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There is something humbling about pitching a tent in the pouring rain. Actually it wasn't raining immediately...the skies opened up just at the point you have stretched your tent out and the internals of your trailer are strewn across the surrounding can't go can only go forward.

It only rained straight for the next 3 days. After that it was showery for the next 3 days. We saw some sun on the final day....before it started pouring as we packed up to come home :D

Actually had a great time with the kids who thoroughly enjoy going fishing and camping. My wife and daughter left for home after the first few days. my wife appalled that this could be considered fun and my 13 year old daughter Beck left with her after a philosophical argument as to why we kept 2 fish the previous day for dinner. She is now vegetarian. Again.

Camp Ayala


The Fishing canoe ready to go


Fishfinder showing activity. Predominantly Bass and Yellow belly. Slow to bite as the water 2-3 degrees celsius lower than normal.


Tom and his Yellowbelly


Ben is on!



Tom and his double


Bringing the pots in for freshwater crays.




We managed to get a fire going a few nights. The kids were impressed how I could get wet timber to burn. When they were out collecting timber I would douse the the fire with petrol and light it a few minutes before they got back.


We did see the sun on the final day!


It is great to spend time with the kids and refocus on the family for a time. Thanks to Lise and smithy for picking up the slack and doing a great job. same to the mods.

Great to be back!


Too bad the weather didn't cooperate. But, by the smiles on your boys' faces, looks like they enjoyed.

BTW, did you go into the office yet?


Welcome back. Now that was pretty neat and thanks for sharing the pics. What a great father son bonding experience. Good show!


Ayala, I didn't see you in one of those pictures? Did you send along a replacement, "Be a father for my family so I can have a week off from work and the family" program?


terrifying how much the two kids look like rob. poor bastards.

and seriously, where did you go? pakistan? because there was lots of talk about rain and a few small showers but bugger all else up here. maybe a few one day (when i was in sydney getting sunburnt).

you'd be going for a gold in the c/wealth games whinging for adults, wouldn't you?

and thanks to smithy? he still hasn't done the video we shot before you went away.

as expected, the moderators held the place together.

but good to see you back safely.


Well done, Rob. The boys look like they had fun, and that's all that matters - that you all came out of it with a fun experience. Kudos on you all for sticking with it as much as you did.

Next time you and the family decide to come up Canada ways, I'll take you out camping up here if you wish - giant fish, beautiful landscape, and depending on the time of year, all the blackflies you can handle (summer) or all the snow you could imagine (winter). Canadian camping/backpacking/survival outings ROCK!!! (That's why we're such excellent drinkers too - we need to be drunk to cope!)

And it's nice to have you back - Ken is still waxing poetic about the insanity of the Catholic Church. We needed you back, buddy - reign that leash back in! :thumbsup:

All jokes aside, well done, and I'm sure you're proud of your family at the end of it all. You're a very lucky man, and I look forward to the day that I get to take my son out fishing and sitting around a campfire. Kudos.

That's my umbrella.... wondered where it got too LOLOL

Honey, it plugged up a gap between the two tarps :thumbsup:

Smithy, you will see the diligent use of Occy straps around the tent. Duck tape and Occy Straps.....up there with penicillin as the great discoveries of man.

Brendan...thoroughly enjoyed the box of Magnum 46's I took up. Rich, perfect.

Ken, Boondoomba dam reached 100% full while we were there. The locals had a party celebrating the milestone. I didn't attend.

Great looking kids!

Smithy, you will see the diligent use of Occy straps around the tent. Duck tape and Occy Straps.....up there with penicillin as the great discoveries of man.

I stand corrected no other person I know uses an Occy for so many different functions than yourself. So even though you didn't appear in any pictures, your finger prints are all over that camp site.

I stand corrected no other person I know uses an Occy for so many different functions than yourself. So even though you didn't appear in any pictures, your finger prints are all over that camp site.

Final proof.



and note the diligent use of Occy Straps on the canoe :thumbsup:


My God Rob you look like a Collingwood supporter in the photo of you holding up the fish :D

I had entered the feral stage of camping by that point. Only thing missing was the banjo ;)

you put training wheels on a kayak?

The outriggers allow me to Fly fish (actually two can do it comfortably).

When it warms up let's do Wivenhoe Dam together over a weekend.

The outriggers allow me to Fly fish (actually two can do it comfortably).

When it warms up let's do Wivenhoe Dam together over a weekend.

in which case, i'm all in favour of training wheels.

literally just ordered the new trout reel for the 5-weight so very excited.


Prez, couldn't help but notice in the tent picture, there seems to be a building or structure of some kind in the upper right corner of the picture, which would make it situated behind the tent.

That couldn't possibly be a building that houses an establishment where they serve adult beverages or cigars, would it? :D

Prez, couldn't help but notice in the tent picture, there seems to be a building or structure of some kind in the upper right corner of the picture, which would make it situated behind the tent.

That couldn't possibly be a building that houses an establishment where they serve adult beverages or cigars, would it? ;)

I wish :D

Alec and Fiona are camp proprietors ( lovely people) but bread milk and fishing lures are their only succor.

I wiped them out of their Jackal lures which were the only thing the fish were taking. I did take a case of wine and box of cigars ;)

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