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Wow, sounds a lot like my camping trips. Rain & cold temperatures. glad you and the kids still had a great time though.

I wish :D

Alec and Fiona are camp proprietors ( lovely people) but bread milk and fishing lures are their only succor.

I wiped them out of their Jackal lures which were the only thing the fish were taking. I did take a case of wine and box of cigars ;)

Ha! Guess if it were, that would be a dream camp site, now wouldn't it?

BTW, so do we all get the run down of what El Presidente brings and smokes on a camping trip?

;) Glad everybody's back OK. Looks like you all caught a nice bit of delicious eats from the water! :D

Holy smokes! That's one big crawfish your boy caught there. I go to Houston every year for "mudbug" season. Can't seem to ever get enough of the crawfish boil with corn and red potatoes.


Welcome back and thanks for sharing photos of the week. I hope to take my little girl camping and fishing one day.


I am thinking that if you were nicer to Ken, his pixy friends would not take after you with a cricket bat and curse you with bad weather! To each his own I say but I am thinking that Ken might be on to something here!!! -LOL



Some of my fondest memories are some of the more disastrous trips spent with Dad out in the woods. I'll bet they would not trade them for the world. Thanks for sharing mate. -Piggy

I see you went with the 'wwII atlantic ocean camouflage' finish option on your kayak ;)

sky clouds and sun camo.

Apparently the fish ignore the outboard motor ^_^


Welcome back el Presidente!

Thank you for sharing the wonderful pictures of your camping adventure. You have a lovely family, and as one of the other mates already mentioned, the trying weather sometimes only adds to the memories you create for your kids to look back upon. It's great to see that you take the time to spend with your familly, when so many dads today are too busy, and don't understand the importance of that special family time. Well done indeed!

Thank you,


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