Cigars and Light-Headedness  

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As for me, after smoking cigars for over a quarter of a century, I still, from time to time, experience a sensation of head spinning while or after puffing them, so I ticked Occasionally. This is one of the potential discomforts associated with puros, but the pain is overlooked in the gain of enjoying some fabulous smokes without untoward side-effects.


It happened to me once when I smoked my first Anejo 77 "shark".

I guess I puffed too often so I started feeling a little dizzy,it was a very strong cigar.


Only because of the dozen bourbons I usually have in me at the time. >_> I don't think I've ever had one sober. 'Cause if you've got time to smoke, you've got time to drink! :)


A bit like you Leopoldis,now and again,if I have been puffing a bit too much,or I take too much in...


Nausea? No, but I have felt a little light headed after smoking a cigar too fast. (One must make sure to breathe between puffs :) )


For me, it depends on the cigar and the time of day...sometimes I am looking for that slight, relaxing buzz. This thread reminds me of an old movie where the doctor asks the patient whether he suffers from dizzy spells. The patient says "no" and the Doctor responds..."I enjoy them, too."


*Dizziness and lightheadiness is EXACTLY what I want a cigar to do to me! Yet, they seldom do that to me anymore. The ones that HAVE recently is the Padron 45th Family Anniversary. I was in LOVE! The only ones before that was the original 1993 LaGloria Cubanas manufactured in Miami. Man, do I miss those head-bangin' bombs! :)


I've never had nausea from a cigar except for one that tasted like :) . The most I've ever felt from a cigar is something similar to having a glass of three fingers of a high proof liquor. So I'd have to say a very slight buzz.


I got a little nicotine poisoning very early on in my cigar career. Learned quickly to have something to eat first and accompany with something sweet to drink. No problems since.


Only thin that makes me dizzy while smoking cigars is the bourbon/rye/rum I drink... Not all at the same time, of course.


Never had a cigar give me nausea. Vary rarely have gotten a bit of pleasant light headedness or dizziness. I particularly remember setting on Arlin Liss's porch enjoying a young PSD3 EL. When I stood up I Really felt a buzz. Not a bad feeling, but a distinct non-alcoholic high.


I clicked "very rarely". For me, I'll get a slight dizzyness, and sometimes just a hint of that nausea feeling. Not really a light-headedness, but definitely something that made me back off a bit. For me, it's something that's only happened about once out of every 50 cigars or so.

It happens on the odd occasion, only when I get a really potent and sometimes overpowering stick. I've had it from time-to-time years back with some hugely full-flavoured Partagas 898's, and even some potent Partagas Serie D No. 4 when in Cuba last (very dark, aged ones). Recently, the only one that's done it to me since Cuba is the Trinidad Ingenios EL.

It's funny, as I don't get this even from multi-cigar days or evenings. Like the Toronto get-together a week or so ago - where I smoked a Trinidad Robusto T, a Cuaba Piramides EL, and a Bolivar Gold Medal - I didn't get any of a dizzyness/buzz from that.

I guess it just depends on your body's chemistry at that particular time, and the strength and power of that particular cigar.


When I was but a wee pup just starting on cigars. A LGC Super Habanero (7.5 x 46 short filler) from Miami.

I can still remember how bad I felt. B)

Any more, I occasionally get a little "high" feeling which is not unpleasant.


It occasionally happens to me. But when it does happen, I completely miss the buzz, and go straight into nausea. Makes me never want to smoke again, but of course its only the sick talking.


I am also one that gets the feeling rarely. I have yet to put my finger on it but I would have to agree that its just a random event which depends on my body at the current time.


Never nausia, but a fresh RyJ Cazadore or Tatuaje can make me a bit dizzy. Probably other Nicaraguan nicotine bombs would do it too, but I don't search for them.


Never seem to have an effect on my head, but they do sometimes make me jittery and shaky. Primarily if I've been smoking on an empty stoomach.

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