ash but it's an additional bit of fun I have whilst relaxing out doors with a cigar.

By the way, a great topic. ;)

I've had a rather unpleasant experience of not ashing myself, but getting the ash in my accompanying scotch. Such a waste of good chivas. My friends seemed to kind it hilarious :rolleyes:

Happened to me a couple of times. I hate it when I mistaken my drink for my ashtray when I'm not paying attention or ashing mid-conversation

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